Rig Manager not seeing KPA, cannot update rig manager (Win 7 64bit)

  • Hey everyone, it's a TWO FOR ONE deal!

    I mistakenly posted in a mac thread regarding the exact same issue. Here's what's happening:
    When I open rig manager, it will allow me to select and audition profiles on my KPA however, when i click on "My profiler" it will not show me the profiles (987) that are on my KPA.
    Also: When i attempt to update rig manager i get "Ended Prematurely" every time.

    KPA firmware is up to date.
    I have Uninstalled Rig manager entirely, restarted, and tried a fresh install, to no avail.
    I have Uninstalled the KPA driver, restarted and re-installed, to no avail.

    Any assistance for these two issues would be swell.

  • Same problem here. Impossible to update Rig Manager 2.1. When I try to install it ends with "Rig Manager setup ended prematurely". I tried to uninstall the current installed version but it´s impossible too, after "uninstalling" it´s still on my computer.

    I installed lastest Windows 7 updates, KPA up to date, nothing solves the problem...

  • I've got the same problem. I tried cleaning the registry, running as administrator, changing ownership of system32 directory and files and manually removing everything I could find that was remotely associated with Kemper. Nothing worked. I finally installed it on another computer successfully but it's really inconvenient since that machine is across the room from everything else. Working as a system administrator this is the first time I've ever lost the battle with a Windows 7 machine. I wonder if it is a hardware incompatibility since the failed machine is a much older laptop while the working PC is a newer high end workstation. All that would be left to try is to reinstall windows which I'm not going to do.

  • Yeah the only thing i would say is get a friend with a lap top or another PC and test that baby...does it do the same?
    Prob the only way we can know at this stage, sorry to hear that man.


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Same issue here. After updating Rig Manager does not recognize either on of my KPAs. Running 64 Windows 7. Had to uninstall the update, and re-install an older version. Contacted support - no response after 4 days. Frustrating to say the least.

  • Same issue here. After updating Rig Manager does not recognize either on of my KPAs. Running 64 Windows 7. Had to uninstall the update, and re-install an older version. Contacted support - no response after 4 days. Frustrating to say the least.

    make sure your window 7 installation is up to date.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Went through this same issue with my MAC a few months ago. Support helped me and everything was fine.... but now although it recognizes my KPA, it won't let me copy/paste; make any changes through Rig Manager.

    Gary ô¿ô