New beta firmware released today.

  • My KPA freezed too after I tried to install 1,05.
    A power cylce helped and the KPA continued updating.

    I wonder if this could lead to the pop's?

    Do all users see this freezing?
    Was it freezing for the users without the pop's?

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    Great Profiles -->

  • There wasn't any freeze during the update here, there was a pause for a short while but nothing untoward, maybe a minute at most and it carried on as per normal. Didn't require switching the power off or on halfway through. I'm not getting the pops/clicks/gaps so far. But I do notice that switching between patches there's some crackle sometimes for the first little bit maybe reverb related? Of course it's also slightly annoying that it doesn't keep the place you are in the list of rigs when you turn it off (it comes back with the last rig, but if you try to navigate to antoehr rig you find yoruself at the start of the list of rigs, but it did this before).

  • Over 100 Kemper users here, probably 10 are having not "almost everyone".

    I haven't done the update yet, because of all the trouble with it. I cannot brick my unit since I really need it working. So I rather stay away from 1.05 and live with 1.04 right now until this is fixed. And I suppose there are some other people out there thinking the same way. Because of that I think if 10 out of 100 are having trouble that's quite a lot, especially when maybe only half of them have done the update so far.

  • @loulou 222: Are you working with stock profiles only or do you have imported rigs etc as well? I'm just wondering why some people (including me ;( ) always have freezes and other problems with new FW and others never have problems......

  • @loulou 222: Are you working with stock profiles only or do you have imported rigs etc as well? I'm just wondering why some people (including me ) always have freezes and other problems with new FW and others never have problems......

    I have internal profiles but also many imported profiles and I have no problem

    this is very strange ?(

  • Over 100 Kemper users here, probably 10 are having not "almost everyone". Agree that it shouldn't happen and the pop should have been picked up. The freeze is selective (most of people has updated without issues, including myself), probably something to do with failure in the file name translation from the old to the new format and linked to specific charachters/filename lenght.

    It sucks big time, but it has not wrecked all the units around....

    Well, I guess that's a point to start the search: Filenames/dates get somehow changed during this update.
    Can anyone here confirm what happens to names and dates, please?
    I have some rigs with exactly the same name, they have just different dates/times. Maybe I should rename these, to make a difference. What else? There has been a midi issue in an earlier FW when two following blanks are in the name. I go searching for names like that. I go changing rare characters like .-?&%!":-)
    Anyone with some more ideas what to try?

    And please, if someone with a freeze got 1.05 running now, just tell us what you did.

  • The new user Timo :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: spotted that is actually not a freeze, if you push the 4th soft button after a little bit it just boot up normally.
    This is again the same issue that was showing up with rig import and rig
    delete: the dialog window ("ok") not showing up.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • There wasn't any freeze during the update here, there was a pause for a short while but nothing untoward, maybe a minute at most and it carried on as per normal. Didn't require switching the power off or on halfway through. I'm not getting the pops/clicks/gaps so far. But I do notice that switching between patches there's some crackle sometimes for the first little bit maybe reverb related? Of course it's also slightly annoying that it doesn't keep the place you are in the list of rigs when you turn it off (it comes back with the last rig, but if you try to navigate to antoehr rig you find yoruself at the start of the list of rigs, but it did this before).

    It will load the last rig AND! be on the right position to navigate forward and backward only if you select "Rig Autoload" on the third page of the system settings :thumbup: a bit strange but it works 8o

  • I tried once again to load the latest firmware but no success.
    Just get the SOFTWARE ERROR screen that I emailed support about the very first day after the release.
    Now I am back to 1.04 and everything works.
    Damn those irritating bugs.... :thumbdown:

  • I don't know how many people have problems. My supportticket# is 55, so that's not much. Bad thing about it is, that I can make my tries in the evening, when I'm off from working and they can respond only over the day while working. We can not reach each other so fast...

  • What did you change the third try? Did you do three times the same steps? How did it work, did it just boot up fine and that's all?

    To tell the truth i dont know if i did something diferente, but i did press the system button for some time on one of the times (i think when it crash) .

  • as it turns out, some of you discover an issue with firmware 1.0.5. it appears that after installing the new firmware, your profiling amplifier hangs ("freezes") during boot up. what you discover is just a longer boot up process which might take more than a minute. consequent boot ups will be of the same speed you're used to.

    if you're sitting in front of it, wait for the KPA to boot up, please wait for two minutes and then hit the rightmost soft button above the display (in case nothing happened in the meantime).

    hope that helps,

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here