latency of the exp pedals problem Edit: could be a problem of my unit Edit2: well it's not

  • Hi, when I bought this lovely thing called the remote, it was for the best compatibility possible and to don't have to use my old pedals (wah,whammy, volume).

    I must say i really like the kemper wahs and whammy when my exp pedals are plugged in the back of the kemper but it's almost unusable when they are plugged into pedal slots of the remote.

    I really thought it will be better with an update and couldn't believe that the latency will stay so terrible but a lot updates comes since i've got mine and the latency through the remote didn't get a lot better...

    Must I go back and use my old wah&whammy ? ;( (i won't buy long cable to put direct to the kemper back, annoying and ridiculous) or is there a possibility that this latency become like when you plug you exp pedal in the back of your kemper ? (considering the age of the remote i've got serious doubts but can't still believe how bad it is for a dedicated (and exxxpensive) controller...

  • I don't experience any latency using exp pedals plugged into the remote. Have you contacted support? Maybe you have a faulty remote unit?

    Hello, i must say no cause i remember read a lot of post from users having same latency differences between remote and Kemper so i don't think (may be wrong) that there were a lot of remote that doesn't works correctly.

    I think maybe some people have more tolerance with latency ?

  • Hello, i must say no cause i remember read a lot of post from users having same latency differences between remote and Kemper so i don't think (may be wrong) that there were a lot of remote that doesn't works correctly.
    I think maybe some people have more tolerance with latency ?

    regarding "tolerance with latency":

    In my case, I am 99% sure there is no latency (I leave 1% because, well, I don't have any accurate way to measure it per se). Example:

    - using as a wah: pedals behaves pretty much exactly like my real cry baby wah does (except slightly different sweep because the real cry baby pot is non-linear), and with correct wah settings in KPA, also sounds almost exactly the same
    - using as volume pedal: volume swells in naturally as I rock the pedal forwards from heel to toe

    And finally, and please do check this on your KPA:

    - when i go into the System menu page for configuring the pedal (example if connected to pedal 3 input on the remote, then it would be System menu page 8), as I rock the pedal from heel to toe and back, I can observe the "calibrate" bar moving on the KPA in exact synch with my movements. So I can visually "see" there is no latency noticeable.

    Please try this same test on your side and let us know whether you move your pedal and actually can observe some delay before the calibrate bar moves on the KPA. You can also do this on page 5 of system (Pedal Links) and see if the bars move in tandem with your pedal movements.

  • Latest OS?

    Yes I always do all the updates.

    Mmmm I begin to think that there is a problem with my unit (and with all of the units of people noticed differences between remote plugged into kemper or remote) I'll wait a little for more feedback then will contact Kemper team.

    here a post from Tchaz66 and i'm in the same case apparently (sur to read a lot more at the bigening)

  • I have latency with my Mission attached and used as Wah, but I have it set up as a Morph pedal and have morph to wah checked. Apparently, this might cause extra latency, though I haven't tested it yet. In your case, it might be beneficial to set them up as dedicated to only wah and pitch, if you otherwise have them set to multiple functions. For the record, the lag when connecting to the dedicated expression ports on the back of the KPA is as good as zero, whereas when connected to the Remote it can vary between workable and utterly confusing, depending on the complexity of the operation at hand.

  • I have latency with my Mission attached and used as Wah, but I have it set up as a Morph pedal and have morph to wah checked. Apparently, this might cause extra latency, though I haven't tested it yet. In your case, it might be beneficial to set them up as dedicated to only wah and pitch, if you otherwise have them set to multiple functions. For the record, the lag when connecting to the dedicated expression ports on the back of the KPA is as good as zero, whereas when connected to the Remote it can vary between workable and utterly confusing, depending on the complexity of the operation at hand.

    Hi, yes that's my experience but considering to all the previous answers we may have not good working units...

    "when connected to the Remote it can vary between workable and utterly confusing" totally my experience.

    My wah was volume to wah but know only wah (didn't noticed any changes) and other one was only whammy and know only volume (whammy seems to increase latency and not playable for me)
    Btw is there something to do to have a smoother volume course ? cause i found it to brutal and didn'find how to change it.

  • Hi all,

    The same here one mission pedal and one crybaby (modified) into the remote without any noticeable latency (and I am very latency sensitive).

    Did you try/test another utp kabel from the kemper to the remote? I don't know if that's a solution but you never know...

    Good luck with this issue.

  • Did you try/test another utp kabel from the kemper to the remote? I don't know if that's a solution but you never know...

    Good luck with this issue.

    Thx dredlock, I must say that I didn't try another cable yet but will try to find one to make some test today !!

    I let those problems under the carpet for a long time cause the differents users return at the beginning showed a global problem that everybody seemed to have that would/could change with an update. Also at this time I had just a crybaby modded like @sambrox (thx again) that I was not sure I did it right but since I have recently bought a Moog Ep-3 I can see it's not better at all !!

    You are confirming that we must be a few user that have a problem that the majority of people don't have (a latency difference between exp pedal into the remote and direct in the Kemper)

    I must say that I'm relieved cause my remote still on warranty cause I was a little angry about that so (after more tests) I clearly will contact the support to have a good working unit !!

  • I have experienced this problem as well, but I haven't had a pedal connected to the remote for a while.
    Also like Pixelman, I read about other people having these issues somewhere on the forum.
    I going to check if this problem still occurs with my setup.

  • So, I made a ticket for that issue cause some people seems to not have this problem and I got my answer from Kemper:

    "Pedals that are connected to the Remote exhibit a greater latency than pedals that are connected directly to the back of the PROFILER due to technical reasons"

    I which i knew it before buying it, for that price and what it does i feel a little bit angry and ripped off i must say...

    So now I jsut wonder if i buy a 3 long cables for wha/whammy and volume (morph is more ok with latency for me) even i think it's ridiculous and will be pissed off when i'll see those totally useless EXP in...X/

    I'll maybe will stay with my old whammy wha even that not what i wanted.

    The same here one mission pedal and one crybaby (modified) into the remote without any noticeable latency (and I am very latency sensitive).

    The good news in that case is that you're not ! :)

  • Try a POE. I dont notice a lag anymore with a POE to the remote.…&sr=1-1-catcorr