Can't believe this hasn't been discussed: Universal Audio OX box

  • Mine arrived today...I still love Kemper and will still use it for flydates...but not for recording anymore.

    GTR > Diezel VH4 > OX > CLR ii


    And don't even get me started on what Badcat Blackcat was like...

    Absolutely stunning!

    PRS Custom 22's - Fender Strats - Diezel VH4 - Carol Ann OD2 - Toneking Imperial MK2 - Colin the Kemper - CLR Neo ii.

  • Mine arrived today...I still love Kemper and will still use it for flydates...but not for recording anymore.

    GTR > Diezel VH4 > OX > CLR ii


    And don't even get me started on what Badcat Blackcat was like...

    Absolutely stunning!

    Any samples? I've been pondering the idea of switching to the Ox with Amps as well. Would lose recalling tones, amps i dont have (don't use the fx that much with my pedals)...longshot but if i sold my Kemper and my Fryette Power Station i might be able to get the Ox and one more nice amp with not much more to spend....hmm, choices.

    I found recording with the PS2-> though IRs challenging to get a heavy tone as well as a challenge to monitor in real time. The Kemper has some different things i don't like...but i'd probably also find some compromises with the Ox, so who knows.

    I wish UAD would create a plugin version i could use with an existing Reactive Load.

  • I have set all of sunday aside for OX noodling - so I will get a video made for you. I will try and answer the questions I myself had in the video, but if there anything you'd like me to explore then let me know?

    I was (like everyone) having major concerns about the price - especially when Kemper has, and still does perform beautifully in the studio.

    It seemed a bit ridiculous to buy something to fix a non-existent problem and I had in mind, if it was just JUST DIFFERENT, it would go back.

    The two things that made me take a punt were:

    1) I have been enjoying playing my tube amps at practice recently and I have fallen in love with them again.

    2) I have a small studio - and even though guitarists enjoy the wampa-thunka-chugga space-ship noises when I profile their amps - I know they still want to play 'their amp'.

    So this seemed a great way to achieve that and seriously, it sounds fantastic.

    PRS Custom 22's - Fender Strats - Diezel VH4 - Carol Ann OD2 - Toneking Imperial MK2 - Colin the Kemper - CLR Neo ii.

  • What makes the OX a bit different is that in addition to simulating 2 mics, it adds room mic'ing which uses UA's dynamic room modeling. It's a niche product, but from what I've heard thus far, it sounds pretty amazing. In my opinion, it's a bit overpriced though.

  • It's an attempt to fix the fundamental problem of the Kemper and every other amp sim and load box which is that there is no room in the sound. That totally tight DI/Pod like tone is easy to deal with in a recording session, but it sounds like what it is, i.e. a DI. It's great for modern metal, horrible for just about every single other genre that's ever existed.

  • What makes the OX a bit different is that in addition to simulating 2 mics, it adds room mic'ing which uses UA's dynamic room modeling. It's a niche product, but from what I've heard thus far, it sounds pretty amazing. In my opinion, it's a bit overpriced though.

    Depends on what you're comparing it's sort of marketed to go against the Two Notes Studio (though there are already complaints the Ox is limited in it's sampling rate compared to it) which is around $1800. The other big complaint with the Ox right now is there is no V30 4x12, and they've not said they were going to come out with more. To me it seems like a marketing opportunity to start selling more cabs, more fx (modeling all kinds of guitar effects as well). It will kind of suck for UAD users if you have to pay twice for plugins (one for Ox, one for Apollo) hopefully it doesn't go that way. It's not really a Kemper competitor for most people, unless you have a lot of your own tube amps and mostly record...which is pretty much all i use the kemper for (practice/recording).

  • Depends on what you're comparing it's sort of marketed to go against the Two Notes Studio (though there are already complaints the Ox is limited in it's sampling rate compared to it) which is around $1800. The other big complaint with the Ox right now is there is no V30 4x12, and they've not said they were going to come out with more. To me it seems like a marketing opportunity to start selling more cabs, more fx (modeling all kinds of guitar effects as well). It will kind of suck for UAD users if you have to pay twice for plugins (one for Ox, one for Apollo) hopefully it doesn't go that way. It's not really a Kemper competitor for most people, unless you have a lot of your own tube amps and mostly record...which is pretty much all i use the kemper for (practice/recording).

    I use the Two Notes WOS plugin at times and like it a lot. The room mic in the OX sounds more authentic to my ears, though. TN Studio is cool and all but I think it's overpriced, as well.

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    Saw this one, ironically (or obviously maybe)...i thought the real speaker sounded best. Then it was hard to guage in the mix...on a quick listen i kind of preferred the PS2 after that and the ox wasn't too high in the list. Would like to hear more and of course try the rest myself :)

  • For me, the real amp and the Kemper were the better options, they matched although I felt the Kemper had a slightly grainy quality to it's distortion compared to the real deal, subtle background fizz. The OX had much more of a DI sound to me, it wasn't bad it's quite usable and punchy which is good for cutting through a mix, but it was quite far from the real amp sound, obviously hard to compare when it's based on it's own IR's though. Based on the criteria of which track I enjoyed the most (because as they all have different IR's you can't easily compare anything else) or could listen to more times then I think the real amp took it. My ears didn't feel as fatigued after listening to it.