Better live sound with your Kemper

  • There are 2 sounds to be concerned with, the sound you hear to inspire you and the sound out front.

    The 2 are not always the same. The sound engineer will always control your FOH sound, even if you blast from the backline and its their role to balance it with other instruments, especially when there are 2 guitarists. This is actually my main concern and the one I have least control of. The best way to get a bad sound from the engineer is to tell them what you think...let them get on with it.

    If your base sound is good as per the start of this post, they will have to work hard to screw it up. I don;t change much eq wise at all, no tone shaping..

    I try to keep mine simple and listen if they have any comments but to date, since I've gone direct, no engineer has ever asked me to adjust my e.q. or commented that there is any issue...

  • Thank you guys, so… Finally, what you are suggesting is that I take the signal from the Allen and Heath ME1 > aux input - And mix it in with my signal which comes out of the headphone jack?
    Where are the parameters / controls that I can mix this? It sounds like a fantastic idea, I will even have my guitar in stereo if this will work !

  • Yep. The only downside that I can see is that you can't run the monitor feed from the PA in stereo AND use the effects loop at the same time. I don't use the loop, so it's great for me. Makes it really easy to practice along to backings etc as well.

    Plug your PA monitor feed into the Alternate Input and Return Input as a stereo pair, then go to page 6 of the Output menu and turn up the Aux Headphone volume. Voila!

  • Just make him split your guitar to another channel on the desk, and send that one unaltered to your in ears.

    I agree. Monitors & FOH should never be on the same mix in the first place.

    For monitoring, I run in ears in mix mode and run the rest of the band into one side and my guitar directly from Kemper monitor out to the other side of my in ears and it gives me full control of my guitar signal coming to my ears.

    ~ Marc.

  • [Blocked Image:]

    Life saver. I use main output to mixer, return to the rolls in "line level". Connect monitor output with cab sim to my instrument input. I do my own mix.

    I have to trust the FOH always. But i least play my KPA patches very confortable. And with monitor output i dial my own eq to roll some HF to my IEM, without affecting the signal to the mixer.

  • [Blocked Image:]

    Life saver. I use main output to mixer, return to the rolls in "line level". Connect monitor output with cab sim to my instrument input. I do my own mix.

    I have to trust the FOH always. But i least play my KPA patches very confortable. And with monitor output i dial my own eq to roll some HF to my IEM, without affecting the signal to the mixer.

    I would also like to buy this small mixer.
    Why not connect the kemper's stereo main out to the instrument input of rolls pm351 (Y stereo cable)? Do you use this kind of connection because the stereo audio signal from the rolls outputs is worse then kemper main out?

  • I would also like to buy this small mixer.
    Why not connect the kemper's stereo main out to the instrument input of rolls pm351 (Y stereo cable)? Do you use this kind of connection because the stereo audio signal from the rolls outputs is worse then kemper main out?

    I prefer to connect the main outputs to the FOH mixer. I don't care about monitoring in stereo. Both Outputs are great (Kemper and Rolls).

  • I always do my own inear mix. Everything else but my guitar and vocals i get from the foh but i only trust myself with the levels of my own instruments.

    But frankly, unless i am on a big stage, even with costum molded inears i can hear enough outside sound through them that i rarely need the rest of the band in my ears. I use inears to protect my hearing, and i very often see people playing crazy loud in their inear setups. Me, i like it quieter. Drums sound great attenuated 25 dbs. Why should i want them louder again? (if i am standing close to them that is).

    Just my own sound and my vocals if i am singing and then hopefully i will still be able to hear music when i am 80 years old.

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • Well..last saturday, i use my monitoring only for my kemper & voice. The other guitarist send me his guitar to hear it in some moments. But yeah...near the drums, it's not really necessary.

    BTW Amazing experience playing with my kemper live for the first time. AMAZING

  • Personally I do the opposite..

    I like a band mix in my IEM's so I can hear my guitar in context better and less faff with a separate mixer - attenuated drums are the same as having ear plugs in - always missing something.

    If you use a regular sound guy/PA then its usually a one set up thing otherwise its just something else top sound check, but it should be quick and easy.

  • Thanks for this tip! Can you explain like I'm five a bit? How do you leave it at neutral? Say I'm buying a nice Mbritt sound, or a John Mayer pack from ToneJunkies. How do I "neutralize" it? Just by putting EQ to neutral?

  • I love this; explain it like I'm five. We forget how much we know and take for granted.

    Much respect keem85.

    Well, I know very little :D And I often forget after a while if I haven't used it for some time :| I'm currently trying to figure out how people are getting good live/rehersal sounds from PA speakers. I'm struggling with it, so every bit helps. :)