Adjustable tapers for expression pedals

  • Yes, it is included in the latest release.

    I'm currently on OS and I'm trying out the CC volume pedal using a Boss EV-30. This is worse for me than it was previously. Even though the volume pedal value display is moving, I'm not getting any sound until about halfway up. All of the taper is gone completely and it's more like an on off switch. When you mentioned the new taper being in the latest release, what release are you referring to? This was back in April so I'm thinking it's in the version I'm using. It definitely seems like it's changed and not for the better.

    Can you please add some sort of curve adjustment for the CC volume and let the user decide what works best for them and their pedal of choice. A one size fits all will not work with so many different pedals from so many different manufacturers. The way I use the pedal to control sustain on a lapsteel might be entirely different than the way someone wants to use it for pitch bend.

    Out of all the amazing things the Kemper can do, it sure seems like it would be an easy task to add the option to modify the curve of the incoming cc info. Thanks!

    These profiles go to 11!

  • Guavadude have you tried changing the pedal type between type 1 and type2?

    I used to bemoan how bad the taper was on my Mission EP1. I was basically an on/off switch. I had it set to type 1 as the manual recommended. However, when I changed it over to type 2 it worked fine. Yes, the travel was still far too short to be much use for anything other than Wah but it made a brilliant wah pedal after the change. I now have a Boss FV500 for morphing and volume and it is working perfectly.

  • Yeah, Type 2 is better for me too. I recalibrated and that helped. The EV-30 is pretty good. Not exactly the taper I want but close. It comes on a little slow. So I'd like to goose the curve 20%.

    So I tried the FV500H which might not be the best choice since it's high impedance but there's an expression jack on it. It's taper is great when using audio ins and outs.

    As an expression pedal, it's taper is pretty far off and the volume comes on too quick. I'd like to decrease the curve 50%.

    That's my point. If I had some control of the curve, I could make any pedal feel great and dial it in to what I like to hear. I'd just like a knob with normal range set in the middle, then I'd increase or decrease the curve as needed.

    Also where I use the pedal might mean the curve needs a tweak. The way the pedal responds in Input location is entirely different than how it is responding in Post Stack location. Even changing guitars can affect how the volume curve reacts.

    It wouldn't take much adjustment and you'd be able to make your EP1 react like an Ernie Ball or a Boss or whatever you want.

    These profiles go to 11!

    Edited 3 times, last by Guavadude (May 22, 2019 at 7:06 AM).

  • Would be also GREAT to have a visual feedback on the display of the current value of the expression pedal (scale of dbs or 0-100 or 0-127 whatever). Sometimes is really difficult to set the right volume at the beginning of a song... yes we can check what time is it, please why can't we better control our volumes? Thank you!

  • Yes, i would love to be able to adjust the taper on my Mission pedal. Seems to do very little at the start of it's movement and then all loaded to the last half of its travel.

    Try changing pedal type from Type 1 to Type 2. My Mission used to be unuseable when set to Type 1 (even though the manual seems to suggest this would be the right type for the Mission) but when changed to Type 2 the taper works as expected. There is still the problem that the travel on the Mission pedal is to short to be any use for much other than Wah but as a Wah it works brilliantly.

  • Hi,

    I just wanted to reactivate this idea ;).

    It would be really great to have some sort of control over the curve that a volume/expression pedal (for any usage type) produces.

    As far as I understand, the values from the pedal are just reproduced as numbers 0-127.

    So the first thing would be to map them to the final values based on some sort of algorithm (linear, logarithmic, exponential).

    Then one could imagine some more control over the curve, basically like drawing a curve as one might be familiar with from image editors (

    Finally one could imagine even being able to control different frequency ranges in different ways. But that would be very advanced stuff and probably not of that much use. However, one might be able to get some interesting effects with this.

    I came to this because the pedal I am using results in a very narrow part where the change is very noticeable. However, just raising the Range is not effective since I then don't get the volume down enough to do fade ins without any noticeable attack.

    Does anyone else have similar experiences? Would that be helpful to anyone else or is this just me?

    Best regards,


  • OK, the reason I ask is because some pedals such as the Mission have a very short travel which can feel strange. I don’t think the Boss falls into that category though. I have a Mission and an FV500. I imagine your EV30 would have a similar length of travel to the FV 500.

    Have you tried changing the expression pedal type in the system menu from Type 1 to Type 2? I had an issue with my Mission where all the travel was bunched up in a narrow range just at the end of the travel. It was like using a volume pedal with a Y cable instead of a proper expression pedal. I finally managed to sort it by switching the pedal to type 2.

  • I too think this would be great. I remember having such options within my tc g-force. There one could put one or two points along the range 0-127 with whom I could adjust the progression of the travel like from 1-60 by moving the pedal 20% and from 61-100 with the next 40% travel and finally the last step from 101-127 with the remaining 40% of the traveling possible with the assigned expression pedal. So „taper“ was no real issue. Should not be a big deal as there is already a calibration which might be enhanced in the future.

    P. S. : Maybe a result of vanished racks in the past and the pedalmania...

  • OK, the reason I ask is because some pedals such as the Mission have a very short travel which can feel strange. I don’t think the Boss falls into that category though. I have a Mission and an FV500. I imagine your EV30 would have a similar length of travel to the FV 500.

    Have you tried changing the expression pedal type in the system menu from Type 1 to Type 2? I had an issue with my Mission where all the travel was bunched up in a narrow range just at the end of the travel. It was like using a volume pedal with a Y cable instead of a proper expression pedal. I finally managed to sort it by switching the pedal to type 2.

    I tried switching to type 2. That works better than type 1. It is however only better, not ideal. So getting some sort of editability would be great :).

    But thank you very much for the tip. That was really helpful.

  • I too think this would be great. I remember having such options within my tc g-force. There one could put one or two points along the range 0-127 with whom I could adjust the progression of the travel like from 1-60 by moving the pedal 20% and from 61-100 with the next 40% travel and finally the last step from 101-127 with the remaining 40% of the traveling possible with the assigned expression pedal. So „taper“ was no real issue. Should not be a big deal as there is already a calibration which might be enhanced in the future.

    P. S. : Maybe a result of vanished racks in the past and the pedalmania...

    I recall coming from the G Force to the Kemper and wondering "why can't I do this". I also remember being able to set upper pedal limits and lower pedal limits within the G Force as well.