Kemper Shocked USB Audio / Editor

  • You spent all that money before looking into what the unit does and doesn't do?

    I don't think you have any grounds to be dissatisfied.

    Set priorities ...... and help making a product better!
    Wrote this in Feature Requests to do so.
    Editor makes sense for this awesome product, USB Audio also!

    Is there also a rubric for useless comments? ;)

    "Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic!"

  • I agree about the editor, but usb audio?
    This, I believe, would probably, require a hardware update.

    Small Audio interfaces are cheap enough that if you can afford to buy a kemper, you can probably stretch to a small interface or sound card.

  • I agree about the editor, but usb audio?
    This, I believe, would probably, require a hardware update.

    Small Audio interfaces are cheap enough that if you can afford to buy a kemper, you can probably stretch to a small interface or sound card.

    believing is not knowing.
    If so, kemper could end numerous discussions with a statement regarding USB Audio.

    A small AI does not have the possibilities USB Audio has. Rest put in the rubric useless!

    "Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the Ark, professionals built the Titanic!"

  • But, to imply that, if you can afford a Kemper, you can invest even more is not helpful.

    Didn't imply anything and did not want to help.
    It was just a remark that this kind of communication style seems rather strange at first glance.
    Normal the newbies says hello or something like this.
    I think it is normal to expect that somebody know before what he is bying.

  • It is possible that an editor may come - if you search the forum there are several small threads and a massive one where it’s requested. Kemper themselves haven’t officially commented one way or the other about if an editor is coming. A lot of people want it, others aren’t bothered. I’m in the camp that would like one. I’ve had the profiler for 5 years now and it has steadily improved over that time period. As far as I’m concerned, the core sounds are the best there is. If you’re looking for weaknesses vs other products out there, the lack of an editor is one of them currently and with a bit of luck the company agrees with this but I’d they do not, unfortunately there’s little I can do.

    For a USB interface, it has been officially stated that this won’t happen. If this feature is a ‘must have’ for you, unfortunately you’ve bought a unit that won’t make you happy. Where the original reply on the thread was going with this is that an item as expensive as the profiler should not be an impulse purchase and it’s really worth doing research first to see if it will do what you want before you buy it.

  • Well I'm one of them that don't care about an editor but that's me. Usb? For that the Kemper would need to act like a soundcard too. I find it strange that someone can purchase something expensive like a Kemper and not read the specs first before any decision.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • There’s been lots of requests for an editor, hopefully it’ll come.

    Never seen anyone else desire usb. Seems pointless to me tbh.

    I’m with the others tho. Don’t buy a product and then be ‘shocked’. Research first and then buy what’s best suited for you.

    And please your tone isn’t helping. If you post on a public forum it’s nicer to be .... well, nice.

  • Wow, this post is actually shocking

    Tombilbo be good man, this is a great forum and you will find a lot of help here. Telelogic didn't actually say anything wrong.

    If you have the ability I would return it, download the manual, read the forum posts and then see if you want to repurchase. You have owned it for two days and in no way will you learn the depth of this device in that time nor will you understand how easy it is to operate.

    I come from a modelling background (not the sexy type but the Line6 type) and an editor was vital and extremely convention. I researched the Kemper and took the risk. Do I want an editor, yes absolutely as my Kemper is in the studio, then moved to a practice area, then to a studio to jam with the band. With an editor I could drop the Kemper rack on the floor, plug in the cables and I'm ready to record it wouldn't have to be next to me all the time.

    If I had an AX8 I would cry if I didn't have an editor and that's just from reading the manual. With the Kemper you soon learn to don't need one, it would just be convenient to have it.

    As for the soundcard idea I don't think that will ever happen. The Kemper is not aimed at kids playing in a garage, although I am sure some own one, but is aimed at profession studio musicians, professional gigging musicians and hobbyists with money and sense. I use a Steinberg UR824 which has a vast array of inputs and outputs, to implement the features of such a soundcard like this would be an entire redesign. Introducing a 2in 2out interface via USB would in my opinion distract Kemper from developing features we all want (better overdrive, better reverb, editor etc) and would not be used by a lot of owners.

    Anyway good luck with the Kemper mate and I hope either way it all works out.


  • Never seen anyone else desire usb. Seems pointless to me tbh.

    Fractal, Line6, Boss, ... Their products support USB audio.

    I don't need it, but the KPA is the only digital one I owned not supporting USB audio so I may understand the point.

    Well... I use it when available. It's useful with an iPad while working on songs or studying. Just the digital device, my iPad and headphones. Very portable.