How does Kemper go from cean to gain tones live?

  • You just do it :). No interruptions in the sound.

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  • Another way is using the morph feature to raise over a foot pedal to a higher or lower gain setting.
    e.g. have a look here

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  • Cool,.. I know it sounds weird to ask but for some reason on the Fractal you have to rig it a certain way to not have the gaps and it is still there a slight amount

    I have an FX8 and I have the same issue. You have to keep the same Delay block on the new preset in order to get spillover. Thank God for Kemper and the amazing spillover. I also like the morphing feature to go from clean to dirty or crunch to lead etc...all without dropouts or gaps in sound. The FX8 has been collecting dust ever since Kemper put out the new Delay's. I have the FX8 as a backup just in case I need to use a real amp.

  • Seconding (thirding?) the morph recommendation. I find that the KPA's stomps don't quite rise to the level of the best pedals, but using morph to increase gain as needed is a very cool trick! I tend to use it to boost above an edge-of-breakup baseline, but clean to gain works well too.