Remote shutting down and scrolling to 125th performance

  • Hi guys,

    I have got the issue with my remote.
    When I am in performance mode and I want to change my performance from one to another, sometimes my remote starts to shutting down for a while and when it reloads back it starts undesirable scrolling from my actual performance to 125th performance and I am not able to stop it until it reaches 125th (last) performance. Then it starts to react again and I have to manually scroll it back to my desirable performance. It is very annoying when it happens during gig.

    Do some of you guys have the same issue? How did you fix it? ?(

    I wrote also to the support, but I wanna really fix it asap.

    Thank you!


  • I get some infos from support center, but I am not much more clever in my situation. ;(
    The problem may be power supply, cable connection between KPA and remote, my remote is damaged or there is problem with operation system (I got the newest one).
    I know, that everything is possible and it is hard to say what is the cause without seeing it, but my KPA and Remote are 1 and half month old now and it is sad, when you buy amp in this price cathegory and it simply doesnt work perfectly. Every unit I use is original and new.
    And this problem has more people than me as I saw searching the forum. Something is wrong here :S

  • I had this happen to me yesterday morning. I switched to Perf 3, waited for my cue and then instead of the too-much-is-never-enough reverb & delay ambient sound I wanted, I got the default crunch sound. I looked down at the Remote & saw "125 NewPerformance."

    I have had this happen during performances at least 3 times since I got my Remote. This is across many firmware revisions. NB: I always use the Kemper cable during performances.

  • Man! Performance 3! I just realized it was always happed around this performance mode. First time (gig) switching from 3 to 4 and second time from 2 to 3. Magical? Mystical? :D I guess the problem really can be connected with the latest versions of operating system. But who knows

  • Got it guys!

    I was trying to repeat that issue and I found out, that when I push the "up performance" button together with "sound button 1" which is right under it on remote, it wil start rebooting proces and scrolling up to 125th performance. Hope this will solve also your problem. Question is, if it is possiblbe to stop it somehow (I don´t know, maybe with sthg in system menu), because it can happen anywhere and anytime. But I am happy, that I know the reason :D:D:D

    I have to say sorry to Kemper amps :whistling::saint:

  • Got it guys!

    I was trying to repeat that issue and I found out, that when I push the "up performance" button together with "sound button 1" which is right under it on remote, it wil start rebooting proces and scrolling up to 125th performance. Hope this will solve also your problem. Question is, if it is possiblbe to stop it somehow (I don´t know, maybe with sthg in system menu), because it can happen anywhere and anytime. But I am happy, that I know the reason :D:D:D

    I have to say sorry to Kemper amps :whistling::saint:

    You should make sure that support is aware of this, as I expect it's a bug. Good detective work!

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • I had this happen to me yesterday morning. I switched to Perf 3, waited for my cue and then instead of the too-much-is-never-enough reverb & delay ambient sound I wanted, I got the default crunch sound. I looked down at the Remote & saw "125 NewPerformance."

    Exact same here! I was worried something was wrong. Mine is brand new. But, it looks like @fufkis figured it out. Now I feel better.

  • Got it guys!

    I was trying to repeat that issue and I found out, that when I push the "up performance" button together with "sound button 1" which is right under it on remote, it wil start rebooting proces and scrolling up to 125th performance. Hope this will solve also your problem. Question is, if it is possiblbe to stop it somehow (I don´t know, maybe with sthg in system menu), because it can happen anywhere and anytime. But I am happy, that I know the reason :D:D:D

    I have to say sorry to Kemper amps :whistling::saint:

    @cantemir did you see this?^^^
    I had the same issue. This seems to be the cause.

    Edited once, last by dickjonesify (May 13, 2018 at 6:35 PM).