NAMM 2018

  • How about some people get a sense of humor! stop creating drama by taking humorous remarks and blowing them up. If someone in a product forum states they like the product better than other products, why should anyone be offended.

    If some kemper users want to Pat themselves in the back, in the Kemper forum and dismiss other products, why should anyone spin that into sinister tribalism. Aren't users allowed to be fans of a product or even a Genre of music, without being accused of sideswiping other products or music, by you.
    I thought that you work in Internet Marketing of musical products for "HOSA", I would have expected that you would understand that some fans' excitement doesn't need to be explained rationally as all these products have some element of personal preference.

    I'll let the guy who wrote it speak for himself, and he doesn't seem to mean it with humor:

    My point was there are those who claim they can here the difference because they have decided they can hear the difference.Many guitar players claim solid state amps can't sound good. Hifi nerds claims very expensive cables makes difference etc.

    As for the rest of the comment, I've never told people they couldn't enjoy anything if they chose to. Plenty of threads of people gushing over the KPA I don't try and hijack to convince anyone otherwise, nor am I the least preoccupied to. In fact, there are several threads even as of late where I've chimed in to help someone having trouble, or taken matter into the DM's to assist with dissatisfaction. Better to do DM's these days since the mere mention of certain things triggers a common theme. But since it's a forum, I do chime in when I feel there is intellectual dishonesty in certain matters. Others then chime in to share their thoughts as well, as they are free to do. Welcome to the internet.

    @nightlight :love:

    As for NAMM, I expect Kemper to have picks & pins.

    Edited once, last by MementoMori (January 21, 2018 at 7:30 PM).

  • I’m dreading that one final update. You know, like this is it: with this update, we have reached the maximum capacity of the existing hardware.

    It’s coming some day. I suspect sooner rather than later. Some of the FX are already taxing the system resources.

    Who says this?

  • Kemper will always be competitive, there will be more updates. There are currently Beta firmware so clearly there are things to come. However, even if it stops getting updates, it's still the most accurate and best sounding musical modelers to my ears, so I'm happy either way.

    Again my bet is that new updates will bring the Kemper further ahead of all current traditional mediocre old algorithmic modelers.

  • Wouldn't it be interesting if there was a new remote, that is loaded with FX ?

    Hard to imagine. The remote is beholden to the Profiler and the effects in the KPA aren't seen as top-shelf despite having some interesting delays. That's no slight, as effects are secondary in the Profiler world to replicating a signal chain, which is its bread and butter. Interestingly Line 6 is coming out with its own Helix effects standalone foot controller.
    [Blocked Image:]

  • See MomentoMori's post #168 and the new L6 HX EFXFloor controller pic he posted. Whislt I have no idea what Kemper is doing for NAMM 2018, I posted the bit below [edited] over in the TGP forums:-


    Re: the new L6 HX Pedal ..... " ... it would need to have an fx loop [my guess is %100 yes] ..... Midi I/O [my guess %100 yes] ..... Exp Pedal Input [my guess %100 yes] ..... the FX Loop in the KPA is movable per patch [yes - tick !] ....... you get all the Helix FX and Drives etc ..... and button dedicated scribble scripts .... and I think (?) it is the same price (?) as the Kemper [ "Dumb" <- as in switching only ] Remote ...... this imo would be an absolute "no brainer" Controller and EFX pedal for the KPA ... plus its super small !!!


  • I would be happy if they got rid of the dedicated reverb slot.

    That was one of the very first "feature requests" made 6+ years ago ... at has never been implemented ... and its never been explained "why" it has to be this way.

    As such, I dont imagine Kemper will change it now.

    Quite bizarre really.


  • I found putting a noise gate after the rig is better than in front of the rig. The typical amp hiss can be better gated with a 4:1 or 2:1 gate without squashing clean guitar sustain. Mine are set to mute when the guitar is turned all the way down. Problem is that burns a slot in the effects chain. And the "X" position is where it has to go. I'd be happy if you could move the input noise gate to the post rig position without burning an effects slot.

    I also end up using two stomp slots for wah and wammy, but then that leaves only two left. Some Comp or Treble Boost usually takes one. Then it could be a choice of Chorus or Pitch Effect like an Octaver...can't have both.

    So in reality, from my must have effects, I can only choose one pre stomp and one post effect with what's left. If Wah was standard without burning a slot (like the volume pedal), and the Noise Gate was moved to post rig without burning a slot, we would get one more open position in each section. That would help!

    Phil 8)

  • That was one of the very first "feature requests" made 6+ years ago ... at has never been implemented ... and its never been explained "why" it has to be this way.
    As such, I dont imagine Kemper will change it now.

    Quite bizarre really.


    In the beginning the Delay slot was also a dedicated slot but with the advent of the new delays that changed. There are indications that the same will happen when the new reverbs are made public.


    Mats N

  • Who says this?

    As I said, it's something I dread. Not something that I think is coming with the next update, I'm pretty sure that is clear. But one of these days, they are going to tell us, "Thank you, this device will not be developed further."

    There are already devices where there is a cutoff for how much processing you can do. For example, the AX8 and I think the Helix have a ridiculous message that says something like "Out of processing power".

    I have another device from Kemper Amps, an Access Virus TI Snow. It is an amazing synth. But it too has its limitations and will tell you when you are taxing the system too much. When that happens, voices get dropped and other insanity.

    As far as processing power, there are certain effects that add latency to the Kemper, for example, the transpose or pitch FX. I'm assuming this is on account of processing power, though perhaps it is on account of just the time required to affect the signal.

    That said, I have external gear that does not exhibit the same issues at least as far as pitch FX are concerned.

    There's also the issue of the Kemper lights working with a slight delay. Again, my understanding was that it is processing power related, since we do not have similar issues with many other digital FX.

    Suffice to say that I just do not think we will get updates for ever. The Kemper is already a mature platform in my opinion and I really could not want something additional at this stage.

    In that regard, I would be quite keen to see Kemper Amps come out with a "Kemper 2" platform that is capable of dual amps, or profiling an amplifier across multiple settings, or even realistic tone stacks.

    And as far as the development that is on the horizon, I am guessing reverbs, and believe me, reverbs are some of the most taxing FX you can come up with.

  • I would love a guitar profiler like Sim1 Xt... if possible included in KPA ? would be a dream Evrything that could transform an electric guitar, banjo:mandoline, oud, ... into an acoustic one for live use...

    I dream with you the impossible dream ;) (don quichotte)
    I think it would need the cabability for 2 Profiles at same time .
    But if Kemper is in the position to built a gear like this it would also be great.

  • Suffice to say that I just do not think we will get updates for ever. The Kemper is already a mature platform in my opinion and I really could not want something additional at this stage.

    Nothing is built forever. As long as Kemper gives me the tone I like, I can live with it.

    Having a second or more profiles at the same time will probably require a hardware update.

    The latencies of displays, especially on the remote, seemed to me to be more a necessary compromise on the interface rather than a problem of the Kemper's computing power.

    Reverb is quite resource intensive, but I think that an improvement is still possible with the existing hardware.
    I do not believe that Kemper can or should be able to imitate all developments on the effects market.
    There will always be specialists who can do it better. Even in studios that use digital modellers or profiler for guitars, many effects are already being realized with much more expensive accessories.

    I am pretty optimistic that the actual task of recreating a lot of great amps and providing enough good effects for live will be fulfilled by the Kemper for a while to come.

    Ash maybe would say: "Don't fear, drink beer" and I will fully endorse this advice. :)