Sole Guitarist In Band / Mono To Stereo

  • Who has, and is willing to share, the exact settings for a Kemper delay plugin to give me real solid stereo for direct to PA. Something that doesn't sound chorusy but realistic as if two guitarists were playing in unison. I messed with it for about an hour today but it just sounds off. Thanks.

  • If you find it, share it with me! I play in a band and am the only guitarist.

    Honestly, I don't believe that delay will ever achieve a decent double tracked effect. Add delay to guitar or vocals and it sounds like delay, not two tracks. Try the TC Electronic Mimiq for a quick double track fix.

  • Instead of Delay, try using Chromatic Pitch Shift, with both Left and Right set to "0" pitch shift. Use the "Detune" control to make the pitch shift on the left and right channels sound different enough to suggest two guitars. Too much will make them sound like two out of tune guitars ;)

    The new delays include Pitch Delays - try them, too. Have you tried "DELAY Double" in the Delay Rig Pack?

  • Paul, that is a good idea but what I really want is that slight separation between left and right. I tried the Free Delay plugin, as it's called, and set it up with about 18ms and it kind of worked but it still sounded slap back-ie. When mixing, I typically record one guitar track, double it and make them about 10ms apart while panning 100% opposite directions. That's good for recording but simulating that live in stereo doesn't work great.

  • I used to put a 15ms delay hard right and the original hard left when recording demos to save time. It always gave the impression that one side was louder than the other through. Any detune I try usually ends up getting to sound a bit like chorus when it is strong enough to be noticed.

    I am going to try the Kemper stereo widener next time I'm out for shows. I believe the effect adjusts eq differently for each side and you can set the level of this. I know it is more subtle, but you are safe in most situations. Many engineers will simply refuse to pan anything full width live and often PAs have phase issues if not properly maintained or set up.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5