The most compact rig setup

  • Hello everyone, I'm a future owner and I'm looking to what would be the most portable setup with the Kemper. I don't own a car and I'm in London so I need to use the metro to commute to gigs. If it's a bigger gig that I need to take a couple of guitars and maybe a slightly bigger setup I can always Uber it, but still I don't have space to hull around big cabs etc.

    what would a good portable size FRFR that I can purchase to go along with the Kemper.

    When it comes to the Kemper itself I'm thinking about going with the Powered version in case I want to use it with a cab, but my question is......does the Powered version have a "loop"?

  • From my experience a powered version (or external amplifier) is not necessary if you already have plans for a FRFR setup. I use an unpowered version and finally sold my Matrix GT1000-FX amp, because I didn't touch it any more after switching to a setup with Yamaha DXR10.

    Without doubt the DXR10 is awesome, but might be still a bit heavy (about 15 kg) if you have to go by public transport.

    Maybe you try out a smaller and lighter 8" FRFR system, e.g. FBT J8A J, Behringer B108 D or Alto TX8.

  • thank you for the fast answers guys. What I like about the powered version is that once I go on tour if I cannot take the FRFR I can just request a cab or even just hook up a Combo amp and use the speaker. How easy it is to convert the unpowered toaster to powered? maybe if I need it in the future I can get the mod done.

    Hey man, thanks for the advice, I checked the FBT J8AJ and the size seems great plus the price also since I want to get the Kemper remote, but I have some other questions:

    1- If I go with the unpowered woudl I be able to use the Effects Loop and connect a tube preamp (like JMP-1 for instance) in the Return Loop ? logic tells me this won't me possible since the unpowered version doesn't have a POWERAMP, but I might as well ask.

    2- Can I use any other Midi pedalboard to change channles and effects in the Kemper? I have a Nobels Midid board that I'm not using and I could make use of that and save some money on the remote while using that extra money on the powered version.

    3- finally do you find that going FRFR has the same feel as a cab? I just don't wanna feel like I'm playing a mic'd amp through studio monitors, even though it might sound good, it for sure lacks some OOMPH. I don't need the tone to smash my face but I'd like it to sound at least as good and powerful as a Deluxe Reverb or something. :)

  • thank you for the fast answers guys. What I like about the powered version is that once I go on tour if I cannot take the FRFR I can just request a cab or even just hook up a Combo amp and use the speaker. How easy it is to convert the unpowered toaster to powered? maybe if I need it in the future I can get the mod done.

    Hey man, thanks for the advice, I checked the FBT J8AJ and the size seems great plus the price also since I want to get the Kemper remote, but I have some other questions:

    1- If I go with the unpowered woudl I be able to use the Effects Loop and connect a tube preamp (like JMP-1 for instance) in the Return Loop ? logic tells me this won't me possible since the unpowered version doesn't have a POWERAMP, but I might as well ask.

    2- Can I use any other Midi pedalboard to change channles and effects in the Kemper? I have a Nobels Midid board that I'm not using and I could make use of that and save some money on the remote while using that extra money on the powered version.

    3- finally do you find that going FRFR has the same feel as a cab? I just don't wanna feel like I'm playing a mic'd amp through studio monitors, even though it might sound good, it for sure lacks some OOMPH. I don't need the tone to smash my face but I'd like it to sound at least as good and powerful as a Deluxe Reverb or something. :)

    1. - Yes. In the effects loop.Signal out of the Kemper will still need a poweramp though.
    2.-Yes to the midi board but the remote is really great.Cant recommend it highly enough.You could also get an ad on power amp (like Camplifier etc...) or just use a standard rack mounted single unit PA power amp (with an adapter if needs be) as I've done that too.
    3.-I use FRFR ( EV SX200s and 300's) as monitors sometimes ( usually in ears these days )and they work better I think because you don't have as much 'colourisation' of the signal through the guitar cab speaker.

  • If I was still gigging, I'd get a powered lunchbox and a Matrix Neolight. I'd probably buy both the 1x12 and 2x12 and use the one that's most appropriate for the venue. Cab feel on stage, cab sim to FOH if available.

  • In my opinion, if it comes to a compact rig, i would´nt plan with any monitor at all. I usually take my Rack, my remote and 2 guitars and thats it. The remote in a case in the left hand, the KPA in its rack in the right hand and both guitars in a double gigbag on my back.
    If i would go to any gig by public transportation, i would never want to carry a big, heavy box with me.

    For me simplicity beats everything. Every gig that i´ve played so far had monitor wedges which were absolutely useable. I don´t need any "perfect tone" for monitoring. I can rely on the output of the KPA and thats what important. The crowd has a good, clean signal. I just need to know where i am and how it sounds roughly.

    For a compact solution, i would go for in-ear monitoring. If you get a powered rack version you can put the in-ear sender inside the rack and have also the option to use a box if any available. There are some who put the remote in the lid of the rack. For small things i would put a drawer in the rack and everything is where it is supposed to be. That way you have everything as compact as it could get.

  • Hello everyone, I'm a future owner and I'm looking to what would be the most portable setup with the Kemper. I don't own a car and I'm in London so I need to use the metro to commute to gigs. If it's a bigger gig that I need to take a couple of guitars and maybe a slightly bigger setup I can always Uber it, but still I don't have space to hull around big cabs etc.

    what would a good portable size FRFR that I can purchase to go along with the Kemper.

    When it comes to the Kemper itself I'm thinking about going with the Powered version in case I want to use it with a cab, but my question is......does the Powered version have a "loop"?

    If you want the most compact setup, especially for someone who takes the metro, buy the Kemper and invest in some good in-ear monitors (triple drivers). Then you can just plug into the club's PA system for FOH, and your in-ears will be your monitors. You could fit your whole setup in a backpack.

  • If you want the most compact setup, especially for someone who takes the metro, buy the Kemper and invest in some good in-ear monitors (triple drivers). Then you can just plug into the club's PA system for FOH, and your in-ears will be your monitors. You could fit your whole setup in a backpack.

    I have some Ultimate Ears 5 Pro but I don't have a wireless system yet. It'll be an investment for early next year.

  • dude that's EXACTLY what I'm going after! that's what I'll create. Where is the remote pedal stored in? the guitar gig bag?

    I'm thinking about buying the Laney IRT-X since it's under £400 and it has very good reviews. the Yamaha DXR10 is like £550 here in the UK

    Everyting goes Into the kemper bag. The Kemper, Kemper Remote, expression pedal ep1, a crybaby wah modded as expression pedal and the kabels.

    For me this is the best setup. Inears is something I "can't"/don't want to play with. I want to hear the band and my guitar sound in the "open air". Otherwise it's like I'm listening to a CD and for me that's not the sound I like when I'm live onstage. But that's different for everybody I guess. So the Dxr10 is compact and lightweight enough for me and sounds awesome.

  • If I was still gigging, I'd get a powered lunchbox and a Matrix Neolight. I'd probably buy both the 1x12 and 2x12 and use the one that's most appropriate for the venue. Cab feel on stage, cab sim to FOH if available.

    I am using a similar arrangement, but I have the unpowered Neolight 1-12, the UNPOWERED lunchbox and I have a Kemplifter power amp Iminstalled into the lunchbox...

    For me, that config screams and is nice fat sound....


  • Here's another option suggested by a user some time back. I was looking for the most possible small yet effective solution just like you. To me it works brilliantly for home use, small gigs, rehearsals (haven't tested against a loud drummer, but if there's some kind of pa, no prob anyway) and it takes up very small space:

    This thing is loud (can handle a party), stereo (2.1), works for monitoring and a mic can be placed if needed. It even has a digital in (optical). And at home I can use it as a boombox. The KPA can be placed upon the marshall, though it's controls are on the top. Looks cool, too. Together with my laptop and a rather cheap Behringer interface this is my small living room recording setup. I'll add a photo asap.

    And for transporting I am looking into something like this atm, as it is cheap and functional (well, some kind of padding needed of course):…4011&psd=1&th=1

    I even got me angled cables and y-cables so I simply need to plug in the guitar and one power cord. Plus the recently released Tech 21 MIDI Mongoose which has a rather small footprint, too.

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band:[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...