Setting up a triplet delay

  • Have you guys played triplet delays in the past?
    Would love to hear some clips.


    This Diamond pedal offers 1/8 triplet delay. Starts at around 2:45, cool example around 5:39

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    Edited once, last by drog (August 26, 2017 at 4:28 PM).

  • 3/16ths ..? That's the same as dotted 8's ...? Is that what you're after ? use it a lot when doing U2 or 'that' country /les paul kind of solo ...
    it's definitely there in delay settings ...but if all else fails remember 60,000/tempo will give a delay time ...divide that number by four then multiply it by 3 ...

  • Could always use this calculator and deselect To Tempo.

    To calculate it's easy.
    But it is impossible to tap a tempo e.g. 180 bpm for a song you want to play with 120 pbm to get 1/8 triples for 1/4.
    In a Live situation I can not set the tempo as input in the rig menue. and could not hear it before to count in.
    The led is not exact enough.

  • This Diamond pedal offers 1/8 triplet delay. Starts at around 2:45, cool example around 5:39

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    I am afraid that we do not hear triplet delays in this video.

    At 2:45 it is a classic dotted delay (3/16).
    At 5:39 we hear a shuffle or triplet groove played on the guitar, accompaigned by an 8th delay (2/16).

  • I am afraid that we do not hear triplet delays in this video.

    I make no sense for me to talk about what is to hear or not in one example. Special if you do not know the setted basic tempo
    What about you tell us a setting (or even an example) where we can hear two repeats 1/8 triplet when we play straight 1/4. Da da da, Da da da, or just repeat at the 3. triplet. Da x da, Da x da. (Underlined is the stroke)
    That would also help me a lot.

    Edited once, last by Sharry (August 28, 2017 at 8:59 AM).

  • Have you guys played triplet delays in the past?
    Would love to hear some clips.


    I didn't have a particular example in mind, I just wanted it for a session I was working on. In the end I used SoundToy's Echoboy plugin instead, which was a shame as I ideally wanted the delay before the amp.

    A triplet delay is heard in a bunch of Pink Floyd songs: Run Like Hell, the bass on One Of These Days, the lead guitar in Keep Talking, and I'm sure others. I hear it in dub reggae too. Strymon's Timeline offers a triplet ratio on the dual delay. It's fairly common on delay plugins, including Logic's most basic 'Echo'.

    It's also heard, although sadly only post-amp, in the guitar work :)

    It's strikes me personally that it would be more commonly heard than 7/16, 11/16 etc, which I've yet to find a use for (though I think it's great that they're included).


  • I think what you are looking for is dotted 8th notes.

    Sometimes they are called triplets, but they are not.
    It's what David Gilmour and The Edge are using.

    You get those by setting the Profilers delay to 3/16.
    3/16 is the same as a dotted 8th.

  • Triplet delays - the Police's 'Wrapped around your finger': 2:10

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    See also 'Walking on the moon' - though the recorded version the timing is a bit 'approximate' it's definitely a triplet live.

    I'm not sure why it's necessary to post evidence of it being used in order to validate a desire to have it, but there you have it.

    If we could get past this, what we're saying is that there's no triplet delay. You can get a triplet delay on most delay plugins, which suggests there is a use for it. I certainly had a use for it, and as I say had to use a plugin. It seems strange to me that we have the exotic values like 7/16 but not a simple triplet.

    Also, triplet 8th and triplet quarter notes sound really great when you're in 3/4, 6/8, or 12/8.

    Is there perhaps a programming reason that they haven't been included?

  • I think what you are looking for is dotted 8th notes.

    I'm sorry if I contradict, but a dotted 1/8 is not a 1/8 triole. At best a 1/4 triple.
    To get 1/8 Triole for tempo 120 you've got to set the tempo to 240 - rather difficult with the tape button and you can not set it faster than 256.

    Edited once, last by Sharry (August 29, 2017 at 7:52 AM).

  • From the manual "Red- quarter note triplet mode. Tapping on the beat at the desired tempo willresult in a quarter note triplet rhythm (3 repeats per beat). in DBL mode the resultwill be 8th note triplets. "

    I am afraid that we do not hear triplet delays in this video.
    At 2:45 it is a classic dotted delay (3/16).
    At 5:39 we hear a shuffle or triplet groove played on the guitar, accompaigned by an 8th delay (2/16).

    That shuffle guitar is the pedal and the triplet.

  • I've been writing and reading music for 50 years so I just might know what I'm talking about (hopefully)
    A lot of western music is in 4/4 time that means you count a pulse of 4 for each bar. 1-2-3-4. is a bar then move to the next bar (just like a pub crawl,ha ha)
    A bar of triplets would be 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 1-2-3 (twelve in total) tri-pa-let tri-pa-let tri-pa-let tri-pa-let (say those words out loud and you get the feel)
    Now dotted is different..Leave out the the 2 of 1-2-3 and you get 1-x-3 1-x-3 1-x-3 1-x-3 (the shuffle,the 3 legged horse dum-te dum-te dum-te dum-te)
    So a bar can have 12 eight note triplets (or 24 sixteenth note triplets or 6 crotchet( quarter note)triplets.
    As I see it the confusion with a lot of music machines,drum machines,sequencers,echo boxes etc is that a dotted 8th note is the equivalent of three 16th notes added together in length which is not really what you want if you're playing Walking on the Moon.
    The phrase 'dotted' also doesn't accurately describe what a drummer is doing when he plays a jazzy Ten-to-ten Ten-to-ten on the ride cymbal ( it really a triplet with number 2 missing)Some musos will argue that this is 12/8 time and some will say 6/8 and some will say 4/4 with a dotted feel. Hope this can help in some way.

  • Another pedal that offers a triplet effect that I have used is the EHX Super Pulsar

    1/4 note triplet divide ratio 2/3, modulation rate (for a 2Hz/500ms tap time) 3Hz/333ms
    1/8 note triplet divide ratio 1/3, modulation rate (for a 2Hz/500ms tap time) 6Hz/167ms

    It also does Dotted 1/8 note as well, but that is not what we are talking about and so I will leave that out, lol.

    I don't have any video but I am sure some could be found online, or just go and buy one.

    This is what we are asking for.