Should I sell those pedals? Or use it with my future Kemper

  • I need to be helped here please... I'd like to get some advices. My goal is to get a Kemper but to get enough money to buy it, I will sell some equipment. I will sell my amp, I am done with carrying heavy amp in show, thats over for me.Also at first, I dont see me as an active profiler. I think I'd prefer to buy some excellent profiles we can find, and also get the free one and then experiment with it , fine tune it.... I got some excellent pedals and as I wont have amp anymore I wonder if I should sell thoses pedals too??? . So my question is: do you think I should sell those 2 pedals: Allan Holdsworth distortion and a compresser (hyper gravity) OR keep it and find some utility to use it with the Kemper??? Do I really need those 2 pedals as I wont have amps any more . Thanks for your help and precious suggestions

  • Your pedals will work with Kemper as good as they did with your other amps. Whether to sell them or not, it depends on how much you like the tone of them. Kemper does have a decent compressor and lots of overdrives/distortions.

  • i found i dont need mine anymore unless its an unusual pedal... all i use is a Freq-Out, and a couple of electro harmonix pedals for synth effects, the internal kemper effects are clean and smooth, they sound beautiful and i come from a background of high end studios... trust me, they are great... :)

    Thank You


  • I'd say, the compressor you can sell. The various options to add some compression in the Kemper are really good.
    Pure Boost also works just fine inside the Kemper but I have to confess that I'm not perfectly happy with the choice of overdrive / distortion flavours. So I kept a few pedals as well although I rarely use them. Every once in a while I'm glad I have them though. :) Would suggest you to keep the distortion pedal until you're perfectly sure you don't need it.