Need help with input settings

  • I have 1 guitar with 2 outputs. 1 output carries a humbucker pickup signal. The 2nd output carries an acoustic preamped piezo signal. This is one guitar with two outputs each carried by 1 1/4" cable and jack. So I have two instrument cables. This is what I would like to do with them:

    -Plug my electric instrument cable into the front input
    -Plug my acoustic instrument cable into the alternate or reamp input while the front input is also seeing my electric output
    -Create 1 performance with 2 rigs:
    - Slot 1: is an electric rig of my choice, I would set the input source as front input and save that setting
    - Slot 2: is an acoustic rig of my choice, I would set the input source as alternate or reamp input and save that setting
    - In a live performance I want to switch between my electric and acoustic rigs in my performance with the input preference changing accordingly as I've saved it.
    - this way I can play through my electric pickups and with the press of a button to change performance slots, I will be playing through my acoustic pickup and rig.

    Is this possible???

    I've been able to use the front input for electric and the reamp input for acoustic and get sounds and levels I am very happy with from both. The one thing I can't seem to figure out is how to save the input settings per slot so that when I switch to the appropriate rig the input source chances accordingly. It seems as though the input is locked (I've checked, it's not locked), whatever I change the input to, it stays that way regardless of the slot or performance I go to. Am I just not understanding the input source correctly? Are these global settings? Or performance settings? They should be able to be saved and recalled per rig to do what I want.... please tell me this is possible...

  • I always thought the front input took precendence irrespective of what was plugged in where? You will also see numerous references on here to the fact that the front input is the better input to use? perhaps an A/B box is the way to go?

  • I always thought the front input took precendence irrespective of what was plugged in where? You will also see numerous references on here to the fact that the front input is the better input to use? perhaps an A/B box is the way to go?

    Yes, I have read this about the alternative input. The front input will always take precedence over the alternative input. But this is not the case with the reamp/ return input, which was a revelation to me. I never new there was a third 1/4" input source option.

    I just tried it last night, if I'm plugged into the front input jack AND the alternative input at the same time, only the front input will work. So I can have sound being fed into the front input and the alternative input at the same time, if I switch from front input to alternative it goes silent. I've read that if you have both plugged in, front input will always take priority. This is NOT the case with the reamp (return) input. If you switch the input source to reamp and plug into the jack right next to the alternative input, you do get sound from both the front and return. This is what I want.

    I don't care what is the better input. To me, using the reamp/ return input sounds good for my acoustic and this is good enough for me. An A/B box would defeat the purpose of what what I want to do. If I used one I would have to click the A/B switch and then click the performance slot switch. With my idea I only have to click one button.

  • if you Unlock the Input Settings, separate Input Settings are saved for each Rig/Performance Slot.

    You know, I couldn't get this to work for me last night. I'll try it again tonight. I double and triple checked to make sure the input settings were unlocked. It didn't make a difference if the input was locked or unlocked for me, whatever input was selected was carried over to any performance slot. Even if I saved it seperately for each slot. It's almost like input source was global.... are ALL input settings rig specific or is it only clean and Distortion sense that are rig specific, but input source is global?

  • if I remember correctly, the Input Settings Lock in Performance Mode is separate from the Browse Mode Input Settings Lock.

    But, The Input selection is Global.

    Hmmm, I guess I'll just have to play around with it. I didn't try browse mode last night and I don't want to have to use it if possible.

  • @paults

    And anyone else who can help...

    It does not appear that input source is saveable per rig. You can do this for clean and distortion sense, but not input source. So within the input settings, clean and distortion sense are rig level settings, however, input source itself is global. Whatever I set it to it will stay the same regardless of what I do. I can change different performance and rigs and it stays one whatever I last set it too. It's a global setting. I know for a fact I don't have the input locked. I can keep the input screen pulled up on the screen and whatch my clean and distortion settings change per rig, but the input source stays the same.

    Before I submit this as a Feature Request, I'll give someone the opportunity to prove me wrong. But I'm pretty sure it is not possible to save input source per rig.

  • @KPA_Leader

    You are correct - Input Source is a global setting.

    I submitted a Feature request in 2015 to make this a switchable parameter, but, it did not get very many "likes" from other users.
    Feature Request: Using a Dual Footswitch to change guitars: selectable Front and Rear Inputs

    Now, the feature could also be made possible for Remote switches or external switches connected to the Remote.

    If you would like this feature to be added, I encourage you to add a comment to my request, or to create a new one. :)