I bet the Kemper cannot replicate this tone

  • I bet my life savings on it.

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  • Why not?

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    Seems to be as close as it could get.

    Just trolling?

    If not, i´m taking 50% of your savings and the rest you can transfer over to the guy who made the video...

  • That sounds nothing like the clip I posted, did you even listen to it? The sound in this cover is way too thin and doesn't seem authentic. The voicing is also way off.

  • That sounds nothing like the clip I posted, did you even listen to it? The sound in this cover is way too thin and doesn't seem authentic. The voicing is also way off.

    Sounds good enough for me. Less space in the second Video. Also we don't know if the Sound from first vid is the real amp tone or reworked in the Studio.

  • Youtube and soundexamples.........

    I think threadtitle has to be changed in "I can not replicate the tone, any suggestions?"

    The kpa can not replicate Andys guitar and his fingers, but to get a nearly sound is possible if someone has the nerv to dive into it.

    Sorry, i dont.

  • I think threadtitle has to be changed in "I can not replicate the tone, any suggestions?"

    that won't work because SlashFan just registered and there is no Profiler registered to him.

    Before this becomes a thread spanning 70 pages which is mostly used to discuss what the Profiler can and can't do in general, SlashFan should explain what kind of answer he expects.


    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Well, in the description of your video is stated that it was taken from a game (Rock Band)

    I doubt that this is the unprocessed pure signal from the amp. There is quite a bit of processing going on (EQs and whatever)

    From this point of view, the sound from the video i posted is really close and can also be enhanced by putting some EQ and whatever in the effect section.

    So whatever you want to achieve with your rant... i highly doubt that you really have interest in getting that tone but only to bash the KPA.

    Whatever... Iin my opinion it is easily possible to get a really close to the original sounding tone.
    For the same tone, you also have to be the same artist ;)

  • This is so-suspicious it's laughable.

    First post, and all you've got to say is that you'd bet your life savings the Kemper can't replicate the tone. How is it that you're so familiar with the Kemper that you can be so confident?

    Do you own one? If so, why not register it and join the forum where you'll get all the help you could possibly need in chasing that tone.

    Have you used one extensively? If so, you'd know that the Kemper really shines where clean through to mildly-overdriven sounds are concerned. Without too much work, almost any tone you can think of can be achieved, and especially-quickly if you have the amp responsible for it (to Profile) or Profiles thereof.

    I watched Ben's video when he first posted it, and remember being super-impressed with how close he managed to get with, let's face it, very-little work. He didn't sweat the details of the amp and pedals, adopting a near-enough-will-do attitude, and yet still managed to pretty-well nail it. If he'd chosen to leave no stone unturned in an effort to approximate each step in the signal chain as closely as practically-possible, something anyone serious about it, such as you seem to be, would do without giving it a second thought, he'd have ended up with something virtually-indistinguishable from the sound on the album. I have no doubt of this. I hope for your sake your life savings don't amount to much, 'cause IMHO you lost this one before you even concocted the challenge.

    Oh, and in case you're wondering, I bought the album the month it was released, having been a Police fan since Outlandos d'Amour, which I bought upon its release when I was 10 years old. If anyone knows Andy's sounds from Outlandos d'Amour, Reggatta de Blanc and Zenyatta Mondatta, it is I. Those three albums were a significant portion of the soundtrack of my life from age 10 'til 12, and you know how these things stick with you, don't you? Ben's rough-'n-dirty mockup nails the vibe and captures the tone well-enough for it to pass muster in any cover-band situation, IMHO, which earns it a big, fat "pass" from me.

    PM me and I'll send you my bank-account details so you can cough up. On second thoughts, perhaps you ought to send the money to Ben, or better still, spend it on a Kemper so you can lose bets to yourself. You could set up a trust fund into which you deposit all bet losses, which could ultimately go towards purchasing a 2nd Kemper as a backup unit.

  • All I hear is yap, yap, yap and one video which doesn't even come close. Who is up for the challenge and can post a tone which actually matches the original?