• Hey man! I`ve listened to the clips. With all due respect you cant really compare vintage Marshall Plexi crunch type of tone to the Mesa Mark 4 high gain sound. Mbritt`s profiles are a bit dark for my taste, but thats only me, there is a lot of people who like them, so... :)
    Anyway, i see what kind of sounds you like so i`ve taken the liberty to post your clips to Soundcloud, and edit one of my profiles to probably fit your needs more...

    First its the Mbrit`s profile, then a Nick K profile you used, and the third is the Nick K profile i edited from "The Fat Whip" for you. I`ve just pulled the high cut to 4.4k and added some eq. I've sent you the profile to your email.

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    Dont be afraid to tweak the profiles to your own liking. You can watch my video about profile editing which would be pretty useful in this situation!

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  • The clips I sent you had the DAW reverb and delay turned off. I noticed that when I exported the clips the MBritt clip sounded darker than it usually does on my DAW. I also noticed that the exported clip of your profile sounded less high end. I'm going to have to check the reverb and delay to see if they're adding high end EQ. Thanks for you help.

  • The clips I sent you had the DAW reverb and delay turned off. I noticed that when I exported the clips the MBritt clip sounded darker than it usually does on my DAW. I also noticed that the exported clip of your profile sounded less high end. I'm going to have to check the reverb and delay to see if they're adding high end EQ. Thanks for you help.

    I have noticed that delay and reverb for a lot of presets does increase the high end, in my setup. I usually just turn the delay off, because I have no idea how to properly tweak it. I usually just use enough reverb to feel it, rather than hear it. I'm not a huge delay fan, but learning how to use it is still on my list of things to learn.

  • I have noticed that delay and reverb for a lot of presets does increase the high end, in my setup. I usually just turn the delay off, because I have no idea how to properly tweak it. I usually just use enough reverb to feel it, rather than hear it. I'm not a huge delay fan, but learning how to use it is still on my list of things to learn.

    Yep, I checked my delay and there is a boost at about 3.5k. That boost sounds good on the MBritt profiles but is too bright for Nicks. So, something that I have to keep in mind when I switching between profiles.

  • The m briit profiles are very dark in comparison to this beloved mark 4 profiles. Thats what i said many times before. They are created for another style of music and not for metal guitars like nick's. Yes, the delay add's brighness to every profile. To reduce this brighness i always use the fine delay parameters low pass, highpass or bandwith and frequency on the legacy delays. If you increase bandwith and decrease frequency the delay gets smooth, without harshness. If the tone of nicks profiles are too bright for you ( for me not because it's obvious that nick and i have the same taste of sound) you can use the grafic eq in slot x and reduce ar 2500 kh a little and add some mids on the main eq and you can also try to reduce the presence a little. No big parameter changig but it helps alot. Also definition in the amp section is your friend.Reduce it!
    And yesss, the low and high cut in the grafic eq in nicks example are big tools too.

    Edited 2 times, last by Eltzejupp (July 30, 2017 at 8:10 AM).

  • that's a great vid mate. It shows exactly what i am doing with rigs. When i started with the kpa i dont get a real cool sound that i like because there where so many good profiles which didnt sound very well right out of the box, but the expirience over month of checking every parameter out and many posts here and discussions with kpa pros enlightend me. If you are familar with this tweak tools, a new world opend and i can tell you, the fun didnt stop.

    One thing more: one of the biggest impact to a rig sound is also the cab and the pure cab parameter. I have so many profiles of amps which didnt sound very good with the original cab and when i change the cab to one of my favs the sun comes up.

  • The m briit profiles are very dark in conparison to this beloved mark 4 profiles. Thats what i said many times before. They are created for another style of music and not for metal guitars like nick's. Yes, the delay add's brighness to every profile. To reduce this brighness i always use the fine delay parameters low pass, highpass or bandwith and frequency on the legacy delays. If you increase bandwith and decrease frequency the delay gets smooth, without harshness. If the tone of nicks profiles are too bright for you ( for me not because is obvious that nick and i have the same taste of sound) you can use the grafic eq in slot x and reduce ar 2500 kh a little and add some mids on the main eq and you can also try to reduce the presence a little. No big parameter changig but it helps alot. Also definition in the amp section is your friend.Reduce it!
    And yesss, the low and high cut in the grafic eq in nicks example are big tools too.

    Man you've said it all... I have nothing to add!

    that's a great vid mate. It shows exactly what i am doing with rigs. When i started with the kpa i dont get a real cool sound that i like because there where so many good profiles which didnt sound very well right out of the box, but the expirience over month of checking every parameter out and many posts here and discussions with kpa pros enlightend me. If you are familar with this tweak tools, a new world opend and i can tell you, the fun didnt stop.

    One thing more: one of the biggest impact to a rig sound is also the cab and the pure cab parameter. I have so many profiles of amps which didnt sound very good with the original cab and when i change the cab to one of my favs the sun comes up.

    Tnx man, i just wanted to help to Kemper users with some tips and starting points for editing... And yeah, cab and mic placement are two of the most important things of the guitar sound and it can be night and day difference!


  • Based on the discussion in here, and trying to learn a few things, I made a few quick clips to test out the effects of disabling the delay and messing around with the reverb. The first clip is stock. The second clip has the delay disabled. In the third one, I left the delay off, and also changed the following reverb parameters:

    Mix 8.7
    Time 2.0
    Damping 4.5
    Predelay 93
    Bandwidth 1
    Frequency -2.5

    I really have no idea what I'm doing with the reverb, so I used the same method I use for my terrible cooking -- throw random stuff around.

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  • This is a cool test, its interesting to see LoG Solo profile in rhythm guitar context... :)

    Haha! I knew I was bastardizing it based upon the name of the profile. It was easier to hear without the drums, but it was interesting hearing the difference in brightness that the delay and reverb added. Even though it was a lead profile, I really liked the sound of it for rhythm. It cuts through well, without sounding harsh. Plus, if I did a lead test, I could make any profile sound like two cats fighting.

  • Its not bastardizing, i love it as a rhythm sound lol :) The whole point of the pack was (as seen in the "tips for editing" video) was to make it as versatile as possible! With adding some reverb, delay or other effects, playing with eq and adding or lowering the gain you can make every patch rhythm/crunch/solo or whatever... :)

    Well, I think you did a damn good job with that! I'll have to go back and watch that video. I must have missed that one in this thread.

  • Well, I think you did a damn good job with that! I'll have to go back and watch that video. I must have missed that one in this thread.

    Here it is!

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