• Hi Guys,

    Is there a free pitch correct VST for Windows I could use in Sonar that would simply correct slight pitch issues with audio instrument tracks that I can also set the baseline tuning as well? In other words, say I have a song that is slightly flat (430 for example) and I record a bass track that I wish to pitch correct while also having the result be in tune for that song. I located a VST called Gsnap, but it doesn't appear to be able to set baseline tuning for audio (just MIDI)?

    Any recommendations appreciated....


    Edited once, last by SonicExporer (June 20, 2017 at 8:15 PM).

  • GVST makes one that's free, works great.

    Edit: Didn't see you already found it. Yes it does audio tuning, no midi input needed. You need to run it in fixed mode and make sure the gate triggers on the notes.

    You change the tuning by clicking on those little boxes on the keyboard image on the side.

    But....those keyboard boxes you refer to are notes, right? That's fine, but what I need is for the VST to pitch correct relative to a baseline tuning. I'm not seeing how GVST would do this? It can pitch correct, but if I want to also have it adjust the baseline calibration from something like 440 to 430, I'm not seeing anything in the instructions that indicate how to do that.....if it's even possible. Seems under "MIDI" there is a calibration setting for exactly this, but not for audio?

    A more specific example: Somebody brings me an older project which they want to add a new track. Turns out they didn't have the baseline tuning for the overall song correct either (or maybe it was intentional). And the new track I add is also bit pitchy. So I need to correct the pitch of the track but it needs to be done relative to the baseline tuning of the song.

    Edited once, last by SonicExporer (June 20, 2017 at 9:48 PM).

  • So it's not a matter of individual note being off, but simply the complete track being off a number of cents - but otherwise in tune "with itself"?

    In that case I'd try a simple pitch shifter first.

    No, it's both. The song was recorded slightly off conventional tuning (I think on purpose) and the new track is slightly pitchy too. So I need to correct the track but it needs to be corrected to something other than standard tuning alignment.

    I run into this on occasion and it drives me nuts. Some cheap digital tuners aren't accurate and/or people don't know how to use them. So at the end of the day, a song might be slightly off proper baseline tuning alignment. So if you have a specific track that needs to be added later it' can be a bear trying to get it pitched correctly inside the song. It can be both a track issue and a relativity issue. So I need a VST that can pitch correct a track, but do so relative to an adjustable baseline tuning alignment that fits the song.

    Edited once, last by SonicExporer (June 20, 2017 at 10:36 PM).

  • If you solve each issue individually then it's much easier.

    Either correct the original pitch, then use a standard pitch correction tool for your new track. Or correct the pitches of your new track first, then use a pitch shifter to match it to the original.

    Personally I'd do the latter, but each to their own

  • But....those keyboard boxes you refer to are notes, right? That's fine, but what I need is for the VST to pitch correct relative to a baseline tuning. I'm not seeing how GVST would do this? It can pitch correct, but if I want to also have it adjust the baseline calibration from something like 440 to 430, I'm not seeing anything in the instructions that indicate how to do that.....if it's even possible. Seems under "MIDI" there is a calibration setting for exactly this, but not for audio?
    A more specific example: Somebody brings me an older project which they want to add a new track. Turns out they didn't have the baseline tuning for the overall song correct either (or maybe it was intentional). And the new track I add is also bit pitchy. So I need to correct the pitch of the track but it needs to be done relative to the baseline tuning of the song.

    I'm not sure if you have an older version or something but there's a big knob on mine on the low right with 440 under it that you can turn to change the frequency?

  • I'm not sure if you have an older version or something but there's a big knob on mine on the low right with 440 under it that you can turn to change the frequency?

    Yeah, that's what I mean......the directions imply it is for MIDI only but after looking at the UI more closely on YouTube it seems that knob is not grouped with the MIDI controls after all. So it may work

    Problem I have now is I can't even get Gsnap to load on my old system. Grrr.....