Is the kemper more noisy than the actual amp it profiles?

  • The title says it all. Just wondering if the kemper is more noisy than the actual amp it's profiling? I haven't had the chance to make direct profiles (or any for that matter) and won't be able to for a bit, so that's why I ask.



  • Interesting! Could it just be the profiles themselves then? They're just the stock ones. One is mid gain, and one is high (5150 III), but both need the gate to be less noisy. In person, the 5150 III in my experience is very quite when muting the strings for how much gain there is with the real amp, but this seems to be quite loud on the kemper.

    Another observation is that when I have no guitar cable plugged in and it's on, if I turn off the stomp box gate, it gets even louder. Usually in my experience, when there is an amp on with no cable plugged in at all, it's usually pretty much silent. Thoughts?

  • My Kemper is much more noisy than my tubeamp! its very sensetive for dimlight and earth! I like loud fat singlecoil sounds, and that is not a good combo for quiet amps! the noicegate helps, but to mutch can ruin your tone and feel. I play 95% live so it does not realy matter, but at home its quite anoying sometimes.