Axe-Fx II profiling - just got announced...

  • Can we have a moderator erase this thread? It pisses me off, and I joined this forum thinking the opposite would happen.

    Old, fat, proud and pretty damn good at capturing impulses and mixing albums.

  • By whom?

    I don't know who it was, it wasn't anyone I recognize by name, I just deleted it and didn't even bother to reply, have changed my settings not to receive emails in pretty much all the forums, just leave the PM's on, this way I can find out, and report any abuse.. I've been around long enough not to let stuff like that bother me much.. but internet forums would be much better for everyone if we all behaved better, like adults, we could learn much more from each other, and have more fun reading posts etc. It's for crap like that that I never post under my real name on forums, I'd probably have some nut case come to my house and beat me up! :)

  • Dear all,
    honestly the course of discussion makes me a bit sad.

    First of all, Scott, welcome to the forum! I have read several of your posts at the Fractal Audio forum and I think you deserve a lot of respect for investing so much time in contributing to the guitar community with your posts ... although I do not always agree with your opinions ;)
    I as a rookie user would not like to have the penalty system in practice at the FA forum here. It somewhat smells like censorship because it is often hard to tell what utterance is inappropriate, insulting or whatever. If we do not want to have this here this implies of course a very respectful discussion according to the standard netiquette. We have to be aware that there may be cultural differences or vulnerabilities which might lead to such threads as the current.
    So finally: Scott, great to have you with us, I'm looking forward to your contributions here!

    Best regards

  • Can we have a moderator erase this thread? It pisses me off, and I joined this forum thinking the opposite would happen.

    Totally agree!

    1. Internet Muscles

    When someone tries to act all big and cool on the internet by posting offensive and rude posts and comments on forums, youtube, etc. Often done to attempt to feel good about one's sad pathetic lonely life.

    We don't need this here or on any gear forum :(

  • I haven't posted anything about any of this anywhere.

    Check your facts before you let fly with the accusations. A) You are wrong; B) Back it up with fact.

    This sort of post doesn't shine well on the forum, Kemper or guitarists for that matter.

    Scott do you know whether the AXE will be able to profile its fan noise as well?Aahh if I could only get that noise on my KPA 8o one day!
    Ok ..everything happens for a reason Scott. I believe you get what you give. What goes around comes around..Hey don't get me wrong honestly I don't care about the politics and marketing strategies of FAS or Kemper. I began following the FAS forum 7 months ago( just when I ordered my AXE FXII unit but still queing ..probably will receive an AXE 11 )and I was impressed by the nature of some the one about the fan noise (in which I was interested actually). Basically the guy who was mentioning the (noisy) problem ended up being told he needed a eardrums transplant or something similar on that line...Absolutely nothing wrong with the bloody fan! If I own a Ferrari I'm gonna say that Ferrari is better than Porsche (and actually it is!) . You're gonna be biased. You can't help it. And that's fair.However in my opinion the bias level on the FAS sometimes is so so over the top that some people are going to react in a certain way towards (maybe) you and other guys who post their noise in there . Probably Guitartone and others 'infaming the FAS FORUM' was told he needed a new set of eardrums or something on that line. There was an action somewhere and that action has been followed by a reaction.Easy like that (besides are you the only one named Scott in the States? ) This is the Other Gear section so would be good (at least for me) to know what you like about the AXE and what are your thoughts so far about the unit. That would be very much appreciated. But politics and other crap? No thanks man.That's my point of view at least. I'm now going to play is too short...

  • The only thing negative about Kemper is they do not respond to emails/contacts - me and many of my friends have tried to contact them, but no one has gotten a single response. This could make one think they might be slow to respond if you have a problem as well...

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • Scott do you know whether the AXE will be able to profile its fan noise as well?Aahh if I could only get that noise on my KPA 8o one day!
    Ok ..everything happens for a reason Scott. I believe you get what you give. What goes around comes around..Hey don't get me wrong honestly I don't care about the politics and marketing strategies of FAS or Kemper. I began following the FAS forum 7 months ago( just when I ordered my AXE FXII unit but still queing ..probably will receive an AXE 11 )and I was impressed by the nature of some the one about the fan noise (in which I was interested actually). Basically the guy who was mentioning the (noisy) problem ended up being told he needed a eardrums transplant or something similar on that line...Absolutely nothing wrong with the bloody fan! If I own a Ferrari I'm gonna say that Ferrari is better than Porsche (and actually it is!) . You're gonna be biased. You can't help it. And that's fair.However in my opinion the bias level on the FAS sometimes is so so over the top that some people are going to react in a certain way towards (maybe) you and other guys who post their noise in there . Probably Guitartone and others 'infaming the FAS FORUM' was told he needed a new set of eardrums or something on that line. There was an action somewhere and that action has been followed by a reaction.Easy like that (besides are you the only one named Scott in the States? ) This is the Other Gear section so would be good (at least for me) to know what you like about the AXE and what are your thoughts so far about the unit. That would be very much appreciated. But politics and other crap? No thanks man.That's my point of view at least. I'm now going to play is too short...

    I post my opinions of the gear I own and use on appropriate forums. The corporate Kemper site is not, IMHO, an appropriate place for such posts. I've posted a tremendous volume of my opinions on The Gear Page and the Fractal Forum where appropriate in relation to the Axe-FX.

    IMHO, it'd be disrespectful and ridiculous to post anything about the Axe_FX on the Kemper board. I will never understand guys that don't think it is inappropriate to post about competitive products without any experience or relation to the actual companies' products.

    I've never played a Kemper; so what business would I have here on the Kemper board posting about the Axe-FX... especially when there is already a Fractal Forum and many 'brand neutral' sites like Rig Talk, Huge Racks, The Gear Page, Harmony Central and more out there?