Stevie Ray Vaughan Tone - Axe Fx II XL+ vs. Kemper

  • The Phase Vibe in the KPA does an ok job, if you know how to set it up. It's just missing some of the wobble that the Uni/Rotovibe had (the model in the Helix is the best digital emulation I've heard).

    The kemper rotary has only two fixed speeds (fast or slow). This is a small limit. Maybe there is a way to change and customize the rate, but I do not know it.

  • Here are the profiles
    I did 4, one without the drive two with the alternate drives and a 4th for the hell of it with both on :D
    Didn't sound as bright as the demo in the video but I don't have a strat either....I also made sure I did the profile using the same FW he used unlike some other cross modeller profilers ;)
    Shoot me a PM for the zip password

    Here are the profiles
    I did 4, one without the drive two with the alternate drives and a 4th for the hell of it with both on :D
    Didn't sound as bright as the demo in the video but I don't have a strat either....I also made sure I did the profile using the same FW he used unlike some other cross modeller profilers ;)
    Shoot me a PM for the zip password

    Hello ! Im New And I really need the Password ahah, so I cant send you a private message... could you send me this Wonderful Password?
    Thanks a Lot

    Tony from Belgium

  • My take on SRV Lenny Sound:

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    I used a mbritt Dumble ODS profile

    Edited once, last by sledge76 (April 26, 2018 at 6:59 PM).

  • My Texas Flood tone (GRStudios modified profile)

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  • Thanks 808illest! I tried hundreds of profiles, both commercial and free, but then always return to the amp of GRS (rig exchange), because I think they are the best for this type of sound ... not too distorted but with good sustain and a lot of dynamics.

    Totally... I'll have to revist these as I know I have them, thanks for sharing! [Blocked Image:]

  • My Texas Flood tone (GRStudios modified profile)

    Hi Joes70,

    I hope you will take this the right way. I agree with @benvigil on this.

    I was struggling whether to comment, as discretion is the better part of valor. There is also the aphorism that "if you don't have anything nice to say...don't say anything at all."

    However, I think that those wise principles don't apply here, as I am simply offering cordial, and (hopefully) constructive criticism. The whole point of recording a guitar video cover, is to showcase your interpretation of an artist's piece, as well as the tone you have achieved.. In this specific case, it is to highlight your mastery of SRV's "Texas Flood", and equally how close you were able to get your Kemper to recreate that classic SRV tone.

    Unfortunately, there is no way to make a judgement on this, as you used the original studio track as the backing, and it completely masks your own playing and tone.

    So, for future reference, I strongly recommend you use a generic backing track (without lead guitar) for "Texas Flood", which is readily available online.

    By the way, in no sense are you being singled out, as I see far to often people playing against the actual studio track, which really defeats the whole point of the exercise, IMHO.

    In any event, I hope you take this as friendly, constructive advice. It certainly appears as you have the chops and talent necessary to do the tune let your hard work and efforts speak for themselves, loudly and proudly. :)


  • Hi John, and thank you for taking the time to give such a long answer.
    I do not want to demonstrate or teach anything to anyone. I'm not a sound engineer like many members of this forum. I'm just a simple musician. Yesterday I wanted to share the result of a long process of empirical research on this particular sonority. So I decided to quickly overdub my guitar on the right side of the mix, which can be better heard through good headphones. I can clearly hear the two guitars, probably because I know my sound very well :D
    I agree with you that there is not much difference to an immediate listening. But my goal was just trying to compare the two sounds, so I was not interested in using a backingtrack, because I would lose the reference point. Maybe I should have done a comparison with an isolated track of Stevie's guitar on Texas Flood, but I can not do that.
    I am a great admirer of SRV, therefore, I spent a lot of time listening, testing and various experiments to get to this profile, as a starting point of the search for my personal sound ..... so I do not upset the criticism negative ;)
    I understand and respect your point of view and if for you my video is useless, I hope the information contained in it can be an interesting inspiration for others.