Differences between studio and merged profiles

  • In order to create a merged profile :

    Take a studio profile. Now, without altering any settings, take a Direct Amp profile (where there is an attenuating DI box between the power amp output of the amp you are profiling and the speaker). Now go back to the studio profile, bring the Cab section into focus and hit copy. Go back to the DA profile, bring the Cab section into focus and hit paste. Now hit Merge. Voila. A merged profile, which includes the original studio profile, the DA profile, and an accurately separated Cab portion, arrived at by subtracting the Direct Amp profile from the studio profile. This, by the way, is the only time the Merge option should ever be used. When adding a Cab to any old DA profile, you don’t need to merge. Only use it if you’re profiling.

    With that all said, you are right about using Cabs from any studio profile that hasn’t been merged; here CabDriver will come into effect and the result will be less authentic than when using merged (separated) Cabs, although the results can be just as pleasing, if not more.

    Does the KPA "remember" the last two profiles taken and is that how it "knows" which studio profile to subtract the direct profile from to calculate the true cabinet response? I think my mistake may have been to not take the profiles back to back.

    The responses are much appreciated BTW. Thank you.

  • Does the KPA "remember" the last two profiles taken and is that how it "knows" which studio profile to subtract the direct profile from to calculate the true cabinet response? I think my mistake may have been to not take the profiles back to back.

    The responses are much appreciated BTW. Thank you.

    No, it subtracts the DA profile from whichever studio profile you have copied the Cab from. The merging process is actually a process of separation, counter-intuitively. This is why it is important to only use studio and DA profiles taken in the same session with the same amp parameters, otherwise the results won’t be accurate. And, of course, why you shouldn’t hit Merge in any other scenario.

  • Cabdriver is not the only way to separate amp and cab, that’s the point.

    A direct amp profile that gets subtracted from the studio profile taken with the same settings in one go will make a 100% accurate merged profile because cabdriver doesn’t need to calculate an estimation between amp and cab portion any more.

    If you feel that studio profiles and merges profiles don’t sound the same I'd suggest to open a support ticket.

  • Cabdriver is not the only way to separate amp and cab, that’s the point.

    A direct amp profile that gets subtracted from the studio profile taken with the same settings in one go will make a 100% accurate merged profile because cabdriver doesn’t need to calculate an estimation between amp and cab portion any more.

    If you feel that studio profiles and merges profiles don’t sound the same I'd suggest to open a support ticket.

    No need for a support ticket. I was doing it wrong. I'm not sure what I was doing but after the responses from you and sambrox I now understand HOW the KPA "knows" which studio and direct profiles have the same amp model (it assumes the two profiles chosen for "merging" use the same amp with the same settings - that's the part I didn't understand).

    Now that I understand that, I went back and carefully went through the process of taking both the complete studio profiles as well as the direct amp profiles and now I'm getting exact matches.

    Operator error pure and simple on my part.

    I've owned the KPA for 2 days. I haven't had time to read the manual but some parts aren't perfectly clear. You and others have been kind enough to help me get this figured out without growing impatient with the classic "RTFM" response. I'm a big believer in reading manuals and I'll read the KPA manual in depth from cover to cover, but answering my questions gives me the ability to make certain my unit functions properly while I still have time to return it to the American distributor for replacement rather than have to send it in for warranty service. Using the manual alone would take more time than I have during the return period. Unless I find mine is defective (highly unlikely) this is a keeper for certain and will soon replace my AXE FX II.

    Thanks again Ingolf, your help and patience are very much appreciated.

  • When cab turned off on merge profile, is it the same as a DI ? Because I see guys selling both in their packs. I am interested in DI profiles, I use them with Two-Notes Torpedo Studio, for example. Will I have the same result turning off the merge profile cab ? Thank you.

    Yes, a merged profile is a DI profile with a cab added.
    In pack, there is usually Merged and Studio profile, not merged and DI. Probably because studio profiles are easier to do, and merged profiles doesn't sound exactly like their studio equivalent.

  • Hello guys, new to Kemper and was understanding these profiles. If i understand the differences correctly, I would want to push the "CAB" button so it's off when using an external cab (right now an evh 5150 cab)? I am waiting for the Kemper Kabinet to come out and when I get that one, I would leave the "CAB" light/simulation on at all times right?

    So for now using the 5150 cab as a guitar cab, I would want to use a Merged profile, but Studio is also possible but the KPA has to run cab function to remove the simulation aspect?

  • Hello guys, new to Kemper and was understanding these profiles. If i understand the differences correctly, I would want to push the "CAB" button so it's off when using an external cab (right now an evh 5150 cab)? I am waiting for the Kemper Kabinet to come out and when I get that one, I would leave the "CAB" light/simulation on at all times right?

    So for now using the 5150 cab as a guitar cab, I would want to use a Merged profile, but Studio is also possible but the KPA has to run cab function to remove the simulation aspect?

    Hello guitarguy316 ,

    I assume you are using a powered KPA and connected to the Speaker/Monitor Output (or, using an unpowered KPA, and using Monitor Output connected to external power amp, then to EVH cabinet). In either event, there is a "Global" setting/parameter that you can toggle, so that the Cabinet profile (Cab sim) is always disabled on the Speaker/Monitor Output.

    Please refer to page 87 of the KPA Reference Manual:


    Running a Guitar Speaker Cabinet from a Power Amplifier, “Monitor Cab Off”

    For the perfect on-stage setup, the PROFILER allows you to run a guitar cabinet through a power amp, and - at the same time - send a complete studio sound (amplifier plus cabinet and microphone) from the MAIN OUTPUT to the front-of-house mixing desk. Since your guitar cabinet doesn’t need to be picked up via microphone any more, it becomes your personal monitor on stage. The MONITOR OUTPUT features an independent volume control, as well as a dedicated Monitor Output Equalizer in the Output Section. These allow you to tailor the sound to your guitar cabinet, while the sound on the other outputs remains unaffected.

    For this setup, you need to bypass the Cabinet PROFILE for the MONITOR OUTPUT, to avoid running a guitar cabinet simulation through a physical guitar cabinet. The soft button labeled "Monitor Cab Off" in the Output Section will bypass the Cabinet PROFILE for the MONITOR OUTPUT, as well as for the built-in power amp of PowerHead and PowerRack. The Cabinet PROFILE stays active for the other outputs, including the MAIN OUTPUT. This is a global setting and is therefore applied to all Rigs. However, the signal from the MONITOR OUTPUT is processed according to the kind of PROFILE included in the Rig: for regular Studio PROFILEs, the CabDriver algorithm is activated, whereas Merged PROFILEs feed the direct amp sound to the MONITOR OUTPUT and built-in power amp.

    Use the optional built-in class D power amp of PowerHead/PowerRack or a separate solid-state power amp to drive your guitar cabinet. If the PROFILE you play is a Direct Amp PROFILE, the sound will be identical to the reference tube-amplifier! It is not necessary, and would be somewhat contradictory, to use a tube power amp, because you would have the effect of a tube power amp twice. This might add some pleasing low and high frequencies to the

    picture, but it won't be an authentic tone.




  • Ok, that is probably the answer. I was having to turn off the "CAB" button for every preset. I have a POWERED KPA so for now I'm running the 1/4 speaker OUT of the powered section to my guitar cabinet. Sounds like I need to do the MONITOR CAB OFF for now. In the future I will get the Kemper Kabinet, which I assume at that point you'd want to leave the "CAB" simulations on again.