Anyone try the Top Jimi profiles with the Mbritt Cabs for live use?

  • I like the sound of MBritt profiles the best for live use. I also really dig his approach to dialing in amp sounds. However, I like the profiling approach and focus on vintage Marshalls that Top Jimi does in terms of taking one amp and shooting profiles through the whole range of clean to mean. They just don't sound as big in direct comparison. Based on how I'm approaching gigging with this device now, I'm just going to use one amp in a night and go clean to various levels of mean with two lead slots (EQ focus). With MBritt, I actually prefer his 4x12 GB IRs more than the darker/smoother 2x12 CL80 IRs. Probably my favorite set of profiles is his 69 50W Marshall w/ the 4x12 GB as the cab. In trying the Top Jimi 68 and 74 Marshall profiles with the MBritt 69 Marshall 4x12 GB IRs (which come from studio profiles) in place of the stock Top Jimi cabs, it sill doesn't sound as thick as the unaltered 69 Marshall. I didn't expect it would because of the whole magic of the single studio profile. I'm just trying to avoid field testing time if someone has already given this a shot in the heat of battle. It's one thing to evaluate the sound sitting there at home. It's another thing to evaluate the sound in a gig with multiple guitar players.

    I think what I REALLY need for Michael to reshoot that 1970 Marshall 100W Super Lead using his 4x12 GB cab like he did the 69 50W Marshall. I'd buy that pack in a heartbeat!

    Edited once, last by mtmartin71 (April 13, 2017 at 12:38 AM).

  • I just typically use studio profiles as is...with the amp/cab capture that they were created with.

    You can use the cab of a profile on another profile by just changing it to one from another rig loaded in your Kemper. Or you can import outside IRs but I tried using Ownhammers I had already bought for the AxeFX and didn't like the sound.

    Edited once, last by mtmartin71 (April 13, 2017 at 12:39 AM).

  • funny martin, I own some of mbritt packs and were looking for top jimi's super leads but the free samples sound weak to me despite the overall good returns on his profiles. I also own some celestion IRs (G12M and G12H) which I consider a good deal, better than most kemper cabs I've tried (maybe I'm not lucky) and TJ superleads sound way better to me with these. I haven't tried swapping cabs on mbritts cause they are studio and he dials better than anyone but as of today I haven't reached a SL tone that fully satisfies me

    so I second your point and request for mbritt to profile a 100W SL through G12M

    note: my best tone is andy's trainwreck, a true hot plexi beast. all profiles of the pack are huge and the price is like nothing.

  • I have tried some direct profiles thru converted Celestion IRs and they can save profiles that I might discard otherwise. Some Top Jimi merged profiles may receive the same treatment and sound better, but I haven't tried it. TJ Mars profiles sound good to me but a bit distant, perhaps.

    Never too old for rock'n'roll

  • funny martin, I own some of mbritt packs and were looking for top jimi's super leads but the free samples sound weak to me despite the overall good returns on his profiles. I also own some celestion IRs (G12M and G12H) which I consider a good deal, better than most kemper cabs I've tried (maybe I'm not lucky) and TJ superleads sound way better to me with these. I haven't tried swapping cabs on mbritts cause they are studio and he dials better than anyone but as of today I haven't reached a SL tone that fully satisfies me

    so I second your point and request for mbritt to profile a 100W SL through G12M

    note: my best tone is andy's trainwreck, a true hot plexi beast. all profiles of the pack are huge and the price is like nothing.

    I think you and I are in a similar place in terms of tone search. Do you have the 69 Marshall pack? That is pretty damn close. It just leans a bit more raspy/crisp. I've actually never owned a real Marshall plexi. I owned a 2061x but too loud and didn't get where I wanted without total volume blast. I also owned a 6100LM but that's a whole different thing. What I did find with my AxeFX is I mostly fell back to one of the two Marshall 100W Plexi models through an Ownhammer Marshall 4x12 with GBs. I'd EQ it around 5ish on the gain and run the bass at 2-3, mids around 7, and treble and presence around 6+ depending on the guitar. The MBritt 69 Marshall kind of sounds like that. The 72 50W Marshall is good too...just not enough profiles to cover all the bases. I would love to hear that one through a 4x12 but probably too much crossover with the 69 pack. The 70 100W Marshall is great too but it feels like the bass was dialed up higher than I would choose and it could use a touch more bite, which it would probably get from a 4x12 with M25s.

  • If you swap cabs from studio profiles have in mind that they are not merged. This cabs are not only the cabs. They have an influence of the amp wich is profiled with this cabs. So you won't get the real cab sound from a cab of a studio profile when you combine it with another amp. But there are really some cabs from studio profiles which work very well when swapping it to another amp. If it sounds good, its good.

  • funny martin, I own some of mbritt packs and were looking for top jimi's super leads but the free samples sound weak to me despite the overall good returns on his profiles. I also own some celestion IRs (G12M and G12H) which I consider a good deal, better than most kemper cabs I've tried (maybe I'm not lucky) and TJ superleads sound way better to me with these. I haven't tried swapping cabs on mbritts cause they are studio and he dials better than anyone but as of today I haven't reached a SL tone that fully satisfies me

    so I second your point and request for mbritt to profile a 100W SL through G12M

    note: my best tone is andy's trainwreck, a true hot plexi beast. all profiles of the pack are huge and the price is like nothing.

    Which one is Andy's Trainwreck? Thanks.

  • there you go TAF search TrainwreckI really love the Supro from Andy as well

    Thanks! Are you using this with humbuckers or single coils? If I remember correctly, the TAF profiles I tried all sounded better with my single coil guitars, as opposed to my humbucker guitars. It may have just been the profiles I tried though. I'll have to go back through some of their profiles, since I hear a lot of good about them.