Not possible with the KPA?

  • Yeah, the tone is still a bit congested and doesn't quite have the power amp saturation right IMO. I chose that specific section of the song for a demo clip because it has nice breaks both pre and post solo where the guitars are playing mostly alone. I need to bounce the clip out again though as it cut off the outro of the solo break too soon.

    I need to fatten up the solo just a touch in the mix, was trying to stay out of the way of the rhythm guitar spectrum. I dropped the solo for fun (although it wasn't fun trying to recall things since it had been a really long time since I last played it)

    This isn't the end of the search though, I still encourage anybody who can do better on these 80's classic metal tones, or has any constructive insight to share, to please do so.


    Sonic, it sounded friggin' great, my man.

    In all charity, I would ask that you consider the possibility that you may never finish the end of your "search".

    Remember, sometimes the journey is much more important then the destination. I have a sneaking feeling that your tone nirvanha will forever remain just out of reach, tantalizingly so...which is okay, because you obviously are a perfectionist (and there is nothing wrong with that).


  • Sonic, it sounded friggin' great, my man.

    In all charity, I would ask that you consider the possibility that you may never finish the end of your "search".

    Remember, sometimes the journey is much more important then the destination. I have a sneaking feeling that your tone nirvanha will forever remain just out of reach, tantalizingly so...which is okay, because you obviously are a perfectionist (and there is nothing wrong with that).


    I have realized that I will never reach the "tonal nirvana" of my own mind, BUT... I never learn to stop where I think it sounds good.
    It can always get better... reamping an upcoming album for the 10th time (or so, lost count!) as we speak... I reamped it from start to finish FOUR TIMES yesterday :pinch: and I STILL know that I will only get to "good" but never "perfect" because that so called "perfect" might not work with another mix of drums and bass... :/

    I hope I settle with my last reamp because this is getting overboard :D

  • Yup. Even 'though we're all guilty of it, I reckon Ceddy and Sonic have been the best examples of tone-seeking Perfectionism with a capital "P" to come our way in the past year at least. More power to them. I can only dream of a situation where my tones, and not my shitty playing, were my primary concerns with guitar.

    Sonic, if you played that solo, all I can say is, "OMFG!". 8o=O:thumbup:

  • Yeah, a load-box/IR approach may have been better but it's a whole another path I'm not really familiar with so having to choose between technologies I thought the KPA was a better gamble. Frankly I'm not sold how the load/IR would even work because the amp is going to react different at different variable impedances/inductances and other factors that a load box cannot (to my knowledge) actually mimic. Even if the IR side replicates, it won't make up for the amps reaction to the load AFAIK. And where will this likely make the biggest difference..?..with cranked amp tones, once again I suspect.

    I've been using a speaker into a Grossman Iso Box as a load to use IRs with my amps at home and, some months ago, I bought a Suhr Reactive Load and sold the Iso Box because my amps reactions are as good with the loadbox as they were with the speaker. I did some test using a transparent DI box between the amp and the speaker/load and using the same IRs in both cases.

    Pete Thorn does a demo of many loadboxes and the Suhr and the Fryette are very good. Many of his pedal demos are done with a reactive load and they sound awesome.

  • Ok guys, after many weeks of struggling with all sorts of rigs and tweaking, here is a clip of the first effort to get the KPA to sound like one of the tone-styles I'm seeking.

    The guitars are just 2 tracks (1 each hard panned) with EQ only. And a hint of delay on the solo. The tuning is off by a few cents and the playing isn't perfect, but that's not what this was about, just tone testing.

    To my ears there's still the congestion issue, but at least I'm getting close....

    Rainbow in the Dark Demo Clip


    By the way... what profile is it? Mind to share it?
    I would love to try it 8o

  • Guys, many thanks for the compliments, glad you liked the tone and playing. I spent so much time with the KPA and DAW over the last few months my hands didn't quite feel like they were firing on all cylinders when I went to finally do some test tracking.

    Yeah, it is possible reactive load box technology has evolved to be nearly transparent, I haven't kept up on it within the last 20 years or so. It was quite a lost cause back in the day. After seeing enough failed attempts I gave up on the concept.

    Ceddy, unfortunately I shouldn't share the profile because it was "loaned" to me by a studio associate of mine who made it during a session. I reached out to him out of frustration to see if he had any experience with a KPA and it turned out he had one in his studio. He said the profile was done with a JCM800. He's willing to consider collaborating with me if I ever end up eventually dragging my gear out of storage to properly profile these kinds of amp tones. I also went through a ton of cabs to find one that matched the tone I wanted, so I can at least go look that up for you. I think if you grab any decent JCM800 profile and use that cab then you'll be really close. That said, a lot of what is on the track is post production EQ. There is some rather non-intuitive carving going on, not just for tone but for stereo field placement. I used an EQ match to get somewhat close and then used my own knowledge & experience to do the remainder. The base KPA tone is quite different from what you hear on the tracks. IMO what you need to pay close attention to when choosing a profile to work with is clarity and gain structure.
