Good to see Y'all

  • Yes I do have those amps and will (eventually) get round to profiling them.

    Heres the current list (but it does change from time to time):

    Splawn Nitro
    Ceriatone Overtone HRM (check ) showing how I built it
    Marshall JTM45 (a rebuild but sounds exactly the same as the real deal)
    Engl E670
    Mesa Boogie Road King II
    Marshall YJM100

    Marshall 4x12 Vintage Modern
    Engl 4x12
    Marshall 1960a (my favourite cab for rock)
    Marshall 1960b (used on the YJM100)
    Marshall 2x12 2061cx (used with 2061 Marshall)
    Marshall 1960AHW Original Style 4x12
    V30 2x12 cab with 2 x Tone Tubbies installed

    You could say I like Marshall cabs and amps :)

    And I have the Divided by 13 FRS37 (I think that was the model name) profile - only one setting I'm afraid.

    I do also from time to time either gain or lose amps depending on my view at a given time but for no real reason except that when I review a product sometimes I'll sell it later and sometimes not.

    It's so expensive to keep buying kit and I have to buy everything so it can be a bit of a financial bind sometimes.

    But then I guess thats why any review I write does come from a user. I'm not always right but I know from those reviews that many guys do like them.

    Oh one thing from reading all these comments...


    And thanks for those kind words...

    Anyone who has not visited any of my sites might just want to see one or two:

    and there are more... but I forget most. Theres probably something on there for most guys one way or another and I developed it to HELP people.
    Lastly my youtube channel is:

    When I get those profiles done I promise to come back and put them on this forum.

    Now don't hold your breath for me to be on the forum daily, unfortunately I have to earn a living so I can buy and review kit (what a great job within itself)... but I promise to come back and contribute when I can.

    Welcome to the other guy who you all spoke about too - I'm glad to hear he made the right choice.
    Once again, thanks and don't forget....

    Play it Loud.... You KNOW it makes sense :)


    Careful I'm watching you...

  • Hey Tony - Loved your review & video of the KPA!

    Fellow board members: Many of the threads I select to view here are coming up blank ?( I've tried many different browsers to no avail - Anyone esle having this problem? (I posted here because the same problem prevents me from starting a new thread) This is frustrating... Please PM me if you have any suggestions!

    PS: I also can't introduce myself in the 'introduce yourself' thread :cursing:

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • Please, I really would love to have a JTM45 in my KPA. I love this amp!! :thumbup: :thumbup:

    ??? You have 3 JTM45 profiles from Uwe Bossert and another one (lotta love) within the stock ones. Always good to have more, by sure.. :thumbup:

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Hey Tony - Loved your review & video of the KPA!

    Fellow board members: Many of the threads I select to view here are coming up blank ?( I've tried many different browsers to no avail - Anyone esle having this problem? (I posted here because the same problem prevents me from starting a new thread) This is frustrating... Please PM me if you have any suggestions!

    PS: I also can't introduce myself in the 'introduce yourself' thread :cursing:

    Hi Radley! Check out your browser's cookies/security settings, first time that somebody is having this problem. In case you could just install another one (I'm on Firefox) or re-install your one.

    BTW: Welcome!! :thumbup:

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Hey Tony - Loved your review & video of the KPA!

    Fellow board members: Many of the threads I select to view here are coming up blank ?( I've tried many different browsers to no avail - Anyone esle having this problem? (I posted here because the same problem prevents me from starting a new thread) This is frustrating... Please PM me if you have any suggestions!

    PS: I also can't introduce myself in the 'introduce yourself' thread :cursing:

    Welcome Radley, great to see you here I loved your informative posts over at the AxeFX forum, a wealth of knowledge indeed :)

    With regards to the forum, it's working ok here on Chrome, Firefox and IE. It could be down to browser security settings, you could try adding to trusted sites or similar. Are you PC or MAC?


  • ??? You have 3 JTM45 profiles from Uwe Bossert and another one (lotta love) within the stock ones. Always good to have more, by sure.. :thumbup:

    I don't like those. I should probably get a JTM45 and do a profile by myself? :D

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • I think my problem has to do with some faulty setting on this board - it's almost like I haven't been given privileges to view even the public board - what a drag. I hope the administrators are aware of my plight....

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • I think my problem has to do with some faulty setting on this board - it's almost like I haven't been given privileges to view even the public board - what a drag. I hope the administrators are aware of my plight....

    There are no privileges of this sort, the board (public and private) can be seen by anybody also without logging in. Have you tried installing Firefox as I suggested? It's quick and light (and better than IE IMO)

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Golly!!!
    I'll take a YJM100 profile please :D