Default Settings

  • HI,

    If I'm not mistaken, for the truest representation of an amp the gain should typically remain as originally set by the KPA during profiling. Assuming this is true, is there any mechanism to revert back to the original gain setting after it has been altered? Or is there a way to save all the settings of a rig such that you can later revert back?

    Apologies if I'm overlooking or misunderstanding something, still a bit new to the KPA. But if I'm fundamentally correct in my above sentiments, and no mechanism currently exists, would this be a worthwhile feature request?


  • Yeah, I may not have portrayed the idea quite clearly, so to clarify:

    What I really think would be most helpful is for the KPA to store all settings at the time a profile is first created Actually, maybe the KPA could simply take a snapshot of itself and store it internally, hidden and known only to itself. So a user could later simply hit a "revert to default" button and get the original profile state back.


  • Yeah, I gotcha mate.

    The info would have to be embedded in the Rig as it'd be impossible and impractical for the Profiler to maintain an ongoing database both for the Rigs you create and the stuff you buy or grab off the Exchange.

    I do think it'd be handy to be able to call up the original settings of any Rig one encounters 'though, regardless of its place of origin.

  • Yeah, exactly, you got it.

    That way not only can somebody revert back to the original settings if needed, it also guarantees a person can hear the profile as the amp really sounded at the time of profiling. No matter how many changes have been made or no matter where the rig was shared or altered, etc.


  • So then, restore Gain and Definition, and then set all other adjustments (EQ, cab settings, etc) back to zero. Would that do the trick correctly?

    I suspect this is either a really simple thing to implement or instead not practical for reasons beyond my level of understanding.

    Just thought I'd toss it out there.


  • As I said, I'd like the feature.

    If there's "free space" (spoken like a total luddite, hahaha) in the kipr files for storing the initial values of definition and gain, it is likely very doable (and again, speaking only as someone who doesn't understand anything about the subject at hand - but that never holds me back!!)

    Incidentally, I'm toying with the idea of making a small midi-out box with a button on it (based on Arduino, which I've just started learning), that sends the prerequisite midi messages (sysex) to reset all values to default. Hey, maybe I could add a rotary encoder and have a definition knob right there as well :)

    Sorry for going OT....