(please) Let me save a rig's parameter tweaks on-the-fly by holding down the corresponding foot switch on the pedal.

  • So my first rehearsal was good, but there was lots of tweaking to be done on the fly. volume here and there, reverb mix here and there, EQ, etc.

    I think it would be really handy to be able to walk back over to the controller and hold the rig's foot switch in the performance for two seconds to save on-the-fly adjustments.

    We would be mid-song and I would need to switch to another rig, and the previous tweaks would be lost if I didn't have time mash the "store" button multiple times until it stored. I understand the other side of the argument as far as being able to make tweaks and not lose your actual stock performance settings, but maybe there could be a special mode for "live tweaking".

    Is there some sort of shortcut or functionality resolving this already in existence?

  • Many Line 6 product have the option of "autosaving" where anything you touch is saved on the fly.

    Could be a system setting in my opinion. Sometimes you want to move quickly and once everything is in place you want to be more safe. Some sort of one-tap quick save could also be an option, the overwhelming share of saving will not include editing the name/position of a performance.

  • Many Line 6 product have the option of "autosaving" where anything you touch is saved on the fly.

    Could be a system setting in my opinion. Sometimes you want to move quickly and once everything is in place you want to be more safe. Some sort of one-tap quick save could also be an option, the overwhelming share of saving will not include editing the name/position of a performance.

    EXACTLY! This is the kind of functionality that would save me a lot of time. Especially playing various sized and shaped rooms. quick save adjustments during sound check and then lock it in for the performance. You could eventually save the performances per venue if you frequent certain stages.

  • What should be in scope of such an "Autosave" and what shouldn't from your perspective?

    You change the Amp EQ => Autosave?
    You activate a booster => Autosave, so next time that Rig gets loaded, the booster is immediately on?
    Or if not, what should happen, if you first switch on the booster and then decrease Presence. Should then the new level of Presence be saved, but not the active booster?
    You lock a Module with a Wah => every Rig you load from now on gets stored automatically with that Wah potentially overwriting other effects?

  • I think autosaving would be more trouble than its worth and could lead to a lot of frustration, but a quick save function by holding the rig button as the op suggested is a great idea - more a shortcut to the write button than anything else.

  • What should be in scope of such an "Autosave" and what shouldn't from your perspective?

    You change the Amp EQ => Autosave?
    You activate a booster => Autosave, so next time that Rig gets loaded, the booster is immediately on?
    Or if not, what should happen, if you first switch on the booster and then decrease Presence. Should then the new level of Presence be saved, but not the active booster?
    You lock a Module with a Wah => every Rig you load from now on gets stored automatically with that Wah potentially overwriting other effects?

    Nothing would be auto saved.
    After parameters were adjusted I could save the rig by holding its foot switch down for two seconds, instead of pushing the store button multiple times on the Kemper.

  • My thoughts too.

    Was on my third gig wit the Kemper last night... there's that breaking in period where adjustments are to be made on the fly. As you mentioned, having to bend down to the Kemper to make adjustments and hit the store button multiple times is a bit of agro.

    Would welcome this feature.

    P.S - Does Kemper read these requests?

  • This doesn't make any sense. Autosave is closer to "full control", you actually mean "security and stability", which is a good argument and which is why I mentioned it should be an option.

    It is my humble opinion that any time a device does something automatically, you no longer have full control of it. Like a manual vs. automatic transmission in a car.