Kemper Floor Unit Profile PLAYER- Im ready to send the cash!

  • I'll get right to the point. I play multiple times per week but cant afford a roadie. Modeling/profiling has reached the quality where lugging amps no longer makes sense to me. After a year I sold my AxeFX2 because it was tiring hauling guitar, rack for AxeFx, and pedalboard. Especially if I had more than one guitar to haul to the gig/session. That's why I can't buy the current Kemper product. Too much to haul. I am currently using the Atomic Amplifire and very happy. Pedalboard and guitar. One trip to and from gig. I use MBritt's presets for the Amplifire and the sounds are very good. I want GREAT sounds though. I want the amazing Kemper profiles and I will be the first in a long line of musicians who would happily purchase an all in one floor Kemper PLAYER. Today. Right now. Money is on the way.

    I call it a Kemper PLAYER because it wouldn't need to profile amps. That's what the current Kemper is for. If Kemper would make either:
    1. A small floor unit that allows the use of their profiles so we can use our own effects pedals
    OR, better yet:
    2. Make a larger floor unit like the Helix or AX8, including effects- they would sell like crazy!!! Also, if there's a chance this one is in the works, please don't make the mistake Fractal made with the AX8. (It runs out of processing power too quickly when reverb is added.). Just make the same quality professional Kemper in a floor unit without the profiling capability. a profile PLAYER.

    Consider all of the sales of the Line 6 Helix, Fractal AX8, Atomic Amplifire, and all of the other lesser known all in one pedals. With the very impressive list of artists and pro studios that Kemper can mention in their marketing, and the far superior profiles available on Kemper, it would be perfect for musicians like me who like to play and not program. It will be a huge hit. I'm ready to write a check right now! I just want a product that feels and sounds like a real amp with the utmost portability. This would allow a working musician to choose a few favorite profiles and go to work. Forget all that sitting at home dialing in. Some folks enjoy that. I just want the simplicity of pedals and amp in a very portable reliable format. I want a Kemper in a floor unit and I'm ready to buy. Thanks for reading.

  • I love the idea... since it came up first.
    A "Profiler Player" would be so great!

    No profiling Option, just a rugged floorboard-style unit with very limited, but yet powerful, options to change parameters would be a useful tool. Specially for those who mainly only use profiles but never make their own.

    I think somewhen in the past someone from Kemper already said that this will never happen. Correct me if i got this wrong.

  • This has been brought up a million times already.
    I don't believe it will happen anytime soon.

    I also would not want a proposed $1,200-1,500 unit on the floor when Ian playing gigs but that's just me.
    Kemper in rack, Remote on floor with 1 cable.
    Done, and I'd rather someone step on my Remote than my Kemper!

  • You may have a long wait I fear.....nice idea though

    Talked with Kemper at NAMM and it was strongly implied to me that this is on their radar (because Kemper doesn't outright talk about any developments). I wouldn't get expectations up, but I would expect to see something in the not too distant future.

  • I'm among those that would like an all in one floor unit. Honestly, I don't see why they couldn't just do the whole kit and caboodle on the floor. They may even be able to make it less expensive than the remote/rack or remote/toaster combo because of it all being one unit. But of course, I am not Kemper and I don't manufacture the things. I just think it would be an awesome option!

  • Did you notice that when u use head, the remote goes in the same gigbag?

    Myself, i would be missing controllers with the remote only, so i went for this, which also fits on top of the head. Pedal is my Wah, whats missing (and in the mail) is a 2 knob pedal which can control 4 parameters with the 2 knobs. It includes a bluetooth midi remote, and its all powered by the battery on the its completely wireless.

    So i hook the KPA to the net, plug to whatever is powering it, throw this board on the Floor...and im good to go. Carrying a guitar and the KPA gigbag.

  • There are of course lots of solutions outside of the Remote (I use an FCB1010), but the topic was about an all in one floor unit a la Helix and AX8.

  • You're right, but I feel the OP is looking for an all-in-one as opposed to having 2 separate pieces to hook up, and several other cables. And let's not forget that while the Remote can be made to fit in the Kemper bag, most people use 1 or 2 expression pedals that don't.

    Having a Helix-type design with an expression pedal where you can play profiles would be quite convenient and no doubt considerably less expensive. I'd definitely opt for one.

  • You're right, but I feel the OP is looking for an all-in-one as opposed to having 2 separate pieces to hook up, and several other cables. And let's not forget that while the Remote can be made to fit in the Kemper bag, most people use 1 or 2 expression pedals that don't.

    Having a Helix-type design with an expression pedal where you can play profiles would be quite convenient and no doubt considerably less expensive. I'd definitely opt for one.

    Why do you think it would be considerably less expensive?

    If it's ever going to happen it's going to cost the same as head or more.

  • It's not really a stretch when you look at the cost of floor vs rack models. Helix, AX8, HeadRush, etc. All more inexpensive than the Kemper. I don't think there's any precedent for a live floor unit being more or as expensive as the original, and currently the most affordable elite modeling hardware are the floor units.

    Only time will tell and Kemper will know, but chances are any floor-based unit will sacrifice some processing power a la AX8 vs Axe-FX II, or like the OP suggested you might give up the ability to profile but simply use it to store profiles and effects, and perhaps a much smaller quantity than in the head or rack.

  • I had asked the kemper guys about a "profile player" just a month or so after the kpa was released, but their response was that it wouldn't be much cheaper (I assumed it would) and wasn't being considered. But in terms of an actual floor unit a la helix.. Could see myself being interested.. Then again there's the remote...

  • I'd venture that at that point the floor models weren't quite what they're becoming now, especially with the AX8 and its popularity. At NAMM this year the person at the Kemper booth I spoke to on the last day implied that it's something they would be silly not to look into. Given how many non-answers they gave me I took that as a pretty strong sign that they were probably already in development or being talked about seriously. Perhaps they hadn't considered something like not having it profile or with less processing power which would help drive the price down. Since they would release one to directly compete with the others, chances are they would try to find some way to cut the cost, but again, only Kemper knows.

  • My guess is that, whether they release a floor unit or not, they won’t release a unit without profiler. Why not? Because Kemper is the sneaky company that get us to do their work for them and the more profilers (and hence profiles) out there, the more value the unit has for every potential purchaser or user.

  • Firstly, a profile player would still require a power amp section. This can't be build into a floor unit due to the size. Even a class D amp would be hard to fit into a floor unit. It would have to be very sturdy as well so top notch components. The current version of the Kemper is solid but not solid enough to stomp on it. The buttons currently on the Kemper require tender pressure :)

    Second, the price difference for a Kemper with or without the profiling capabilities would be minimal. They won't sell this for 500 euro since it would undermine their flagship product severely. They wouldn't even be able to produce it for 500 euros so the selling point would maybe be around 900 - 1000 euro. Too close to the price of a real Kemper.

    Just like jimification said just above, Kemper thrives on the profiling market. Releasing a product that won't profile would mean suicide.

    They already have a floor unit linked to the Kemper. This wouldn't sell anymore either.

    People still buy amps even if they have a Kemper. Because having a real amp is still something well... real. Mathematics comes close to the real thing but are the profiles profiled at the 'sweet' spot of an amp ? Many aren't due to the volume but reaching a sweet spot of an amp is something hard to reproduce.

  • Firstly, a profile player would still require a power amp section.

    Why is that? No other floor model requires one, and the Kemper comes without a power amp option already.

    The current version of the Kemper is solid but not solid enough to stomp on it. The buttons currently on the Kemper require tender pressure

    And you feel it's impossible for them to develop a solution to this? They did develop the Remote, which is likely what something like this would be based around.

    Second, the price difference for a Kemper with or without the profiling capabilities would be minimal. They won't sell this for 500 euro since it would undermine their flagship product severely. They wouldn't even be able to produce it for 500 euros so the selling point would maybe be around 900 - 1000 euro. Too close to the price of a real Kemper.

    I'm puzzled where you found this information and pricing. There's already a precedent with other manufacturers where you sacrifice some things like processing power to have a floor unit, hence the price drops. And I don't think having several lines of products with particular benefits undermines anything.

    Just like jimification said just above, Kemper thrives on the profiling market. Releasing a product that won't profile would mean suicide.

    I don't think this makes sense. There are people here who are not interested in a floor model and will always keep their rack gear because it's familiar and it's what they use.

    They already have a floor unit linked to the Kemper. This wouldn't sell anymore either.

    Not true. So long as people have incentive to buy the Kemper head or rack, the Remote will still have sales. Part of how you incentivize that is by limiting the capabilities of a for-live floor unit. If the floor unit can't profile or has less processing power, each product has advantages and disadvantages. Plenty of people will still opt for the traditional Kemper and Remote, or perhaps keep the traditional Kemper for home while taking the floor unit out for gigs. Either way, the idea that something won't sell anymore because of a floor option is unfounded. Fractal is still selling Axe-FX II's despite the AX8, which is considerably less in price.

    My guess is that, whether they release a floor unit or not, they won’t release a unit without profiler. Why not? Because Kemper is the sneaky company that get us to do their work for them and the more profilers (and hence profiles) out there, the more value the unit has for every potential purchaser or user.

    I see your point, but by limiting the profiling capability in a floor unit, it would help incentivize people to continue buying the head or rack configuration. At this point the profile market is pretty saturated, if not over-saturated, so I don't think they are hurting for options that this is a viable concern.