• I didn't see an option in the pitch section that allowed just one note.

    You will probably see this more often, that the effects deliver more than what you need. However, having these options doesn't mean you have to use them.
    In your case with the harmonizer/pitch shifter you can either set one voice unisono or use the voice mix parameter to hear just one of the two possible voices.

  • Well, thanks to all you guys, my KPA is starting to get dialed in! updated to the 5.1 beta...got the harmony stuff working...got the Kemper Remote setup...got the Mission pedal set up...got my 3 Sigma Audio Martin D-45 acoustic responses working...got 19 killer "rigs" set up already.

    The humbucker guitars (Suhr Modern, Majesty, Steve Morse, Game Changer, Albert Lee, Charvel So Cal, GJ2 Glendora, etc.) all sound killer. Later tonight or probably tomorrow I will tweak some tones for the single coil / P90 guitars ('69 Strat, '65 Tele, Duesenberg Dragster, RS Guitarworks Rockabilly, etc.)

    This thing seems pretty cool...the Helix will probably mainly see duty for vocals and the James Tyler Variax guitar from now on, if dealing with the KPA continues this way!

  • Welcome, Eric!

    the Helix will probably mainly see duty for vocals and the James Tyler Variax guitar from now on, if dealing with the KPA continues this way!

    I take it you're using the VDI connection.

    Initially I was going to keep either an X3 Pro or HD500 specifically in order to be able to employ VDI 'cause I grew to love it over the years (even have 3 spare cables), but chose eventually to go with the simple stomp-format Variax power-supply pedal. Sure, it's not as ridiculously-quiet as the VDI route, but it's still way beyond what you'd ever be able to get from a "normal" guitar and lead. In addition to this, Kemper's adaptive noise gate is superb, should you choose to reduce that super-low-level, almost-pleasant white noise the method I described produces to zero.

    Just sayin'. That way you'll be able to treat your Variax/s more like normal guitars. If you eventually have an alternative phantom-power source for you mic, which I'm betting you will, then you'll no longer need to hang onto a bulky piece of hardware just for the sake of powering and routing your Variax/s.

  • Yeah, I'm using the VDI connection...not sure why I feel like I need to keep the Helix, other than it has served me very well since I got it! I could plug my vocal mics directly into my interface and just use plug-in reverbs, compressors, etc. and I am sure I could just run the Variax into the Kemper and use the lithium-ion battery that came with the JTV guitar. Both being Line 6, the JTV and the Helix play very nice together though.

    I'm definitely learning my way around the KPA after a week of having it, but the Helix is just a much simpler device to use and I really miss having the editor on my Mac...I used it as my main interaction with the Helix...I kept the Helix on the floor under my desk so rarely had to actually access it with my hands and the editor was just the best way to work with it and still use my feet for the expression pedals. I also think it was easier to dial in the effects on the Helix than it is on the KPA, but that will probably become easier the more I work with the KPA. I loved being able to blend two different amps together on the Helix, but I understand that the Helix & the KPA are two different kinds of beasts...which is probably another reason I kind of want to hang on to the Helix...neither is a direct replacement for the other.

    The Helix has the ability to make the footswitches either latching or momentary...does the KPA have that sort of feature? (I found that using a harmony setting with a momentary footswitch was handy for recording leads...I could be playing and simply press & hold for a quick harmony run and then release to go back to single guitar.)

    I could see in the future just moving the Helix to the living room with some kind of powered FR speaker and using it as a "couch amp".

    I had a great weekend with the KPA though...I finished two tracks to wrap up my next "EP" release on bandcamp.com and recorded the first track for the next EP! New toys always spark the creativity! The new delays in the latest update are great...could better reverbs be coming? (some of the reverbs are quite good though the Helix has a lot of really nice reverbs.) Do I understand correctly that Kemper is pretty good about continually issuing updates?

    The Helix has a nice group of guys in the forum and this forum seems great as well - doesn't seem to be any bad apples like you see in just about every internet forum these days...that's refreshing!

  • I am sure I could just run the Variax into the Kemper and use the lithium-ion battery that came with the JTV guitar. Both being Line 6, the JTV and the Helix play very nice together though.

    Yeah, but the recharging thing's a PITA, which is why I recommended the power-supply pedal; it's like having a permanently-fully-charged battery, and the guitar's a little lighter too without it.

    I'm definitely learning my way around the KPA after a week of having it, but the Helix is just a much simpler device to use and I really miss having the editor on my Mac

    Never fear, bud. A Kemper editor is on its way. Sit tight.

    I also think it was easier to dial in the effects on the Helix than it is on the KPA, but that will probably become easier the more I work with the KPA.

    ... and when the editor becomes available.

    The Helix has the ability to make the footswitches either latching or momentary...does the KPA have that sort of feature?

    Someone else will have to answer this. Anyone?

    I could see in the future just moving the Helix to the living room with some kind of powered FR speaker and using it as a "couch amp".

    Exactly what I'm considering doing with my HD500, which I intended to sell initially. If I could afford a 2nd Kemper, that'd obviously be my preference, but that'd be overkill, especially on my budget.

    The new delays in the latest update are great...could better reverbs be coming?

    AFAIK, they are.

    Do I understand correctly that Kemper is pretty good about continually issuing updates?

    Yep. Fantastic, and a great company to boot.

    The Helix has a nice group of guys in the forum and this forum seems great as well - doesn't seem to be any bad apples like you see in just about every internet forum these days...that's refreshing!

    So true. Hope the forum doesn't disappoint at some stage.

    Enjoy, mate!