I don't have access to profile the amps i want.

  • Most KPA owners don't do any profiling. There are hundreds of free Rigs available from Kemper, over 9000 free rigs posted by other Kemper owners on the Rig Exchange, and there are also commercial rigs offered by many sellers.

    What amp sounds would you want?

    Friedman Brown Eye
    Suhr SE+
    Mesa Boogie Mark IV & V
    Trainwreck Express & Rocket
    Dumble Overdrive Special
    Fender Twin Reverb

    Edited 2 times, last by johnatanasoff (February 7, 2017 at 4:51 PM).

  • As @paults mentioned, most of us don't ever profile. It's certainly a cool feature. But I've been using this thing for about a year straight now, and have never needed to profile anything. EVERY amp I've ever thought of profiling (including all that you listed) have already been profiled numerous times by others. For me, there is no point in profiling because anything I do, has likely already been done better by people who are true pros at the profiling process and know exactly how to tweak things to yield the best result. Many of them are free. But even those that you need to pay for, it's totally worth it to pay such a small fee. You can get packs of amps for as little as a few bucks. I think MBritt has bundles that have all the amps you mentioned. The overwhelming majority of the profiles I use all came from MBritt. All I usually need to do with his profiles is to add a touch of high end in the EQ, and it's done.

    The appeal of the Kemper for many (including me) is that you don't NEED to own all those expensive amps, but can still have their sounds.

  • I don't own any of those amps, nor have access to them. Had a JCM800 decades ago. HOWEVER, I have profiles for each of them on my Kemper. That is, except for the Suhr. But, that isn't because there isn't one out there to get, just that I haven't. Everything but the Dumble can be found free. THough I have bought (for very, very little) pro made profiles of each.

  • As @paults mentioned, most of us don't ever profile. It's certainly a cool feature. But I've been using this thing for about a year straight now, and have never needed to profile anything. EVERY amp I've ever thought of profiling (including all that you listed) have already been profiled numerous times by others. For me, there is no point in profiling because anything I do, has likely already been done better by people who are true pros at the profiling process and know exactly how to tweak things to yield the best result. Many of them are free. But even those that you need to pay for, it's totally worth it to pay such a small fee. You can get packs of amps for as little as a few bucks. I think MBritt has bundles that have all the amps you mentioned. The overwhelming majority of the profiles I use all came from MBritt. All I usually need to do with his profiles is to add a touch of high end in the EQ, and it's done.

    The appeal of the Kemper for many (including me) is that you don't NEED to own all those expensive amps, but can still have their sounds.

    The Kemper appeal is the only reason i'l go digital; so i can have the tone of those expensive amps.

    Nothing will ever replace hot glass, heavy iron and wood!

  • I don't own any of those amps, nor have access to them. Had a JCM800 decades ago. HOWEVER, I have profiles for each of them on my Kemper. That is, except for the Suhr. But, that isn't because there isn't one out there to get, just that I haven't. Everything but the Dumble can be found free. THough I have bought (for very, very little) pro made profiles of each.

    Yeah; i have no problems paying for great sounding profiles.

  • The Kemper takes pedals very well. Or, you can profile a pedal+amp combination.

    Sweet! I hope there's profiles of some pedals i love that i can download or buy.

    Btw, i heard some people go to fractal only because of effects routing. I am still learning about it, but is it related with processing power?
    The only effects i need mixed in same preset are reverb/delay/chorus. Can kemper do that?

  • Sweet! I hope there's profiles of some pedals i love that i can download or buy.

    Just want to clarify something here. There is only one spot for a profiled device on the Kemper. That means you cannot profile a distortion pedal and combine it with a separate profile of an amp.

    In other words, if you're using a profile of, say, that Suhr SE+, and want to add, for example, a Fulltone OCD to the signal, you have to use an analog OCD pedal, either in front of the Kemper, or in a "distortion loop," which is just an FX loop that is used for distortion and overdrive pedals. You can profile an amp with a distortion or overdrive in front of it (though fuzzes don't take very well), but you can't add it after the fact, and, since you said you didn't have any of these amps available to you, you're either stuck with the several overdrive/distortion models on the Kemper, using an actual pedal, or finding a profile (many of which exist) that is boosted or driven by a pedal.

    Guitars: Parker Fly Mojo Flame, Ibanez RG7620 7-string, Legator Ninja 8-string, Fender Strat & Tele, Breedlove Pro C25
    Pedalboard: Templeboards Trio 43, Mission VM-1, Morley Bad Horsie, RJM Mini Effect Gizmo, 6 Degrees FX Sally Drive, Foxpedals The City, Addrock Ol' Yeller, RJM MMGT/22, Mission RJM EP-1, Strymon Timeline + BigSky
    Stack: Furman PL-Plus C, Kemper Rack

  • Sweet! I hope there's profiles of some pedals i love that i can download or buy.

    Btw, i heard some people go to fractal only because of effects routing. I am still learning about it, but is it related with processing power?
    The only effects i need mixed in same preset are reverb/delay/chorus. Can kemper do that?

    Hello Johnatanasoff, and welcome.

    I would strongly encourage that you download the Kemper Reference User Manual, and read up on the unit's features and capabilities. This is in no way meant to discourage you from asking questions, here, on this forum. We are all here to help. However, there is also no substitute for doing your due diligence, and learning as much as you can about a powerful device that you considering expending a considerable investment of both money and time. :)

    By the way, even a cursory review of the KPA product brochure would have answered your previous question.

    Here are the relevant links:

    Deeper View and Reference Manual 5.1:

    Kemper Profiling Amp Product Literature/Brochure:


    Edited once, last by Tritium (February 10, 2017 at 8:08 AM).

  • Just want to clarify something here. There is only one spot for a profiled device on the Kemper. That means you cannot profile a distortion pedal and combine it with a separate profile of an amp.
    In other words, if you're using a profile of, say, that Suhr SE+, and want to add, for example, a Fulltone OCD to the signal, you have to use an analog OCD pedal, either in front of the Kemper, or in a "distortion loop," which is just an FX loop that is used for distortion and overdrive pedals. You can profile an amp with a distortion or overdrive in front of it (though fuzzes don't take very well), but you can't add it after the fact, and, since you said you didn't have any of these amps available to you, you're either stuck with the several overdrive/distortion models on the Kemper, using an actual pedal, or finding a profile (many of which exist) that is boosted or driven by a pedal.

    If the Kemper has some usable models that might do it for me. I don't want an actual pedal; wanna keep it simple.
    A profile of an amp+pedal can work fine. As long as you're happy with the amp+pedal sound, with a click of a button it's like you're activating the pedal; without lag!
    This and because Kemper emulates amps better than Fractal is the reason i choose Kemper.

  • You're right John i'l read on the unit capabilities.
    Most of my doubts are cleared anyway, so i know what i need.
    Kemper support via email and forum is Stellar! But i do agree basic research to avoid basic questions is a good approach by newbies.

  • The Kemper appeal is the only reason i'l go digital; so i can have the tone of those expensive amps.
    Nothing will ever replace hot glass, heavy iron and wood!

    I can honestly say that if you put in the time to get everything set up properly, and most importantly, use the right profiles, you will not be disappointed. I've been playing professionally in both cover and original bands for over 20 years, ranging from small clubs to huge festivals with national acts. I've used the Kemper for both over the last year and in all cases, when I've had it connected to a PA, it sounds just as good, and yes, in some cases, better than the actual tube amps I've used before (Marshall, Mesa and Friedman). The reason it can sound better is because there is no hit or miss possibilities with mic'ing a cab. I run direct. So I know the signal I'm sending is EXACTLY the same every time. No need to worry about mic placements anymore.

    I used to use a pedalboard that weighed 75lbs (no joke). Thanks to the Kemper, my board now weighs around 25lbs. And most of that weight is due to the fact that I use 3 separate Mission expression pedals (you can get away with less). My guitar signal chain is now just guitar-wireless-Kemper and then direct to the board with the monitor out going to my Yamaha DXR15. I've got videos and pictures on this forum showing this setup in action.

    I'm telling you, musicians hear my sound coming through the PA and EVERY TIME, they look at me with the "you have to be kidding me" expression on their face because they can't believe how good it sounds, let alone the range of sounds I can get. The only effects I use now are the Kemper effects. For live use, this is more than enough. For recording, you might want something a bit more pro. But even then, I find the Kemper effects to be way more than I need.

    The key is to find the right profiles. In my opinion, MBritt has the best stuff. But again, it's all subjective. I've tried some profiles that people have recommended and they sounded like digital garbage to me. But with the MBritt stuff, in most cases I find that they start out sounding a little too dark or muddy to me. A simple tweak of the treble and presence knobs take care of that every time.

    My point with all of this is, don't be too quick to dismiss the Kemper. When I first got it, I wasn't impressed during the first month. But after that, I really decided to read up on it and really LEARN how to adjust everything instead of just reading the manual for the sake of saying I read it. That, and the guys on this forum made a big difference. Finding the right monitor for your situation is key as well. But I'm telling ya, since I did all that, I sold my entire tube amp rig (and came out with money left over after paying for the Kemper). And I haven't regretted switching to Kemper for a second. In fact, I'm thinking about buying another just in case anything ever fails on my main rig (not a single problem so far).

  • I can honestly say that if you put in the time to get everything set up properly, and most importantly, use the right profiles, you will not be disappointed. I've been playing professionally in both cover and original bands for over 20 years, ranging from small clubs to huge festivals with national acts. I've used the Kemper for both over the last year and in all cases, when I've had it connected to a PA, it sounds just as good, and yes, in some cases, better than the actual tube amps I've used before (Marshall, Mesa and Friedman). The reason it can sound better is because there is no hit or miss possibilities with mic'ing a cab. I run direct. So I know the signal I'm sending is EXACTLY the same every time. No need to worry about mic placements anymore.

    I used to use a pedalboard that weighed 75lbs (no joke). Thanks to the Kemper, my board now weighs around 25lbs. And most of that weight is due to the fact that I use 3 separate Mission expression pedals (you can get away with less). My guitar signal chain is now just guitar-wireless-Kemper and then direct to the board with the monitor out going to my Yamaha DXR15. I've got videos and pictures on this forum showing this setup in action.

    I'm telling you, musicians hear my sound coming through the PA and EVERY TIME, they look at me with the "you have to be kidding me" expression on their face because they can't believe how good it sounds, let alone the range of sounds I can get. The only effects I use now are the Kemper effects. For live use, this is more than enough. For recording, you might want something a bit more pro. But even then, I find the Kemper effects to be way more than I need.

    The key is to find the right profiles. In my opinion, MBritt has the best stuff. But again, it's all subjective. I've tried some profiles that people have recommended and they sounded like digital garbage to me. But with the MBritt stuff, in most cases I find that they start out sounding a little too dark or muddy to me. A simple tweak of the treble and presence knobs take care of that every time.

    My point with all of this is, don't be too quick to dismiss the Kemper. When I first got it, I wasn't impressed during the first month. But after that, I really decided to read up on it and really LEARN how to adjust everything instead of just reading the manual for the sake of saying I read it. That, and the guys on this forum made a big difference. Finding the right monitor for your situation is key as well. But I'm telling ya, since I did all that, I sold my entire tube amp rig (and came out with money left over after paying for the Kemper). And I haven't regretted switching to Kemper for a second. In fact, I'm thinking about buying another just in case anything ever fails on my main rig (not a single problem so far).

    Thanks! That was really insightful!

    34kg for a pedalboard, uau!
    Do you recommend a pair of Yamaha DXR15? I'd love to hear and see your rig in action. Can you send links?
    I am def giving MBritt profiles a go when i get the kemper.

    Do you have facebook or something i can PM you? As i don't have a serial registered with Kemper website, i have limited access in the forum, inc not being able to send PM's.

    I look forward to belong to the Kemper family!