How should I integrate the KPA into my new rig?

  • Hello, KPA Forum.

    I'm in a bit of a dilemma here. Long story short, I have nothing but a single electric guitar after selling all of my gear (for the curious, I moved across the world) and now I am not entirely sure how I want to go about rebuilding my rig. I'm looking forward to purchasing a Kemper Rack, but I'm not entirely sure whether I should go for the powered or non-powered version. I am aware of the basic differences between the two versions, but I have no idea how good the power amplifier in the Kemper is when compared to a third party solution. If I do not go for the powered Kemper, I'll probably be purchasing a power amp separately in the future (because a lot of venues in Tokyo provide a 4x12 cabinet). With that being said, I should mention that I am not entirely sure how realistic it is to expect using the Kemper without a power amplifier in live settings. I have never used anything outside of a traditional amplifier + cabinet setup in live and rehearsal settings so I am very ill-advised on this matter.

    I am also on the fence about purchasing a Kemper Remote to accompany my new Kemper rack primarily because of the fact that I am entirely unsure about whether the remote will be a better option when compared to the traditional individual pedal chain. However, I'm not entirely sure how I would go about switching between cleans and distorted sounds if I were to decide on the individual pedals as opposed to the Kemper remote.

    Basically, it all comes own to: which KPA rack, and remote or individual pedals? I am looking forward to using the KPA as a convenient practice and recording amplifier 30% of the time, and using it as a (hopefully) simple and easy live/rehearsal rig the other 70% of the time. I live in Tokyo, so I use public transportation wherever I go. I do not own a car. If there are any kind individuals willing to offer me their advice on this matter, I would be delighted. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you could benefit from knowing a little more about me or my potential KPA usage. Thank you.

  • I love total recall. :D

    With the remote you can recall very complex and fine-tuned Kemper sounds (from amp to all FX). And morph. And connect expression pedals (WahWah!). You have to like the internal FX, though. I certainly do.

    (I cannot comment on the live situation.)

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • Go for kpa rack not powered and then buy a power amp. Put everything in a 3U case and you are done. Remote is not a must, it depends on your need. I use a simple 2 button switch because all I need is to go up and down between presets. If you need to toggle effects on and off, need pedals and other stuff, the remote is the ideal solution.

  • I run a Kemper and a behringer footcontroller, covers it for me.

    For power there seem to be 2 kinds of people:
    1- people who like the Kemper powered by a full range system for stage monitoring. Giving them the full extend of the profiled rigs and flexibility.
    2- people who like the "amp in the room sound" who switch of cab sim, and run the Kemper into a guitar amp/cabinet.

    Im a "nr2", i run it through the return of a solide state amp.
    Sounds great, you are however stuck to the sound of the speaker you have.

    Both scenario's can be done with a powered version, depending on using frfr, or guitar cabs.
    If you are in a spot where you come across a lot of stages with speaker cabinets there, maybe a powered version is most practical.

  • If you're going to play live I would just buy powered rack - you said, you don't own a car - one rack device (separate poweramp) less to carry.

    I wouldn't also mess with individual pedals since built in effect are of very good (some might discuss) and latest delays are top class.

    Remote seamlessly integrates with Profiler and you don't need power supply - just connect Remote to Kemper with ethernet cable. It's pricy though, so may want to learn about FCB1010 which does good job for what it is - but it's bulkier on the other side. As @Giallanon mentioned, if all you need is to switch to another/previous rig, you can use simple 2 button switch.