clean sens setup

  • Hi Guys
    I'm pretty new here, just got my profiler a week ago, so sorry if this is a dumb question for someone :) ...
    I'm having a bit of trouble with relative levels of some of the factory rigs...what I feel is that some of the clean tones have different levels from each other and I read everything on the manual about setting up "clean sens" and "distortion sens"..for now my setup is simply my Gibson SG (with 2 gibson humbuckers, so fairly low compared to stuff like EMGs) into the profiler.
    I know that there are so many different sounds in the profiler with so many different frequencies, so okay in some cases it may be an ear illusion but, for example I clearly hear the rig named "Beat boy" a lot weaker than the one "AS Sure Badge" or, I hear some of the dirtier rigs lower than some clean ones...and I also get one of the rigs clipping in the output only (Edvaha 5150III Hi Sue Gr...)...and I never touched the volume knob in any rig...if I got it right they all should sound at the right level out of the box with the correct clean sens balance...right?
    Any tips on setting this up?? :D

  • Thanks for the replies guys! I asked this question because in the manual says that the profiler comes with all the profiles at approx the same amount of loudness..but I feel that they have very different levels...expecially among the clean I guess what I have to do is setting an overall balance with the clean sens (between clean and distorted sounds) and then fine tune the levels of the profiles that might have more or less volume (with the Rig Volume knob)?
    Thanks again to all :)

  • Please watch this video to learn how to set the clean sens in an optimal way.

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  • Please watch this video to learn how to set the clean sens in an optimal way.

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    thank you. I was looking for this!

  • Thanks for the replies guys! I asked this question because in the manual says that the profiler comes with all the profiles at approx the same amount of loudness..but I feel that they have very different levels...expecially among the clean I guess what I have to do is setting an overall balance with the clean sens (between clean and distorted sounds) and then fine tune the levels of the profiles that might have more or less volume (with the Rig Volume knob)?
    Thanks again to all :)

    This is exactly what I would do.

  • Also take note that you should adjust the clean sense with all effects "off". Effects can add unexpected distortion or boosts to a sound, so after you set up your clean sense add the effects back in and then see if you get jumps in volume or unintended distortion. Often I find I download a new rig from a vendor or the exchange and there are effects that someone else had adjusted for their setup and they need to be adjusted for my setup.

  • Hi guys,
    I did some more tries and some gigs with my profiler and I still have some volume jump issues between my rigs in performance mode...maybe there's still something I don't get right..
    I basically have a performance with 4 sounds (1 clean, 1 for finger plyaying, 2 dirt) and use one guitar+moogerfooger MF 101 throughout the entire set.
    Since the moog boosts the signal anyway (it's not true bybass so adds a little dirt to every rig) I figured I had to have 4 different clean sens + dist sens setup one for each rig, in order to calibrate them good...but I still have volume issues for example if I raise the gain in the clean rig the volume drops down is there something I'm doing wrong? Is this a wrong approach? I it correct to have a different input preset for each rig if a use the same guitar in the performance or should I find one for the guitar and adjust each rig afterwards? sorry if this is a bit unclear...any tips? thanks in advance

  • Yes ok but what if, with that one guitar preset, only one of the rigs in the performance has a volume problem if I raise the gain?...Iet me explain better :) .. for my clean sound I'm trying to use the Morgan profile included in the M Britt pack that Kemper released a few days ago...but only with that profile, if I use the same input preset I saved for my guitar I get a dramatic volume fall if I raise the I figured I had to re-set my clean I wrong?
    thanks for answering me anyway ;)

  • a higher gain may mean more distortion but usually more compression and at times even less volume (though probably more loudness), so perhaps it's a matter of increasing the Rig volume of that Morgan Rig. At least if all other rigs are not affected by the input change. If you change the input sense you will affect those other rigs.

    Never too old for rock'n'roll

  • Yes ok but what if, with that one guitar preset, only one of the rigs in the performance has a volume problem if I raise the gain?...Iet me explain better :) .. for my clean sound I'm trying to use the Morgan profile included in the M Britt pack that Kemper released a few days ago...but only with that profile, if I use the same input preset I saved for my guitar I get a dramatic volume fall if I raise the I figured I had to re-set my clean I wrong?
    thanks for answering me anyway ;)

    I think you're right. What if you re-set your clean sense and go to another rig? Are the cleans too low then? Have you checked if there are any stomps involved which could have an effect?

    I haven't had this problem and I just checked the rig you mention. It behaves like the other rigs I'm using.

  • there where no stomps, I checked...I built up a new preset (for the guitar and locked it for performance) starting from scatch and now it seems to work ok...but I had to set it very - 7 dB...isn't that too much?...maybe the Moog boosts the signal so much it's like I had some super hot pickups...