SPDIF interface?

  • I keep reading about re-amping with SPDIF but i do not have an SPDIF interface. I am using a mac and would like to know what SPDIF interfaces people are using for there keeper recording... I can't seem to find any good ones..

  • I keep reading about re-amping with SPDIF but i do not have an SPDIF interface. I am using a mac and would like to know what SPDIF interfaces people are using for there keeper recording... I can't seem to find any good ones..

    I'm on Windows 10, but since long time I am using Focustire Scarlett 6i6 (used Focusrite Saffire 24 Pro prior to this) and I recommend it.

    There's even a tutorial thread created by @Michael_dk for remaping using Focusrite Saffire interface (MixControl sofware is the same for Scarlerr and Saffire range).

    What in particular makes an interface a good one for you @bloomk?

  • Many users have good experience with this one, so do I:


    There's a 2.gen version available for some month:


    In a nutshell: Unlike other interfaces I'd been using, the Focusrie works fluently without any dropout when switching between applications. I don't feel any latency and I'm picky about that. Plus: The direct monitoring option works with the spdif input, which is by far not common. (There's of course one d/a conversion going on, but's that's the nature of things.)

    So, this is highly recommended.

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band: vimeo.com/10419626[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

    Edited 2 times, last by Fireloogie (February 1, 2017 at 9:11 AM).

  • There's even one more video tutorial created by @lightbox:

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    Reamping in general is a generic process for Kemper + audio interface of your choice, but as you can see you have tutorials with Focusrite's devices.

  • Most interfaces will work with Mac or Windows. I am on Mac and use a Saffire Pro 26, it has S/PIDF. You could also check out the Scarlett 6i6.
    It all depends on how many mic pre you need, do you use usb2, usb 3, FireWire, Thunderbolt? Do you need better mic pre or digital conversion? So a budget would be important factor. The two I listed are budget friendly.

  • Cool, thanks guys.. that what I needed to know.. I have. a Scarlett already but not SPDIF in it... si I didn't know if I needed a new interface or I needed an interface that did only SPDIF... should like I need a new interface..

  • I also use a Focusrite Interface and it works just fine (although I use an older one, Saffire Pro 14). The only thing I'm not so happy about is the headphone input that is a bit fragile (and I believe that the headphone input on the new scarletts are the same as the one I have in my Saffire).