Loss of volume during playing? No solution yet but maybe a reason found.

  • Last rehearsal, during a song the volume, was dropped down so I and my band mates did not hear me anymore loud enough.
    I changed the performance after the song and the effect was gone - could go back to the Profile I had before.
    I could not repeat this issue but it was uncomfortable. (Heavens thank it was just rehearsal)
    I use last beta.

    Did any other see this issue.

    Edited 2 times, last by Sharry: Version added (January 30, 2017 at 3:57 PM).

  • That's bad @Sharry. I don't use Performance mode, but I noticed most of bad things happening in KPA relate to Performance mode. And you're not first to whom this occurred (maybe first with latest 5.1.0 beta). I wonder if sending your backup to support would allow to investigate anything, or was that just ugly one-timer.
    Thank heavens it was not live, agreed.
    Anyway send this info to support@kemper-amps.com.

    Users @BobbyKa, @whippinpost91850, @deadpan have had similar issue ----> Bug? Massive Gain-Loss!

    Edited 2 times, last by skoczy (January 29, 2017 at 7:35 PM).

  • Got a qick reaction from support. :thumbup:
    They know that some of us has mentioned this problem, but till now nobody could send a backup which allows them to analyse this topic. (Also mine was not good enough)

    One reason could be the volume pedal. I use it as booster post effects with almost value +5 .
    If there is a contact problem of the cable or the jacks then this could couse this phänomen.

    I will investigate this problem and hope I will not face it again during a GIG :/

  • I have used Performancemode since i bought the Remote, but never had any problems with that! I use wirelwss from guitar to kemper, with quality cables, it only runs trough a Peterson tuner with external power.

    Do this happen wih or without volumepedal?

  • Hmm, I could see a bad connection in a cable or one of the contact pins causing this ( as support has suggested). I don't use a pedal for volume boost, only for wah or modulation control. You might try using the morph feature or assigning the boost to a switch to get what you need. Might not be how you like to do it, but sure beats an unexpected result.

    Hopefully it's just the pedal connection and not something else.

  • Hopefully it's just the pedal connection and not something else.

    I hope too - at the moment I see no other solution as to wait. I think it is a plausible reason.
    It was a first time issue - and I am not so nervous, if it happened again. I think know now how to solve.

    The worst thing is that one song could be disturbed. At the moment there are not so important GIG's that it would be tragic.

  • the exact same thing happened to me and has happened on the last 5 version (public) and the beta version. It happens in performance mode for me.

    You can go into the "output" section and change the output preset to sort of reset things but it will happen again after a while. Did you also notice that when turning the volume up from say 3 it jumped immediately to like 10 with no volume increase?

    I also have the remote and run a pedal in position 5 for a wah but believe I've had this happen before without the expression pedal even hooked up.

    I actually have several gigs coming up so it should be fun. I don't think the main output is impacted at all and I don't link the main output with the monitor volume so as long as I have it pumping through the monitors and in ears, I should be fine.

    Also, how may profiles do you have loaded? I have wondered if this could be an issue, I'm down to about 635 on mine. LOL!

  • Having a similar issue at times, but I don't have enough solid info to open a ticket yet...

    In browse mode browsing through my favorite rigs, everything starts out fine, but switching to a different rig (I still need to pin down whether it's a specific one) causes the volume to go very quiet. When that happens, there's also a faint droning fuzzy artifacted signal behind the primary. From that point on, every rig exhibits the same behavior until I use the System menu's Init Globals option, which restores everything to normal.

    I'm on the 5.0.3 release, and don't have a remote. It's happened 3 times since I applied the update, but as I said, I don't have enough info for diagnostic purposes yet - so far I've just initialized the globals and kept playing. I do have a bunch (600+) of profiles loaded, though.

  • Also, how may profiles do you have loaded? I have wondered if this could be an issue, I'm down to about 635 on mine. LOL!

    I have loaded about 50 Rigs and 5 performances.
    The Support is aware that some user complain this issues and is trying to find a solution but need more Information. They could not repeat this issue in their service department.

    My checklist before I start to play is now:
    Check output preset. By chance one time the monitor was -infinitiv. It should not even if it is not used. (hint of support)
    Check calibration on volume pedal,
    Check minimum potentiometer of volume pedal , if it is zero (I have a Roland-EV5)
    Check cable connection in the remote. Make movement at the cable and watch bar on the screen.

    I intent to think that is was a problem with the pedal.

  • Having a similar issue at times, but I don't have enough solid info to open a ticket yet...

    In browse mode browsing through my favorite rigs, everything starts out fine, but switching to a different rig (I still need to pin down whether it's a specific one) causes the volume to go very quiet. When that happens, there's also a faint droning fuzzy artifacted signal behind the primary. From that point on, every rig exhibits the same behavior until I use the System menu's Init Globals option, which restores everything to normal.

    I'm on the 5.0.3 release, and don't have a remote. It's happened 3 times since I applied the update, but as I said, I don't have enough info for diagnostic purposes yet - so far I've just initialized the globals and kept playing. I do have a bunch (600+) of profiles loaded, though.

    Hint for you @Lugosi. Make a backup when everything is fine. Then when these artifacts happen, make immediately backup again. If you send 2 backups of system working in order and system affected by bug, technical support can compare these 2 backups for easier investigation.