Load Kemper as a VST in DAW

  • I did a search and didn't see this request. It also looks like the Virus synth has this ability so hoping it's already on the Kemper development roadmap.

    It would be great to have the ability, like the Virus TI to run the Kemper as a VST. Essentially, it would have the following specs:

    • VST plugin that can be used in any of the major DAWs
    • Ability to route the audio from the DAW to the Kemper for processing, thus saving the computer from running the profiling algorithms (ie reduced CPU load). This would also eliminate any coding/challenges in rewriting the core Kemper software to work on Mac/Windows/Linux.
    • The ability to save the VST / presets in the song for later recall. This is huge as an end user would not need to manually find the profile on their Kemper.
    • Ability to change paremeters (effects, stomps, eq, etc.) straight from the VST. This is probably similar to the editor that has been requested so hoping it could leverage some of that code.

    This seems like it could be a really nice feature for studio work and sessions...especially for those of us who have to manually track the profiles we are using to record and come back to old projects on a regular basis. I know there has to be more thought into different use cases/scenarios, but overall it would be a good feature.

  • Maybe I didn't explain the idea well.

    While we can reamp now, you can't save your profile with the recording project; you have to manually find it. In addition you have to manually run an XLR or SPDIF to and from the Kemper. If it ran in a VST, the routing would be taken care of plus (hopefully) the editor that was informally announced in another post would also be available. Just like other instrument VSTs, everything would be right there for you to use in your project.

    Line6 just announced something similar with their Helix and while the Kemper is awesome, the convenience of having it in a VST(or at least routing thru a VST to the profiler) would make life easier for recording sessions.

  • Line6 just announced something similar with their Helix and while the Kemper is awesome, the convenience of having it in a VST(or at least routing thru a VST to the profiler) would make life easier for recording sessions.

    The difference is that the Helix plugin doesn't require the Helix hardware to function. It contains the entirety of the Helix code and is accessible via your DAW. What you seem to be referring to is an editor plugin.