• With all the iterations of gear sluttery I've gone through, the most improvements to my recordings and mixes came from heavy room treatment and IK's ARC2 speaker/room correction software. I'd rather have Cubasis , an SM57, and a Mackie in my current room than an SSL, C12, and an Apogee in an untreated/uncorrected room.

    I hate emojis, but I hate being misunderstood more. :)

  • With all the iterations of gear sluttery I've gone through, the most improvements to my recordings and mixes came from heavy room treatment and IK's ARC2 speaker/room correction software. I'd rather have Cubasis , an SM57, and a Mackie in my current room than an SSL, C12, and an Apogee in an untreated/uncorrected room.


  • Ok, Nightlife, more Studio Porn for U!

    Brace yourselves for a studio plethora... cornucopia... (see, Italians didn't steal everything from the greeks!)

    Heres one panaramic:
    [Blocked Image: http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o713/YelloBeard/IMG_3777_zpssjcpo7ar.jpg]"
    Here's another:

    Yes, it's awesome isn't it? lol

    The science behind it is using music to become room treatment. Proprietary, patents applied for, blah blah, etc, etc.

    Now, more details, I'll start with the most important stuff that probably escapted 99.99999% of home hobbyists:
    [Blocked Image: http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o713/YelloBeard/IMG_3773_zpsyfxgklhb.jpg]">

    Yes, that's right. A Swedish eye chart. Essentially. The Science behind it is simple really. 1) I'm not Swedish 2) I don't speak Swedish 3) I have no idea if these are words or letters and I don't know why there is a little circle above the A 4) because this is gibberish to me it's baffling to my brain therefore 5) forcing your brain to consider new pathways is the best strategy to spurring creativity. After 5 years I still don't know what the heck this eye chart is trying to tell me. Is that why my music is so blurry?

    [Blocked Image: http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o713/YelloBeard/IMG_3757_zpsm1vpbuu2.jpg]">
    Ok, Losers will see Harrison, Dylan, Richards, Croce and Simon and Garfenhunkelstanowitzh or however you spell it. But Winners will see a genuine Teddy Roosevelt and Barack Obama signature. In case anyone wants to know who the real genius here is, (I know some of you will swear it's Richards and it's hard to argue against you, others will say Dylan and after a few joints I'll agree, and for those who swear it's Simon, you are confusing Idiot Savant-ism with Genius, but sorry, it's Roosevelt. To my good friend Ingolf, Roosevelt here is the only one who spoke and understood German, so he gets a few brownie points for that, even though I know YOUR vote is for Keef, you British Invasion Junkie (how am I doing Monkey_Man?) )<--thats for anal programmers

    My studio monitors are set to change pictures every so-many minutes. I chose pictures of close-up studio gear, expensive old gear, and gear I used to own. Makes my studio look much more, well, big studio like. Very "gear" (a pun Ingolf will definitely get)
    [Blocked Image: http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o713/YelloBeard/IMG_3772_zpsordgun6r.jpg]">
    Here's another (btw, there is the speaker monitor controller Big Knob and a Motif-Rack XS, plus some rackmount power switches)
    [Blocked Image: http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o713/YelloBeard/IMG_3771_zpsc94fuqz3.jpg]">

    Edited once, last by db9091 (January 18, 2017 at 1:45 AM).

  • Part II:

    [Blocked Image: http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o713/YelloBeard/IMG_3769_zps0ze0jbvd.jpg]">
    X-Touch and Hard Drive Backup. This is my second backup (the other is internal to the iMac) I'm not telling where the third off-site one is. It's definitely NOT at my brothers place. Nope, stupid to even think that.

    [Blocked Image: http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o713/YelloBeard/IMG_3770_zpszssgzxhj.jpg]">

    This shows another drive (which is more for extra data stuff) and a UAD Satellite which I might take out with my Macbook Pro if what I'm mixing uses their plugins.

    [Blocked Image: http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o713/YelloBeard/IMG_3768_zpscdf6rt9p.jpg]">
    VMS preamp and Apollo Twin plus a little grey thingy that turns my KPA's RCA output digital to the UA's ADAT. The Apollo is a really nice Audio Interface but... No MIDI so it's double-plus-stupid. That said, I use a Mio MIDI interface and for the iMac it's been trouble free entirely, and cheap.

    [Blocked Image: http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o713/YelloBeard/IMG_3766_zps3vpq09j3.jpg]">
    Now we're getting to THIS forum: KPA and it's Remote. atop the Keyboard (Yamaha KX88 MIDI trigger) is the power amp iSP Stealth for the Avatar Monitor that is the Keyboard support. Pedal for the Keyboard because I LOVE to ride the sustain. That guitar lead on the floor just under the iMac keyboard cost $150 bucks and it sounds $150 buck better than any stupid cable I've ever owned. On the one hand, that seems rediculous, but it's totally true. When you've spent gobs of money on studio shit and start getting to dropping Clams on Cables (some are expensive and crap) they really CAN sound better. How much better? Not better than a Mid-level player vs a rank Newbie. But better.

    [Blocked Image: http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o713/YelloBeard/IMG_3767_zpstlvgh2py.jpg]">
    That BB King is a nice pastel done by a local artist. My wife got it for me for my birthday. The rest are records (playable, but you can get $1 scratched-all-to-hell ones if you like) and posters.

  • Part III:

    [Blocked Image: http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o713/YelloBeard/IMG_3764_zpsbfm2c2iv.jpg]">

    Here are some Meat & Potatoes. Nice listening chair with a stain. Laptop for leisure. Some artwork I got in Asheville by locals (fossil singing through an SM58 and Muhammad Ali, daughters poster) and some stupid guitars.

    [Blocked Image: http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o713/YelloBeard/IMG_3762_zpsrwxsrztz.jpg]">
    Crash bed, more stupid instruments, more posters & albums, daughters blue headed clay artwork, and a fencing sword in case any Europeans drop by and perchance want to fence. Never happened before, but I'm pre... pared for every eventuality. Of the people on those albums, I'm not sure if Harry Belefonte or Pete Townshend would win in a fight. Pete IF he has his guitar and it's Woodstock (btw, my Mom went to Woodstock and dropped me off at some strangers for babysitting. She said it was "raining, muddy, traffic all over, the stage was very far away" but hey, she was THERE, mannnn!)

    [Blocked Image: http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o713/YelloBeard/IMG_3761_zpsxb6hgzzf.jpg]">
    My other listening chair (nice for playing guitar because of the low arms, when it's turned around more since I'm a lefty) LOVE those V-Drums. Rank amateur, but Fun, Fun, Fun. Cheap crappy guitar art from friends who didn't know what other gifts to give. Blackbeard flag because I love pirates. And a Sitar I got for $20 on Craigslist because the gourd was out of it's.. uh.. mind. Smells like garlic. Seasoning or Poison? IDK. Oh, the Beatle thing is wood, cutout Abbey Road and in the shape of a pick, was a gift from my Mom this past Christmas. Now THAT is a very nice and thoughtful gift. Word to YOUR Mother!

    [Blocked Image: http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o713/YelloBeard/IMG_3759_zps2lfjs2hw.jpg]">

    That's Beethoven's bust at the top left near the Ukulele. Love the poster. I didn't show it, but above the V-Drums to the right is a bunch of naked ladies with Pink Floyd albums on their bums. I still can't decide which is my favorite. I say, ALL OF THEM!!!!! The Closet door holds a bunch of blank paper and mechanical pencils for writing song lyrics and chords. The doggy is an oil pastel done by a former co-worker who is clearly very talented and generous. Plus the Guitar Station has all the goodies (guitar parts, gauges, picks of various sizes, little tools, etc) What's in the Closet? It used to be my Mic Lokker. But now it's just storage for clothing and gear. More music and computer parts and junk. Sometimes I have to run full on so that my momentum can get me into it more than 2 feet.

    [Blocked Image: http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o713/YelloBeard/IMG_3763_zpssstj7byq.jpg]">

    This is going back towards the bed a bit, but it's my reading, phonograph and latest album purchase, the The Satchmo and Duke. Best Jazz Album Ever. Well, next to The Far East Suite.

    Last One:
    [Blocked Image: http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o713/YelloBeard/IMG_3758_zpsqm3mr6ew.jpg]">

    The Piano is a painting I recently did (acrylic) My bro gave me the old microphone (yes it works, but poorly) and salt light set the ambiance, the wine intoxicates, and thereby you are falsely lured into a state whereby you think my music is actually passably nice. Drugs and Lighting. Thats all it takes, really.


  • That was quite a movie, db. Thanks mate!

    Please, help me out with understanding this reference to moi:
    "To my good friend Ingolf, Roosevelt here is the only one who spoke and understood German, so he gets a few brownie points for that, even though I know YOUR vote is for Keef, you British Invasion Junkie (how am I doing Monkey_Man?) )<--thats for anal programmers"

    Try as I might, I don't get it. Help! ;(

    Oh, you didn't mention your mini vocal "booth". Looks great, and the location looks mighty handy too!

    EDIT: The Monkees?

  • Some very tasty gear, Dennis! Thanks for sharing!

    When I look at all these neat rooms, I realise how small and untidy my room must look haha. It's just bare bones, not my own place, so I don't see any point in investing to make the space nicer. Heck, I can't even hang up my excellent collectible posters of the Joker and Captain America because of the "house rules".

    Maybe I'll apply to the Ministry of Information over here so that I can bring my collection of CDs when I go back home next. Yes, that's a thing, in Singapore they are worried about "subversive materials" being imported. Gotta say though, a lot of my CDs would probably sound subversive to certain people haha.

  • I'll bet, AJ, especially having read all your rants. :D

    Honestly, the only thing that concerned me about your setup was the fact that your Kemper was sitting on that plastic "kiddies' chair", but as you said, it's only a temporary measure for your current project.

  • [Blocked Image: http://s18.postimg.org/bu5byj1qx/image.jpg]

    My old studio control room (I gave it up when I realised I was using my studio at work more and more, and it was free!). The window at the back was in to the vocal booth; quite a fair space, actually. I recorded amps in there and made some nice profiles (which I've since lost...). Behind the camera was a hang out room (almost the same size as the control room) with a sofa and table. It could also be used to isolate amps, if need be. The synth and the Adams weren't mine, but belonged to a guy I was renting some daytime hours to. The room sounded nice, as the front and back walls and ceiling were layered heavy-duty Rockfon (spelling?), with the unpictured back wall housing a double-glazed angled window for deflection with a nice leather sofa behind the listening position. Absorbers at the mirror points left and right. Messy cables!

    [Blocked Image: http://i63.tinypic.com/6y0903.jpg]

    My old work studio, the one that made my own personal studio redundant. Very minimalist, very dark, but a great sound and the mother of all subwoofers (behind the desk to the right, though strangely invisible here, is a Genelec 1092A : waaaay overkill for this room!). Behind the camera to the right is the door out to the vocal booth, which is actually an adjoining room.

    As we just moved a few days before new year and my new studio is just about finished (just need to tidy a few wires and cables), I'll post a pic or two of that in the next day or so, schedule permitting! I'm really happy with how it's turned out!

  • the fact that your Kemper was sitting on that plastic "kiddies' chair"

    Me too -- I've had this nagging worry in the back of my head all week that somewhere in Signapore, the vibrations from a passing truck or a wandering foot hooked behind a cable would be enough for a nasty Kemper crash... [Blocked Image: https://www.kemper-amps.com/forum/wcf/images/smilies/unsure.png:D Although I'm sure you're careful with it. :)

  • Me too -- I've had this nagging worry in the back of my head all week that somewhere in Signapore, the vibrations from a passing truck or a wandering foot hooked behind a cable would be enough for a nasty Kemper crash... [Blocked Image: https://www.kemper-amps.com/forum/wcf/images/smilies/unsure.png:D Although I'm sure you're careful with it. :)

    Lol, the stool came with the house. I used to have the Kemper sitting on top of my interface, but after I got the monitor control and shifted the grotbox over there, there was no longer any space to put it. No space on the desk too, got too many things sitting on it.

    There aren't any vibrations, because I live in a pretty quiet neighbourhood thankfully. If there's any noise, it's usually me listening to all my bad mixes

    But yes, I do worry that I might pull it over by accident someday. I usually have it in that rack case where I have my Motif hooked up, but my SPDIF cables are too short to do any reamping when it's parked inside. That reminds me that I should probably look for some longer cables so that there isn't a nasty accident.

    I'll bet, AJ, especially having read all your rants. :D

    Honestly, the only thing that concerned me about your setup was the fact that your Kemper was sitting on that plastic "kiddies' chair", but as you said, it's only a temporary measure for your current project.

    Haha, whatever do you mean, Nicky! My rants aren't subversive, they're informative! Like my CD collection actually, they tell you all about shredding flesh from bones and regurgitating. Important knowledge for every metalhead :D

  • That reminds me that I should probably look for some longer cables so that there isn't a nasty accident.

    ... and maybe a wider stand for the Kemper in those situations. Heck, even a stiff cardboard box with a 10mm sheet of wood on top of it would be way better than that stool, brother AJ.

    You could place some rubber underneath the box to stop it sliding too.

  • My old studio control room (I gave it up when I realised I was using my studio at work more and more, and it was free!). The window at the back was in to the vocal booth; quite a fair space, actually. I recorded amps in there and made some nice profiles (which I've since lost...). Behind the camera was a hang out room (almost the same size as the control room) with a sofa and table. It could also be used to isolate amps, if need be. The synth and the Adams weren't mine, but belonged to a guy I was renting some daytime hours to. The room sounded nice, as the front and back walls and ceiling were layered heavy-duty Rockfon (spelling?), with the unpictured back wall housing a double-glazed angled window for deflection with a nice leather sofa behind the listening position. Absorbers at the mirror points left and right. Messy cables!

    My old work studio, the one that made my own personal studio redundant. Very minimalist, very dark, but a great sound and the mother of all subwoofers (behind the desk to the right, though strangely invisible here, is a Genelec 1092A : waaaay overkill for this room!). Behind the camera to the right is the door out to the vocal booth, which is actually an adjoining room.

    As we just moved a few days before new year and my new studio is just about finished (just need to tidy a few wires and cables), I'll post a pic or two of that in the next day or so, schedule permitting! I'm really happy with how it's turned out!

    Man, I'm SO jealous!!

  • Here's what I use for the KPA in my "studio"
    It's an old monitor stand that I modded with a piece of steel and foam.
    I can pull it over when I need it and push it out of the way when not.
    I can even pull it over just in front of my face when I'm leaning back in my chair.
    Very secure with the bungie.

    [Blocked Image: http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m268/Gizmo1952/KPA%20fall/STAND1_zpsxjm2gkxd.jpeg]

    [Blocked Image: http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m268/Gizmo1952/KPA%20fall/STAND%203_zpsze52ng94.jpeg]

    [Blocked Image: http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m268/Gizmo1952/KPA%20fall/STAND%202_zpshrfhen88.jpeg]

  • I have to say that this thread has inspired me on one hand and on the other made me look at my own haphazard, disjointed and makeshift workspace with complete disdain.

    I was showing all the wonderful pics to my bass-playing wife and she said..."Well, there's your winter project for next year"

    Gosh I love her to bits!