This can't be... what am I doing wrong?

  • Did you power cycle the unit? (Sorry, IT guy jokes).

    In all seriousness though - I'm not sure if you got this brand new or not - but how about we start with a factory reset (or at least a global reset) and applying the latest firmware to get a baseline? If you change anything from that point in the system tell us exactly what it was - then proceed.

    After that - do your profile process again and record and compare, and answer any forum questions about how you did it exactly.

    How about at that point also upload your profile so others can look at, record, and compare. If your profiler is collecting profiles correctly but something is wrong in how you hear it, someone else trying it would shine a little light on that.

    If something is wrong in your profiling process internally in the unit, there's really no way we can test that short of you comparing two units somehow on your own.

    At the end of the day if you don't like it send it back - life is too short to be dissatisfied.

    Edited once, last by Nimbas (January 12, 2017 at 11:38 PM).

  • I'll save you the trouble. What he learned eventually from the sprawling thread:

    1) User error was indeed the cause despite his best efforts and protestations that there was no way he'd overlooked anything.

    2) Arguing the pros, cons and efficacy of following, to the letter, clip-posting instructions from those attempting to diagnose and remedy the situation did him no good; this line of endeavour contributed to the protraction of the affair. Heck, we debated double-blind tests and the minutia of absolute control of variables, for Heaven's sake. This is where things can lead... in the absence of simply making the files requested of him, amazingly.

    3) Descriptive exchanges (of audio) achieved nothing and wasted pages; we're audio people and need to hear for ourselves.

    4) Repetition of the phrase, "Did you even bother to listen to the clips?" (ad nauseum) earned him no friends nor favours.

    5) That following, to the letter, the instructions of those attempting to help (including Christoph Kemper himself), would've been the most-intelligent, respectful and expeditious approach from the start.

    6) That when all's said and done, the folks in the thread were only trying to help. Some gave up, some left and returned, and a handful, such as myself, remained and persisted, refusing to risk misjudging him or his intentions. The bottom-line nature of the forum is of course to help. It's always worth bearing this in mind IMHO, and that folks are freely giving of their time for your benefit.

    That's about it in a nutshell; I had to go by memory there. Feel free to look the thread up; it shouldn't be difficult, and it's quite instructive IMHO. FWIMBW, IIRC, his solution ended up being to lower the power-amp gain. After he did so, it was chalk and cheese, and he was stoked.

    Who knows at this point what your issue is, but rest assured bro', this beastie is an amp-soul catcher, and you'll be beaming from ear to ear once we get to the bottom of this. Be patient, and we'll get there. Personally, I'd take this opportunity to savour the journey; once this is solved, the danger you'll take Profiling for granted is very-real!

    Hope that helps. Simpler and less time-consuming (for all) would be to just follow the requests for raw, untweaked clips made immediately-post-Profiling.

  • Thanks MonkeyMan for the detailed overview saving me the time to read through a massive posting.

    The underlying problem I'm facing is that I am now on a fuse, I have only about a week left to decide whether to keep this magic box or not. :( So please appreciate why I can't afford time-consuming tangents, this is probably what you may be sensing as frustration coming from me, aside from the obvious disappointment.

    I need to know from people asking for a virgin profile clip one more thing before proceeding: Am I supposed to leave the gain setting on the KPA untouched as well? Literally touch NOTHING? (I now see there is more gain/hair on a virgin profile when comparing the settings against the prior profile/recording).

  • The underlying problem I'm facing is that I am now on a fuse, I have only about a week left to decide whether to keep this magic box or not. So please appreciate why I can't afford time-consuming tangents, this is probably what you may be sensing as frustration coming from me, aside from the obvious disappointment.

    Ha! I totally hear you, Sonic.

    As for the gain setting, I don't know. Believe it or not, I've not yet Profiled anything; there's been no need. My guess is that you'll be asked to literally "touch nothing", as you put it.

    Thanks for reading that post, mate. The thread would've taken you forever to trawl through, and given what you've said about the time constraint, I'm now even more glad to have been of service. Hang in there brother.

    EDIT: D'Oh! I see luntho's already answered your question, and it's as I guessed it'd be. Good stuff.

  • Ok guys, here it is then. I am uploading the original amp clip again, along with the new untouched profile clip. And before somebody asks the question - nothing with the real rig changed, it has sat untouched since the start of this - amp, cab, mic, etc, nothing was touched..

    As you'll hear, it's a congested, unconvincing mess. Close in character but no tube amp, sounds like a modeler. (This is the same general vibe I'm getting with other profiles)

    <---Anxiously awaiting feedback....

  • Excellent. Even on my crappy Mac speaker I can hear the bottom-end lag / flubbiness now, as opposed to more-or-less just the difference in brightness earlier.

    Thank you, Sonic. This should yield some sort of fruit, methinks. Well done, mate. Sit tight...

  • I wrote you something in the 3rd post of this thread

    Disable (global) pure cabinet option in output menu and test the profile you created again.

    but didn't get an answer. Did you check it?

    What i heard from the samples is exactly the same problem a friend of mine had with his kpa. After he disabled this option then the sound came back to normal, crystal clean, no flubbiness, a great tight and well defined sound.

  • I wrote you something in the 3rd post of this thread

    but didn't get an answer. Did you check it?
    What i heard from the samples is exactly the same problem a friend of mine had with his kpa. After he disabled this option then the sound came back to normal, crystal clean, no flubbiness, a great tight and well defined sound.

    Apologies, I did check it, thought I responded, my bad. It's off. My issue goes beyond flubbiness, the thing sounds....synthetic.

  • Apologies, I did check it, thought I responded, my bad. It's off. My issue goes beyond flubbiness, the thing sounds....synthetic

    Yeah, i know. It's like playing with pod, plastic, artificial and narrow sound, just like the samples my friend gave me to test. Check also pure cabinet option in cab block and check to set all values of it to zero. I think some setting is wrong. You could always take a backup and downgrade to a previous firmware version and check again. Or do a complete reset from maintenance hidden menu. I don't think your kpa is faulty.

  • Yeah, I get that feeling too, Mike; it doesn't sound like a hardware issue.

    Whatever it is 'though, it could be, from what Sonic's saying about the Rigs he's played, that it's indeed something that's affecting the unit globally.

    Let's first wait and see if the clips resonate with or red-flag someone...

  • Agreed.

    If people are confident it might actually fix things, I'm willing to try another profile after making some kind of amp adjustment, such as reduced volume or gain. I'll be able to tell right away if it fixed the problem. HOWEVER, just realize once I touch the amp there's no going back to a "guaranteed original state".

    And to repeat again, the " modeler vibe" this unit is generating exists on all profiles I've tried. Which casts doubt that a setting on the real amp is where the issue lies....

  • And to repeat again, the " modeler vibe" this unit is generating exists on all profiles I've tried. Which casts doubt that a setting on the real amp is where the issue lies....

    Thats why I would suggest the easy road:

    Just make a recording of some factory profile (one we can all access). Upload the DI signal and the final tone. Then we will instantly know. If your Kemper is faulty - or not.

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • Agreed.

    If people are confident it might actually fix things, I'm willing to try another profile after making some kind of amp adjustment, such as reduced volume or gain. I'll be able to tell right away if it fixed the problem. HOWEVER, just realize once I touch the amp there's no going back to a "guaranteed original state".

    And to repeat again, the " modeler vibe" this unit is generating exists on all profiles I've tried. Which casts doubt that a setting on the real amp is where the issue lies....

    Have you contacted support (there's a link in my signature)? Often they can eliminate problems very quickly

  • Have you contacted support (there's a link in my signature)? Often they can eliminate problems very quickly

    Not yet, wasn't sure if there was actually a problem or not. Still not sure. Let me think about this a bit....maybe as Spinner suggested I'll see if I can figure out how to quickly do some form of DI/stack tracks using a stock profile and upload it. If we can verify something's wrong/different with my KPA then I'll contact support.

    The other concern with contacting Support is that I don't want to have to give out personal info and serial # since it could potentially make returning the unit problematic, if it comes to that.