Remote panel too small - iPad app?

  • Actually that's exactly what I have been working on during Xmas holidays...
    It won't be an app, it will be something running in the browser. This way it can be used on any tablet, smartphone or laptop.
    It will be part of a MIDI extension which also will add advanced MIDI control to the Profiler (selected rig can trigger any programmable MIDI stream)
    Something like this :

    Here's a screenshot of what I have today :

  • Actually that's exactly what I have been working on during Xmas holidays...
    It won't be an app, it will be something running in the browser. This way it can be used on any tablet, smartphone or laptop.
    It will be part of a MIDI extension which also will add advanced MIDI control to the Profiler (selected rig can trigger any programmable MIDI stream)
    Something like this :

    Here's a screenshot of what I have today :

    This is very interesting, Xavier.

  • Actually that's exactly what I have been working on during Xmas holidays...
    It won't be an app, it will be something running in the browser. This way it can be used on any tablet, smartphone or laptop.
    It will be part of a MIDI extension which also will add advanced MIDI control to the Profiler (selected rig can trigger any programmable MIDI stream)
    Something like this :

    Here's a screenshot of what I have today :

    I'd be the first customer !

  • Firmware 3.0.2 has a "web-panel" that is served up on requests to its built in webserver (plug your home network with a working DHCP-server into the KPAs network port to try it out). A request for "http://[kpa-ip-addr]/" gets redirected to a panel that show what an attached KFC would look like (display and LEDs). Stomps toggled on/off and rig-changes are immediately reflected by the browser-panel. Something similar that would reflect a combination of the KFCs displays in browse-mode and performance-mode, but without the footswitch-bits, would be very useful to serve up for example on a mic-stand-mounted smartphone for someone like me who don't have a KFC. In performance mode with the FCB1010 and a large number of performances and slots in use I sometimes forget where a stomp is placed in a rig. Turning to look at the KPA is a hassle, and it won't help either as the perf-mode display says nothing about how the stomps are organised. I first wrote this a feature request, but maybe there are other gems already hidden in the KPA's firmware?

    Does anyone know if there is something else useful hidden behind the KPAs webserver?

  • Xavier, This looks awesome

    Thanks Whippinpost.

    While I was at it, I extended the application not only to display the current status, but also to be used as a wireless remote control. To me that's more like a gadget rather than something useful for a guitar player, but well - might be useful in the studio or bedroom... Major purpose would be to serve as extra display for the Kemper Remote or FCB1010 user.

    With no more XMas holiday left it will take some time before I can create and post a video of it (also, will need to buy an iPad first I guess...). Here's what the app does right now :
    - show stomp names, stomp ON/OFF states, colored stomp LEDs (both in browse and performance mode)
    - performance mode : show rig names per slot, show unavailable slots, show current performance name (with support for "pending" performance loading when scrolling through performances)
    - performance mode and browse mode : show current rig name
    - realtime tuner display
    Remote control:
    - (de)activate stomps
    - (de)activate tuner
    - switch between performance mode and browse mode
    - in performance mode : goto next/previous performance, select slot within current performance
    - in browse mode : goto next/previous bank of 5 rigs, select rig within current bank

  • I don't know, why is not possible to use Remote web server ?
    Why is possible only with older FW?
    I don't remember number of FW, but I think FW 3.0.2
    This feature is banned !!!
    But, is there.!!!

    Just about every software-development-team have their own toolkit developed for the particular purpose. The webserver with the Kemper remote emulator/display was probably a tool for internal use that the devs forgot to strip out before this particular version was released to the public. That said, I think the route with a minimalist built-in webserver with client-agnostic HTML5-applications is an interesting route to explore for equipment such as the KPA. The current profiler has only one network port so the software in both the profiler and the remote will require some work in order to be able to coexist with other equipment on a shared network. The units would for example have to be able to locate each other and join in pairs in a network that potentially has multiple profiler/remote pairs, and the network would have to be implemented with a switch that is able to deliver power to the remote (PoE).

  • seems as if this could be the Initial KPA-software-Editor in further steps !! :thumbup:

  • seems as if this could be the Initial KPA-software-Editor in further steps

    Hm, an editor would be a totally different ballgame... I definitely won't have the time or energy to start that adventure. Last week I did have a look at the "Toaster" editor which is in the works - a huge job, very well done... So here's my message to @virango : when "donating" the result of such a huge job on github, you should definitely consider to add a "Donate" button somewhere, even if it will never fully compensate for the many hours you must have already spent on this. I for sure will donate, even if I will never use the editor myself (not being a Kemper user...) I did gather the info about how stomp types relate to stomp LED colors by looking at your source code. Thanks and kudos to you...!

  • (soon I hope)

    No idea yet. Will mainly depend on availability of a low cost embedded webserver (several new possibilities lately, but most of them available on very small quantities only). So far I was mainly working on the MIDI extension part, since that is our "core business" at Gordius... The remote display extension started as a small experiment but I liked the result these last few days, so I probably won't release the MIDI extension without that extra feature.

    Do you plan on supporting both apple and android tablets

    Yes. So far I tested with a Windows tablet, I guess I will buy an iPad mini soon for further testing. Still need to check it on my android phone - it might be possible to fit the user interface on a 5" screen too.