USB Audio & Reamping

  • Fair enough. It sounds actually very encouraging to me the fact they won't be turning the KPA into a "can do it all" type of unit. That means Kemper will focus exclusively on profiling and refining algorhythms + effects and other cool revolutionary features. Besides I would consider good models of DAW integretation Apogee or RME rather than an 11 rack or other kind of devices "I'll do it all" type of thing. I think a dedicated soundcard will be a more reliable and better choice for DAW interface. Let a proper soundcard do the job and let the Kemper do their job. That's my opinion at least. If there is a recording feature via USB I would really like then actually would be cool to add USB direct recording (i.e. record to usb stick to capture those rare moments of inspiration). Not sure if Kemper can do that or are willing to do that though.
    Cheers now

    This reflects pretty much what we thought too.

    The KPA Hardware is not really prepared for USB audio streaming.


  • Not trying to cause any rifts, but I like the fact that this unit is not a recording unit.... It would seriously screw up my computer if I connected another device beside my presonus to it. It always seems like the more hardware I add to the computer the more devices like this would conflict with each other. Also, I'm not sure exactly if sonar lets you switch easily between devices. I think it would just be another pain to switch back and forth. I mean yeah if it had usb recording built it then you wouldn't have to use it, but I just don't see the real benefit. Also, the recording bit seem to mess things up as well. On "he who should not be named" my understanding is you are limited to certain sample rates and the usb recording is a must for better recording QUALITY. If I understand this device correctly samples rates don't really matter and it will still sound good from the mains out. I really thought this unit was going to be complicated, but after reading the instructions it doesn't seem bad. I wish the user manual included whether the ins and outs are balanced. I'm just assuming the effects sends returns and input are unbalanced and the output is balanced. Ok i've gone off on a tangent. BTW don't own one yet, but just placed an order for one.

  • Welcome Jeddie! Agree 100% with you (I have 4 different sound cards) but I can understand the portion of users that makes mainly home recording, paying premium price for the KPA and not willing to invest an extra 500€+ on a decent interface. Is a bit of wanting the barrel full and the wife drunken (Italian speech, no idea how it translates...) but a legit request, IMHO. ;)

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • It looks like I'm in the minority here wanting USB audio. ?(

    I'll try to explain why this is an important omission for me. I have an Apogee Duet and a Mackie Onyx 1220i. Neither has SPDIF and both only have stereo outputs. Up to now they have been all I need - the sound quality of the Apogee is fine and most of my devices (keyboards mostly) are connected over USB or Firewire.

    To do reamping with the Kemper, I would have to reorganise my mix to send the dry guitar track out of the L output of my interface while routing the rest of the mix in mono to the R output, which means a lot of hassle and recabling every time I want to reamp a guitar track.

    With the Eleven Rack it takes just a couple of clicks and no recabling required since the audio goes over USB at whatever frequency you need. I don't really want to have to buy another interface just for this one very simple function, nor do I want to be tied to 44.1KHz if I'm trying to stay digital.

    I hope there's a Kemper 'TI' version further down the road with the same kind of functionality as the Virus TI.

  • It looks like I'm in the minority here wanting USB audio. ?(

    I'll try to explain why this is an important omission for me. I have an Apogee Duet and a Mackie Onyx 1220i. Neither has SPDIF and both only have stereo outputs. Up to now they have been all I need - the sound quality of the Apogee is fine and most of my devices (keyboards mostly) are connected over USB or Firewire.

    To do reamping with the Kemper, I would have to reorganise my mix to send the dry guitar track out of the L output of my interface while routing the rest of the mix in mono to the R output, which means a lot of hassle and recabling every time I want to reamp a guitar track.

    With the Eleven Rack it takes just a couple of clicks and no recabling required since the audio goes over USB at whatever frequency you need. I don't really want to have to buy another interface just for this one very simple function, nor do I want to be tied to 44.1KHz if I'm trying to stay digital.

    I hope there's a Kemper 'TI' version further down the road with the same kind of functionality as the Virus TI.

    Connect the KPA to the "spdif in" of your Eleven Rack then use the USB support of the Eleven to record.

  • LOL, in Greece we say "wanting the Pita (something like a cake I suppose) whole, and the dog not hungry". :D

    The English is "having your cake and eating it", not a bad thing to wish for however I honestly didn't think it was too much to ask of an amp sim with two USB ports (obviously wasting space) on the back of it.

  • It looks like I'm in the minority here wanting USB audio. ?(

    I'll try to explain why this is an important omission for me. I have an Apogee Duet and a Mackie Onyx 1220i. Neither has SPDIF and both only have stereo outputs. Up to now they have been all I need - the sound quality of the Apogee is fine and most of my devices (keyboards mostly) are connected over USB or Firewire.

    To do reamping with the Kemper, I would have to reorganise my mix to send the dry guitar track out of the L output of my interface while routing the rest of the mix in mono to the R output, which means a lot of hassle and recabling every time I want to reamp a guitar track.

    With the Eleven Rack it takes just a couple of clicks and no recabling required since the audio goes over USB at whatever frequency you need. I don't really want to have to buy another interface just for this one very simple function, nor do I want to be tied to 44.1KHz if I'm trying to stay digital.

    I hope there's a Kemper 'TI' version further down the road with the same kind of functionality as the Virus TI.

    no minority, mate. as I've stated in another thread, with the on-rush of technology today USB Audio is pretty much a must-have feature. yeah, maybe when you do own or are able to rent a hi-end studio, the question of an appropriate audio interface doesn't quite bother you. but for me it's SO much better to have an all-in-one device (of a good quality, no doubt) than to fiddle with a hell of a lot of cables I've got at my workplace - already!

    & again, it's all about customer targeting. when you don't aim at the home-recording guitarists e.g., it's all right to have a product with the limitations we're discussing here.

  • Hello guys! I got my KPA yesterday. This USB audio is something that I really miss. I use KPA and 11R only through headphones and it's totally Sh#t if you need to mix with cords to hear e.g. Youtube etc. For home guitarist like me, KPA is superb soundwise, but the other features should also fit better to home usage. Studio is totally different, since you are not spending "leisure time" and surfing in Youtube while playing. Hopefully USB-audio support will be included to KPA asap, otherwise I'll return this back to Thomann and buy A..-II 8|

  • Hello guys! I got my KPA yesterday. This USB audio is something that I really miss. I use KPA and 11R only through headphones and it's totally Sh#t if you need to mix with cords to hear e.g. Youtube etc. For home guitarist like me, KPA is superb soundwise, but the other features should also fit better to home usage. Studio is totally different, since you are not spending "leisure time" and surfing in Youtube while playing. Hopefully USB-audio support will be included to KPA asap, otherwise I'll return this back to Thomann and buy A..-II 8|

    Hm, for the price difference to an A..-II you can buy a VERY decent audio interface which will give you everything you need. ;)

  • Hm, for the price difference to an A..-II you can buy a VERY decent audio interface which will give you everything you need. ;)

    Yes, the price is totally different. Actually I got the pole position in AXE-II que, but decided to take KPA :) With 11R I was able to keep my setup simple and that's the way I'll prefer. Perhaps I need to check those audio interfaces before making the return decision ... Idea is to connect KPA to laptop (ProTools) via USB and connect headphones to some device that I can hear both guitar from KPA and any sound coming fron PC. Any interface sugestions?

  • Yes, the price is totally different. Actually I got the pole position in AXE-II que, but decided to take KPA :) With 11R I was able to keep my setup simple and that's the way I'll prefer. Perhaps I need to check those audio interfaces before making the return decision ... Idea is to connect KPA to laptop (ProTools) via USB and connect headphones to some device that I can hear both guitar from KPA and any sound coming fron PC. Any interface sugestions?

    Hi, I posted a similar thing:
    Help with audio interface
    I ended up with focusrite saffire 6 usb, very happy with it :)

  • Thank's a lot, that may be just the thing I need for my setup :D Btw, could I somehow connect my KPA to my 11R and use 11R as the main audio intrerface as before? Does this affect to sound quality? Sorry for the dummy qstns, I'm just a newbie ;(

    Edited once, last by TTV (May 12, 2012 at 9:45 AM).