Top Jimi BEye Pack (Friedman BE-100 Brown Eye)

  • I might be completely wrong here but I couldn't help wondering whether some kind of error happened when capturing the direct amp profile. Or you got a dud BE100 head. It's more than just no Bass, the merged profile with cab off has no life, no dynamics. They are as flat as a tack.

    As I said earlier in this post I also got the Brown Sound pack at the same time and the merged profiles with the cab off sound fantastic through my guitar cab. I find it hard to believe that a $5,000 plus head (BE100) with a substantial reputation sounds that lifeless.

  • Never played or heard a Friedman BE100 have any issues close to this... I feel the merged profiles from other packs of topjimi have the same issue as well as these, unfortunately. Something strange is going on in the profile process here at topjimi's place and I have a feeling we aren't getting all the info here. These profiles simply do not sound like the BE100, and have the same inherent thinness as other topjimi profiles in my opinion.

  • Even if i'm not fan of merged profiles, no problem here with studio and DI profiles when I profiled BE100. But again telling this from a long time when kemper release new FW and merged profiles - its really hard to do merged profile sounding good at the same time on real cab and studio monitors or FOH. Still best way for me is sorted killer studio profiles and then killer DI profiles. If you need "merged" for live just first select best soundind DI for you on real cab then paste fav. cab part save as new "merged" done. Merged is "god" for cab part lovers but then again need to be paired with specific amp setting :D

    Stay Metal!

  • still have to check TJ BE, but this is the tone the amp should have:

    if you get me this, I'll give it as present to all my relatives, even if they don't play :)

    +1 Soundsamples right out of the box to compare it to this awesome vid sound would be fine. If they come near this would be a gem, if not forget it. I have never heard a sound like this comming out if the kpa. If it is possible take my money for it.

  • still have to check TJ BE, but this is the tone the amp should have:

    if you get me this, I'll give it as present to all my relatives, even if they don't play :)

    As Mr. Phil X said: "the bottom end is super tight"

    I was more interested in the throaty strat sound, but I'll give it a shot with more rocky and distorted sounds...

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • You can see the settings at 1.14:

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    Seems like the bass knob is only a bit above middle position, mids a bit higher. Gain high and master relatively low. And of course, the BE channel, not the HBE.

  • You can see the settings at 1.14:

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    Seems like the bass knob is only a bit above middle position, mids a bit higher. Gain high and master relatively low. And of course, the BE channel, not the HBE.

    indeed the setting of this tone are pretty normal and straightforward

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • Yea I don't know why anyone can't get that tone that is in that video. The settings are visible, easy mic placement 57, and a readily available cabinet, this shouldn't be that difficult, however it seems it is as no one has gotten even close to this tone in this video.

  • Yea I don't know why anyone can't get that tone that is in that video.

    the tone coming from hands, maybe that's why... Play like this guy, record same riff with same expression - and the last thing you need is this Friedman profile. Ohhh wait nope: i think new amp, new guitar, noope Kemper, then Friedman profile, nope not this one i need this one from video, yes I have it, ok moment nahhh i need another, ohhh no i have problems with kemper, now I need Axe, guy on this video with Axe sounds amazing, ok but now i need new Guitar also, ok axe is killer but need better IR, ohhh yes now is killer, but hmmm.... real amps sounds better, i Need Real Friedman, ohhh wait.....

    Stay Metal!

  • the tone coming from hands, maybe that's why... Play like this guy, record same riff with same expression - and the last thing you need is this Friedman profile. Ohhh wait nope: i think new amp, new guitar, noope Kemper, then Friedman profile, nope not this one i need this one from video, yes I have it, ok moment nahhh i need another, ohhh no i have problems with kemper, now I need Axe, guy on this video with Axe sounds amazing, ok but now i need new Guitar also, ok axe is killer but need better IR, ohhh yes now is killer, but hmmm.... real amps sounds better, i Need Real Friedman, ohhh wait.....

    Stay Metal!

    uhmmm...coming from hands, you say. You know I'm a straight supporter of the hand-making-the-sound thing, but I think here we have more, or at least if the hand surely does its job, the tone is there!
    I would agree for all the solos and rhythm improv we have heard, but check the chords he strikes, just the simple chords: I don't think the E power chord he strikes are just his hand!
    In addition, check this out: I have viewed Phil X interview of his new signature amp in which he plays similar things as in the BE video: great tone!

    Then I have watched a following video of the guy (Michael Nielsen) which interviewed Phil X. Well, this guy plays a song and things and the tone is right the same, given the natural hands differences.

    overall, I agree with VESmedic here...and finally I really think that the KPA is well capable of retrieving this sound if it has the chance to profile it: after all the tone we hear comes from a mic going to a mixer/consolle...right what we do with profiling, dont' we?

    so, no domino like chain reaction (new amp, new guitar, new axfx, new car, new home....) needed! :)

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • Let's summarize: Top Jimi has managed to create studio profiles of a BE-100 that seem to be liked by some -although the head seems to be defective or does not behave like expected! But because Top Jimi has to almost perform magic with mics for studio profiles (remember: otherwise we would hated the amp) the merged / direct profiles suck. And the studio profiles may be great by itself, but seem not completely represent the Friedman BE-100 as it SHOULD sound!?

    Best thing that could happen: Top Jimi gets a repaired or another BE-100 in his hands and supplies us with original, correct and great sounding profiles, both merged and studio. The interest would be there, I think...

    Edited once, last by Ibot39 (December 14, 2016 at 10:53 AM).

  • TBH i think you guys need just DI profile with setting from video (for use with real cab) on same cab like in video Friedman 4x12 must sounds spot on! what real amp right? (in the room) :D Then Cab profile Friedman 4x12 single sm57 on axis ( you can paste cab part into DI profile save as a new "outstanding" profile) and done... easy? You can sounds 100% the same what a guy on video. :thumbup: I have few BE100 DI profiles in my pack but mostly higain so i cant help.

    Stay Metal!