Some help with Performance Mode

  • So I'm about 1 month and a half into using the Kemper. Getting ready to take out if for my first gig in a couple of weeks. I've been using it at practice to get the rigs I like dialed in for the band mix.

    I've been setting up each performance by rig. I am basically following the same pattern for each of the 5 slots for each performance: 1. clean, 2. crunch, 3. crunch with mod, 4. lead, 5. lead with pure boost in the X for a 3.5b volume boost. I'm using a rocktron midi mate as my floor controller. I run it in the control mode which sends patch changes on the bottom 5 pedals and cc changes on the top 5 pedals. So, bottom 5 pedals change the performance preset and the top 5 turn on and off stomps.

    I've been running into the following issues and I'm not sure how to fix them:

    1. Each time I change the slot I get a message on the Profiler window that says: "Module is Empty! Please select a type or preset." I'm not sure what this means. As the message is displayed the slot changes to the programmed rig with the effects on and off and setup they way I saved it.

    2. I've set the 5 slot on each performance as my lead tone with the X turned on with a 3.5 db boost. This is how I save it and its running great. Then, when I change the slot and go back to the 5, it has the follow boost and the botton for the X glows for a split second, then the volume drops to normal and the light turns off for the X button.

    3. I also have a question on an option I receive when saving after I try and adjust the X button. It says : Please select what to store: "Mode/Selection" stores to a new slot "Entire Performance" stores a complete Performance.

    4. The last thing I notice is that the setting for the X on the 5th preset for each profile will work as expected, patch changes and the X button is engaged, with the volume boost, when I switch to the slot using the RIG buttons. Then, when I try and repeat the same with the foot controller it does what I described in number 2 above.

    I really appreciate any advice and help the community can provide. I am so close to getting this configured the way I want but I can't seem to figure this part out.

    Edited once, last by mrspag (November 13, 2016 at 5:32 AM).

  • I don't have the Rocktron, but, as my above comments suggest, I think your issues are related to the CC changes that are programmed to be sent with each MIDI program change.

  • I don't have the Rocktron, but, as my above comments suggest, I think your issues are related to the CC changes that are programmed to be sent with each MIDI program change.

    I was thinking the same.

    ***** your MIDI controller's preset needs to be saved with the CC status = On for the X slot

    I don't know how programmable the Rocktron is, but ideally, the buttons you use to switch between performances -- the bottom five in your case -- should be programmed to send only the relevant PC command, and no further CCs related to individual effects. That way, the performance slot should be loaded as saved.

  • You can´t dissable sending CCs with every PC. So the state of every FX-Slot has to be programmed in the Midi-Mate with every preset.
    (this way the midimate ensures to display the right status of a fx-slot).

    With buttons 0-4 you send Program-Changes. With every Program-Change, the MidiMate sends 5 Contro-Changes of your 5 buttons of the upper row depending to the status they´re set. (as long as none of the buttons is completley dissabled).

    In the MidiMate you have to store the Status of your Button for your Boost in X (one of the buttons 5-9) as "on"(LED is lid) for your preset.

    If so, the MidiMate sends a "on" to the XModule... otherwise the MidiMate sends a "off" command to Module X after changing to Slot 5 in your profiler.

    Regarding the "Modul is empty"-error. It occurs, when your Midi-Mate is sending a CC to a slot, which is empty. So any of you buttons 5-9 is assigned to a fx-slot of the profiler, where no effect is loaded...


  • 2. I've set the 5 slot on each performance as my lead tone with the X turned on with a 3.5 db boost. This is how I save it and its running great. Then, when I change the slot and go back to the 5, it has the follow boost and the botton for the X glows for a split second, then the volume drops to normal and the light turns off for the X button.

    4. The last thing I notice is that the setting for the X on the 5th preset for each profile will work as expected, patch changes and the X button is engaged, with the volume boost, when I switch to the slot using the RIG buttons. Then, when I try and repeat the same with the foot controller it does what I described in number 2 above.

    If you're using an OS Version > 4.0.6, I'm pretty sure 2 and 4 are related to the issue described here. I didn't test it in performance mode, but what you describe is exactly what happens to me in browser mode (using a Rocktron All Access).
    I suggest you report it as a bug, to increase the chances the developers have a look into it.
    I tried to push it forward and even provided MIDI dumps to help reproduce the problem, but got no feedback ever since.

  • Hi @mrspag

    I'm using an All Access as my board, so I sympathise! However, don't worry/panic. It works really well when it's all sorted out.

    Much of what has been said upthread applies though one thing that hasn't been mentioned is setting your Kemper to receive on one channel only - The Midi Mate send on 6 channels so the potential for mixed messages is huge.

    Also default settings (on Rocktron) can be a pain
    I use 5 (PC) + 10 (CC) per bank .... Button 7 defaults to CC 7 value 0 - so every time I shifted patch the volume was zeroed

    The Module empty error is as @mortl describes above. There a two ways round this: 1) Change the the Rocktron - pain for every patch) OR 2) Put something (clean boost/od/whatever) in each of the five modules that your instant access buttons address, and then turn it off if not required in that patch.
    Sync up your leds: see page 11 of the Rocktron Manual.

    Re 3 On the Kemper, I generally save Entire performance. The save (A,B,C,.....X etc) gives you the option of saving the current variation of the edited stomp in your fx pool. If you do the latter make sure you give the variation a unique name so you know what to look for at a later date.



  • Which OS Version are you on? It all worked pretty well for me too up to 4.0.6. The problems started with 4.2.2.

    4.2.2 in show (don't need extreme delays on that one) and 5.0.0 for recording/gigging ... I only had difficulties in the very early 4's with slots behaving badly. All good now!

  • 4.2.2 in show (don't need extreme delays on that one) and 5.0.0 for recording/gigging ... I only had difficulties in the very early 4's with slots behaving badly. All good now!

    I'm having issues similar to what described here with both those versions.
    Would you mind sending me a SysEx dump of your All Access, so that I can check whether it's a problem with my configuration?
    That would be really helpful!

  • I'm having issues similar to what described here with both those versions.Would you mind sending me a SysEx dump of your All Access, so that I can check whether it's a problem with my configuration?
    That would be really helpful!

    Here you go:…hfGr5YqD4a?dl=0 sysx + pic

    Only Bank 1 will be of any interest - I tend to work with an analog pedal board in my head (Old dog etc!)

    Re pic: Stomp (+2+3+) refer to Stomp 2 (+3+4) - Stomp 1 is permanently some form of Compressor. Hope this is of some use. Andy

  • Here you go:…hfGr5YqD4a?dl=0 sysx + pic
    Only Bank 1 will be of any interest - I tend to work with an analog pedal board in my head (Old dog etc!)

    Re pic: Stomp (+2+3+) refer to Stomp 2 (+3+4) - Stomp 1 is permanently some form of Compressor. Hope this is of some use. Andy

    That was quick. Thanks man! Much appreciated! :thumbup:
    I'll have a look at it later when I get home.