Share your new delay settings

  • Wow - sounds great - ( even when I play ;) )Thanks Frank. :)
    At the moment I try to find a delay for old Shadows staff - this is close I hope to find.
    The problem is, that he uses two delays which deliver a tripple feeling.
    Hard to explain, but If you stroke one tone the delay come in shuffled 1/8th. (Dam da, dam da, dam da, dam - I would sing to my drummer who can not read notes ;) )
    Im experienting now with 1/8 and set Tempo to 180 for a 120 ppm tune, but did not suceed until now to get a clear shuffled series of delay tones.
    For tips I would be thankfull.

    BTW. Frank, is it possible that you sort the Rigs by date/time. It would be easier to find outr the newer ones.

    Hi Harry,
    would try to help you. Do you have a soundexample or record name?
    I dont know if i can sort in dropbox, i have a look.
    BTW: The pull me under tune is recorded with my majesty, piezzo system on and mixed to the humbuckers. Humbucker switch in middle position. This gave me the crispy sound.
    Oh man, i have a lot of fun with this new delays!

  • Wow - sounds great - ( even when I play ;) )Thanks Frank. :)
    At the moment I try to find a delay for old Shadows staff - this is close I hope to find.
    The problem is, that he uses two delays which deliver a tripple feeling.
    Hard to explain, but If you stroke one tone the delay come in shuffled 1/8th. (Dam da, dam da, dam da, dam - I would sing to my drummer who can not read notes ;) )
    Im experienting now with 1/8 and set Tempo to 180 for a 120 ppm tune, but did not suceed until now to get a clear shuffled series of delay tones.
    For tips I would be thankfull.

    BTW. Frank, is it possible that you sort the Rigs by date/time. It would be easier to find outr the newer ones.

    hi Sharry,

    When you open the downloaded .zip file from Frank's Dropbox link, you can sort the files by sorting the folder column option ("date modified). I use WinRar for working with .zip or .rar files.


    EDIT -- woops, never mind, Sharry. I misunderstood you. You must mean that you want ability to see most recent additions (at a glance) in order to download individual presets, instead of the entire preset folder.

    Edited once, last by Tritium (November 6, 2016 at 3:00 PM).

  • Just press the titel in the list ("geändert"). A second pressing change from first to last.

    Done it.

    BTW: I have done one thing too (ooh breaks my heavy heart).

    New rig uploaded


    Forgive me but for the first time in my life i searched for a Hank Marvin song and found "Apache" and i had a short look one some notes.
    Never played a sound like this. So here is my best after 5 minutes of chiming in hanks delay settings.
    He uses two delays, one with 130 ms and one with 430ms. Both one repeat.
    I think you have to tweak the mix of the delays to your taste and choose an amp which fits exactly.

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    Hope you have fun Harry


  • Have you checked out Hank Marvin's demo of this? Check it out (only sounds like he's using only ONE echo versus the 2 that Frank used);

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    Gary ô¿ô

  • Just trying to help, have little use for it myself

    My best solution I found till now[Blocked Image:] The last dap is still missing ;(
    The trick is to set tempo to 192 - Apache is appr. 123.
    Its not a comfortable solution for live but as long we do not get tripples we must do it in this way.
    Normally before I count in I step the tempo with the TAP-Button. (Its not possible with the higher tempo to set)

    Feel free to improve ^^ APACHE HANK V2 - 2016-11-06

    BTW - with a M.Britt 65 Voice ACE30 - Amp + CAB it sounds also very interesting! - But I can not link it

  • Has someone been able to get multihead Tape Echo sounds with the new delays where the repeats 'leak' into others and the rhythm pattern gets lost as the delay goes on? This is the basic nature of the Roland RE-201 and also inTape Echo sims like RE-20 and El Capistan. The effect can be heard in this El Capistan demo around 4:40:

    Edited once, last by JuLai (November 6, 2016 at 10:05 PM).

  • @Eltzejupp, Frank, TheDelayMaster - thanks for the preset of Paul Gilbert's Echo Song.
    Now I only to need practice (who doesn't) and lock into the tempo.
    Uhmmmm, how do I do that? ;) So the echo plays every second note? :D Should I use my ear or metronome would help? If it would help, how it should be set? I'm sure you know ;)

    Hi Skoczy,
    did my example work for you?

  • Has someone been able to get multihead Tape Echo sounds with the new delays where the repeats 'leak' into others and the rhythm pattern gets lost as the delay goes on? This is the basic nature of the Roland RE-201 and also inTape Echo sims like RE-20 and El Capistan. The effect can be heard in this El Capistan demo around 4:40:

    I've played with some extremes of this, purposefully going into a more chaotic wash, but play with the idea of using delay in 2 (or more) effects slots. The repeats of the first feed the second delay. If you use simple single delay types you can essentially have each slot become like a tape head and if you start to introduce roll off and some slight flutter/modulation you start sounding like these echo units. Obviously the less simple types of delay you stack and their delay times, the more perfectly out of control things can get, which are great pre stack.

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

    Edited 3 times, last by BuckeyeBrown (November 8, 2016 at 1:25 PM).

  • I've played with some extremes of this, purposefully going into a more chaotic wash, but play with the idea of using delay in 2 (or more) effects slots. The repeats of the first feed the second delay. If you use simple single delay types you can essentially have each slot become like a tape head and if you start to introduce roll off and some slight flutter/modulation you start sounding like these echo units. Obviously the less simple types of delay you stack and their delay times, the more perfectly out of control things can get, which are great pre stack.

    This was a good tip! I played around with2 single delays (pre-stack) comparing with RE-20 pedal having the delay sound I'm aiming for (I have also El Cap which is having same effect but with different EQ tweakability compared to RE-20). And indeed, one can get the quite close approximation with this method. Perhaps the biggest issue here is that using two single delays as virtual single playback heads the second delay is also acting as extra recorder head and gives a different flavour especially with shorter feedback levels. I.e. with two playback head real echo units having feedback at zero you will hear original+2 repeats, but in this approach you will hear 3 repeats. Another thing is that this arrangement takes two effect slots.

    After messing with 2 single delays in series and reading the manual (yes, recommended always ;) I discovered the parameter that I was after all the time, 'Cross Feedback' control. Like said in the manual: "Increasing the value beyond zero causes each delay to not only feed its output signal back to its own input, but also to the other participating delay lines. This creates a more diffuse delay rhythm pattern, adding a reverb -like character to the delay."
    I tried this already earlier, but the thing I missed was the relation to regular feedback (Cross Feedback will automatically reduce the regular feedback).

    So, after fine tuning each and every parameter of the Dual Delay one can get really close to atleast RE-20 that I A/B against. Only thing left different is the builtin preamp/EQ in RE-20 which enables active EQ tweaks and gives some color also to overall sound. But no doubt one can get close with KPA's fine EQ fx blocks. Will give it a try next having the delay part solved. :thumbup:

  • This was a good tip! I played around with2 single delays (pre-stack) comparing with RE-20 pedal having the delay sound I'm aiming for (I have also El Cap which is having same effect but with different EQ tweakability compared to RE-20). And indeed, one can get the quite close approximation with this method. Perhaps the biggest issue here is that using two single delays as virtual single playback heads the second delay is also acting as extra recorder head and gives a different flavour especially with shorter feedback levels. I.e. with two playback head real echo units having feedback at zero you will hear original+2 repeats, but in this approach you will hear 3 repeats. Another thing is that this arrangement takes two effect slots.
    After messing with 2 single delays in series and reading the manual (yes, recommended always ;) I discovered the parameter that I was after all the time, 'Cross Feedback' control. Like said in the manual: "Increasing the value beyond zero causes each delay to not only feed its output signal back to its own input, but also to the other participating delay lines. This creates a more diffuse delay rhythm pattern, adding a reverb -like character to the delay."
    I tried this already earlier, but the thing I missed was the relation to regular feedback (Cross Feedback will automatically reduce the regular feedback).

    So, after fine tuning each and every parameter of the Dual Delay one can get really close to atleast RE-20 that I A/B against. Only thing left different is the builtin preamp/EQ in RE-20 which enables active EQ tweaks and gives some color also to overall sound. But no doubt one can get close with KPA's fine EQ fx blocks. Will give it a try next having the delay part solved. :thumbup:

    sound clips please :thumbup:

  • Hi Skoczy,did my example work for you?

    Hi Frank

    The preset works great, I just added a touch of gain.
    Now learning the technique to play it clean and lock in the tempo :)
    I think I am getting it better & better.

    Now.... if you would know what delay and reverb settings are in this track, I would be very happy. I tried to recreate it, but simply I am no genius at delays :)
    There are 3 repetitions of lick which are audible but fade to let in next lick an so on...

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    Edited once, last by skoczy (November 9, 2016 at 12:02 PM).

  • Hi Frank
    The preset works great, I just added a touch of gain.
    Now learning the technique to play it clean and lock in the tempo :)
    I think I am getting it better & better.

    Now.... if you would know what delay and reverb settings are in this track, I would be very happy. I tried to recreate it, but simply I am no genius at delays :)
    There are 3 repetitions of lick which are audible but fade to let in next lick an so on...

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    Hi Skoczy,

    uploaded a rig called


    try it with a strat, pu position 4
