Share your new delay settings

  • Great job, Frank. Mad improv skills! :thumbup:

    Thx mate,
    it was a good idea to ask for a Johnson style sound. I never thought that i can get a sound like this out of the kpa because normaly i never use a distortion stomp in front of an kpa amp. This fuzz thing in combination with the awesome plexi profile sounds very cool to me with the strat. Never expected that but its pure fun to play with this sound. For me, as a hobby player, its magic what comes out of this lunch box. Its going better and better for me to find cool sounds but believe me, it takes a long time for me to come to this point.
    My first tweaks, prox. 3 years ago where horrible :D

  • Here is my U2 demo using the OLD delays. Pardon the imperfect performance, it's just to demo how great the U2 sounds were ALREADY in the KPA!

    This represents 3 well known songs on only one preset courtesy of Don PETERson, tweaked heavily by myself. The clean is merely a morph from the dirty, and the different tunings are merely 2 transpose stomps, one going down 1/2 step, the last going up 1/2 step. This was done hastily in one pass so I apologize in advance for any mediocre playing.

    My point in recording and sharing this demo is if it can sound this close on the old "Legacy Delays," I can only imagine how much better it might be with the new delays! Mine and Don's creation is good, and I haven't heard anything better yet (emphasis on 'to MY ears,' not everyone's. And this is certainly not meant as a knock on anyone else's hard and hardy efforts). I anxiously await better sounds and I know they will come!…demo%20%231.mp3

    Gary ô¿ô

    Edited 2 times, last by prsgary (October 30, 2016 at 1:29 AM).

  • Settings for the quad delay I used on that clip a couple of pages back.

    Delay type: Quad Delay

    Mix: 100/90.1%
    Mix: Post
    Feedback: 86%
    Low Cut: 20.6 hz (Just raise this parameter if you want the effect to be more pronounced on lower strings)
    High Cut: 33228.4 hz
    Note Value 1: 7/16 (says check! But that's what I was using)
    Note Value 2: 1/16
    Note Value 3: 3/16 (1/8 dotted)
    Note Value 4: 12/16 (1/2 dotted)
    Volume 1-4: 10
    Panorama 1: -100%
    Panorama 2: +100%
    Panorama 3: -55%
    Panorama 4: -35%
    Stereo: 200%
    Modulation: 3.7
    Cross Feedback: 3.5
    Flutter Intensity: 2.9
    Flutter Rate: 7.7
    Ducking: 0

    Later, I was just messing with settings and came up with a crazy organ sound. Am sure it could be tamed with more tweaking, but I was just screwing around :D

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  • Here is my U2 demo using the OLD delays. Pardon the imperfect performance, it's just to demo how great the U2 sounds were ALREADY in the KPA!

    This represents 3 well known songs on only one preset courtesy of Don PETERson, tweaked heavily by myself. The clean is merely a morph from the dirty, and the different tunings are merely 2 transpose stomps, one going down 1/2 step, the last going up 1/2 step. This was done hastily in one pass so I apologize in advance for any mediocre playing.

    My point in recording and sharing this demo is if it can sound this close on the old "Legacy Delays," I can only imagine how much better it might be with the new delays! Mine and Don's creation is good, and I haven't heard anything better yet (emphasis on 'to MY ears,' not everyone's. And this is certainly not meant as a knock on anyone else's hard and hardy efforts). I anxiously await better sounds and I know they will come!…demo%20%231.mp3

    Hi all,

    U2 Time!

    4 new U2 delay presets in dropboxlink on first post here:
    DLY U PRIDE (these are two delays because you two in two slots)

    I used a Blackface for all examples Gain slightly cranked. Guitar: American standard strat, suhr pick up's. Bridge position.
    Fits part (streets); Comp in stomp B with a little squasch
    Trebel boost in stomp C : Tone at 0 volume 0,5
    Tempo 127

    For Pride: the fitst delay is only a 1/8 delay with one repeat. I placed it in slot MOD
    Next delay is the typicall1/8 dot delay
    Tempo 106
    I placed the delays in different slots because i like to have it seperat for this tweaking

    Last part: With or withoutyou main lick
    Tempo 110

    To find delay settings for an Edgy sound is not so difficult. The hardest part is the good guitar sound (good is relativ, i mean a guitar sound which fits to the U2 tracks)
    Because i am only searching for the delays i dont care so much about the blackface sound, but it's a good profile to start with imho

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    Other ideas are soooo welcome, so please post your examples


    Edited 5 times, last by Eltzejupp (October 30, 2016 at 11:03 AM).

  • Hi Nightlight, what are you smoking when you create this crazy organ sound? I' d like to smoke it too 8o

  • Hi Nightlight, what are you smoking when you create this crazy organ sound? I' d like to smoke it too 8o

    Can't smoke jacksh*t in Singapore, Frank. It's the death penalty out here. In India, I would smoke what the Godmen in India smoke ;)

    I made another recording of the same sound with slightly less extreme parameters. Will post back as soon as I export it on my Computer.

  • Here is my U2 demo using the OLD delays. Pardon the imperfect performance, it's just to demo how great the U2 sounds were ALREADY in the KPA!

    This represents 3 well known songs on only one preset courtesy of Don PETERson, tweaked heavily by myself. The clean is merely a morph from the dirty, and the different tunings are merely 2 transpose stomps, one going down 1/2 step, the last going up 1/2 step. This was done hastily in one pass so I apologize in advance for any mediocre playing.

    My point in recording and sharing this demo is if it can sound this close on the old "Legacy Delays," I can only imagine how much better it might be with the new delays! Mine and Don's creation is good, and I haven't heard anything better yet (emphasis on 'to MY ears,' not everyone's. And this is certainly not meant as a knock on anyone else's hard and hardy efforts). I anxiously await better sounds and I know they will come!…demo%20%231.mp3

    Hi Gary, did you check the uploaded U2 presets?
    Something useful for you?


  • This sound is not inspired by any specific artist but I can't stop playing with it. Short improvised snippet:

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    The amp is one of @Oraakkeli 's from the Rig Exchange, I hope that's ok.

    Hi Robrecht, can't find an amp from Oraakkeli on RE. Did you write the name correct?

  • This sound is not inspired by any specific artist but I can't stop playing with it. Short improvised snippet:

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    The amp is one of @Oraakkeli 's from the Rig Exchange, I hope that's ok.

    Robrechts delay preset extracted
    You can download it with the dropbox link in first post in this threat.

    It's called: DLY U Prosonic Robre

    Great work.

    More examples please that sound like delays from artists.


  • Created the delay preset from this post.
    You can download it with the dropboxlink from first page of this threat.
    It's called:
    DLY U U2 Nightlight

    BTW Nightlight: Is the setting of mix and feedback correct? For me it's much to much with this parametersettings, but tried it with lower settings and a vox ac 30 profile and when i lower these two settings it is a cool sound for me.


  • List updated.

  • Wow Frank - you were quite busy this week [Blocked Image:]Thanks also to the others who participate in this library!

    Hi, Harry, welcome back from holidays.
    Yes, the list grows up, but not as quick as i like.
    Dont really know whats behind it, maybe it's too much work to write down the settings of cool artist delay sounds. Hope it isn't that, because id'd like to expand the list with
    some nice other stuff like Steve Vais delays or Paul Gilberts delays on his tune Echo Song "Come on Paul, chime in" ;)

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  • Hi Robrecht, can't find an amp from Oraakkeli on RE. Did you write the name correct?

    Hi @Eltzejupp, ah, yes: this is his forum name. I found the rig (originally called "Prosonic Flat Clean") after reading Oraakkeli's tread here. On the Rig Exchange, he goes by "M.pausio".

    If I recall correctly, I just added some gain, maybe tweaked the definition a bit, and raised the compressor in the amp section so that I could play very quietly and get that super clean sound, or play a little louder to make the amp break up, but keep the overall volume stable. And I added the crystal delay of course.

    Thank you for extracting the delay settings and including them in your list!

  • Created the delay preset from this post.You can download it with the dropboxlink from first page of this threat.
    It's called:
    DLY U U2 Nightlight

    BTW Nightlight: Is the setting of mix and feedback correct? For me it's much to much with this parametersettings, but tried it with lower settings and a vox ac 30 profile and when i lower these two settings it is a cool sound for me.


    I should mention that I'' playing a B-tuned guitar, so with my Low cut settings, a lot of the FX was tamped down. Apologise for that guys.

    For anyone using standard tuning, fool around with mic and feedback, as well as the Low and high cut settings.

  • If someone is interessted, here is a try to create a Paul Gilbert fx like the echo song.

    The delay is not so difficult and i can share it, if someone want it. The hardest part ist to find a good profile which is not muddy in the low end because of the deep notes. They will get muddy very fast with a little to much bass or less presence and of course the timing takes praxis. It's not perfect on the tune but it will be better after some years of playing it ;)
    It's a singel delay mixed post , Tempo is 150bpm. Didnt uploaded it to my list because its a simple one. As written, if you like i can upload it.

    BTW: The amp is the new Paul Gilbert 2061X Marshall with a boogie cab from deadlight studios.Not so bad after vtweaking it and i changed the cab. You can find it on re. I search for good profiles (cranked ones) of this amp, if you now where i can find a few, please let me know.

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  • Thanks Frank, I am interested! Good results :) how can I get one?

    Hi Skoczy,

    i uploaded it. See Dropboxlink in first post here.
    The Preset is called


    The amp is the Marshall 2061X Drv2 from re.
    Gain at 3,6 Definition 6,7 but it depends on the cab which you will use.
    Gate in stomp A
    Compressor in stomp B: Int 3,3, Attack & Squasch 0, Mix 100% Volume +1,0
    Rev typ hall: Mix 37,1%, Del/REV Balance +100% Time 3,4, predelay 0, bandw. 2,0, frequency -1,5

    Have fun and get the timing ;) Take care that the tempo is 150bpm!

    [Blocked Image:]


    Edited once, last by Eltzejupp (November 1, 2016 at 12:37 PM).

  • If someone is interessted, here is a try to create a Paul Gilbert fx like the echo song.

    The delay is not so difficult and i can share it, if someone want it. The hardest part ist to find a good profile which is not muddy in the low end because of the deep notes. They will get muddy very fast with a little to much bass or less presence and of course the timing takes praxis. It's not perfect on the tune but it will be better after some years of playing it ;)
    It's a singel delay mixed post , Tempo is 150bpm. Didnt uploaded it to my list because its a simple one. As written, if you like i can upload it.

    Great playing!
    You can engage "To Tempo" and set "Note Value" to a dotted eighth note (3/16). Makes it universal for songs in other tempos.