Kemper just started sounding like Fret buzz

  • Yesterday I started playing and all distorted rigs just went bad.
    They sound like my guitars have pretty bad fret buzz.
    All of my guitars.

    After a while of checking the settings I got nowhere. I couldn't get rid of it.
    So I gave up for the night.

    Started it back up today and it is still there.
    So I decided to do a restore for the first time since I have had the Kemper.
    What the hell, a fresh start like I do for windows every so often.

    That fixed it. It sounded great.
    So I was about to set everything back up and it started to do it again.
    I haven't changed anything at this point. All I have done was go up and down trying different rigs. They sounded good and then, out of nowhere it started to do it again.

    As I am typing this I am wondering if it may be a bad rig or something except I have been using these same rigs for a long time.
    I never keep more than 20 on the Kemper at any given time.

    I believe this is what I spoke of on an older thread where my guitars just didn't sound right on some very rare days.

    Any ideas because it is just unplayable at this point.

    Edited 2 times, last by Inthrutheout (October 15, 2016 at 4:50 AM).

  • Can you post an audio clip ? Could be similar to what I was having a few months ago -- or what's happening now, which does sound a bit like fret buzz

    Oh sorry -- Just saw the ink.

  • Is the Kemper connected to the computer using USB, also did you consider whether it's the amplification or sound system you're using and not necessary the Kemper, for that you might want to try the headphones and see if they also sound bad.

  • I have not changed anything.
    I run two DXR10s. They both sound the same.

    I bypassed all of my pedals and plugged directly into the KPA from my guitar.
    I turned off all effects.

    Yes it is connected with USB.

    I made that quick recording coming straight from my mixer to a Zoom recorder.
    Sounds the same as it comes out the speakers.

  • Uhm. Seems to sound somewhat similar to my issue (at least listening from phone speakers). Done about pretty much anything to sort out the issue by myself but quit for the moment being since support team was able to replicate the issue with my DI and backup. Waiting to see what happens. The kemper did sound "weird " sometimes before too (at least that is my impression) but it seems it would "fix itself" after a while and sound normal again.

  • It sounds terrible. Doesn't seem to be fixing itself any more here.

    I am pretty sure this was what I was dealing with at random a while back. It was like very rare and brief. I was getting familiar with the Kemper back then.
    I just started to think it was me having uninspired days but I have had the Kemper a couple years now and it definitely has something wrong going on.

  • @Inthrutheout:

    I'd recommend participating in Dimi84's thread

    Sinmix Friedman BE 10 artifact noise? (Update: many other profiles with same artefacts)

    so that K-Team gets an idea of how many KPAs are infected.

    Maybe it makes sense to merge these threads?

    For me, seeing that other guys struggle with the same issue and knowing that Kemper is into it, makes me believe that I'm close to a new honeymoon with the KPA. And I'm glad it's not my Strat cause I tried everything.

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band:[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

  • The best thing to do is open a separate support ticket so the issue can be tracked correctly in their systems at Kemper. I am sure they monitor how many support tickets are created with the same issue, but I doubt they monitor and count the posts in the various threads here.

  • Sounds like a similar issue I was having. If it is, unfortunately, it's a hardware issue that requires repair. I had my repair done in July and the problem came back and I just sent it out again this week. Upon initial startup, it sounds great. But, after playing 20-30 min the sound just gives out as if a tube went dead or, like you said, like your guitar is fretting out badly. Funny part is, I held onto my old amps until I was sure the KPA was right for me. Right after I sold them, my Kemper went dead. I was bragging to my friends about how great it is and now I'm borrowing their amps and getting a lot of teasing haha

    *edit* After listening to your audio example, my issue was a LOT worse so it may be something different than from what I was experiencing.

  • Mine appears to have gotten worse.
    I contacted support and they gave me a small handful of things to check.

    Most things were obvious but I understand as they need to narrow it down before going to the next level.

    Unfortunately none of it fixed it. If anything it is worse.

  • Sounds like a similar issue I was having. If it is, unfortunately, it's a hardware issue that requires repair. I had my repair done in July and the problem came back and I just sent it out again this week. Upon initial startup, it sounds great. But, after playing 20-30 min the sound just gives out as if a tube went dead or, like you said, like your guitar is fretting out badly. Funny part is, I held onto my old amps until I was sure the KPA was right for me. Right after I sold them, my Kemper went dead. I was bragging to my friends about how great it is and now I'm borrowing their amps and getting a lot of teasing haha

    *edit* After listening to your audio example, my issue was a LOT worse so it may be something different than from what I was experiencing.

    I hope this is not the issue. It coming back later after it was repaired.
    For some reason I had it in my head that I have had mine for 2 years. No, come February, it will be 3 years.

    So I don't have much left as far as warranty goes.
    If I have to send it in to get it fixed for my issue and it does it again later I am not sure what I would do.

    This may be starting to show itself as a possible broader issue. How many have had this problem that don't post on this forum. Most owners don't. At least that is my understanding.

    When my warranty is up would I want to pay to fix the same known issue???

  • I mean reverting to the last full-release version (non-beta), ITTO. I wouldn't install a beta if troubleshooting - one less potential source of problems.

    I think you have to "force" the update 'cause it'd be an older version. I can't remember the exact procedure but I'm pretty sure it involves placing the kaos.bin file at the root level of the USB stick and powering up the Kemper whilst holding down a button, probably "System" or "Rig", but don't quote me on that.

    Unless I'm mistaken, there's no way to navigate "conventionally" to an OS update if it's older than the one currently installed. I could be completely wrong about all this; it was just an idea for you 'cause you could then be sure it's not a beta issue or corrupted OS.

  • I mean reverting to the last full-release version (non-beta), ITTO. I wouldn't install a beta if troubleshooting - one less potential source of problems.

    I think you have to "force" the update 'cause it'd be an older version. I can't remember the exact procedure but I'm pretty sure it involves placing the kaos.bin file at the root level of the USB stick and powering up the Kemper whilst holding down a button, probably "System" or "Rig", but don't quote me on that.

    Unless I'm mistaken, there's no way to navigate "conventionally" to an OS update if it's older than the one currently installed. I could be completely wrong about all this; it was just an idea for you 'cause you could then be sure it's not a beta issue or corrupted OS.

    I understand the beta not being the best for test purposes.
    I could try that but I was thinking this is the same issue I had briefly some updates back too.

    I will try just about anything at this point.

  • I feel you, ITTO.

    I see the fresh installation as a way of clearing the slate. You've tried a couple of Restores and resets, so this suggestion seems logical to me. Beyond that, especially if you've reset all the I/O settings to factory defaults, I don't know what else can be done, and I'd be tempted to start thinking "hardware" at that point.

    Hang in there mate.

  • If an OS reset fixes it to start with I tend to think it is software. Perhaps some parameter change after a bit of playing triggers a glitch in the OS? Maybe try not touching any controls after the reset and play and see if it comes back or if it relates to you fiddling with a rig or something?