Foot Controller Poll: Which do you use with the Kemper and why?

  • It is unable to display the tuner like the Remote. This could be a negligible problem for some or a very big problem for others.

    Hey nightlight,

    the Gordius controllers can show the Kemper tuner on their display alright. You can see that in action here : GORDIUS LG2 controls the Kemper Profiler (around 0:40)
    Problem is (or was - until today) that this only worked in the special "Kemper integration" mode, which turns the LG2 into a Kemper slave controller (much like UnO4Kemper or the Remote). In that mode the Kemper controls the Gordius LEDs, keeps effect states in sync, shows rig names and effect names on the Gordius display, and also shows tuner info. Apart from that you can define up to 625 macros, one for each rig in performance mode. This way each selected rig can trigger a stream of extra MIDI commands to control other gear.
    Reading your great review today I realized that actually you lose a lot of the advanced Gordius functionality when activating this "Kemper slave" mode. Therefore I did a small upgrade to the firmware today. You can now choose to show the Kemper tuner info, or show tuner info plus rig names and effect names on the LG2 screen, without activating the full integration. Just drop me an email if you are interested in this firmware version - I still need to document how to activate those new "limited integration" modes.


  • Phwoaa... that's some heavy-duty shit right there

    If I may, I'd like to mention one more little feature, only because I see it being discussed right now in another thread over here
    Although people may believe there is no device out there that could calibrate the kind of pedal mentioned there, the LGX2 does that, almost 10 years now. You can calibrate each connected pedal to have a configurable "switch engage zone" (at heel and at tip - although most commonly used with a tip switch of course). The pedal sweep is recalculated to give full range without the tip switch being pressed. The "switch engage zone" can be used to trigger any preset, as be it a "virtual switch". This gives the extra advantage that you don't need to run 2 separate cables as is normally required for those pedals with switch. 1 cable is enough, the physical switch contact is ignored, the "switch engage zone" is used instead to trigger any programmed effect.

    (o by the way, if anyone would fancy a new LGX2, we would like to clear our stock before the end of the year, so we can offer a 20% discount for Kemper users!)
    But now I do promise that I will no longer reply here - it might rightfully be considered indecent to brag about other brand products on a dedicated forum like this one. Sorry Kemper team - needless to say: Kemper Remote will always be the best when it's about controlling the Profiler, I keep telling that to every candidate customer of mine, be it Gordius or UnO4Kemper...

  • Had to edit my review again. Can confirm that the tuner now works with the Kemper, which is great. Just drop my volume pedal to zero and I am able to see the tuner at my feet. I'll also note that the tuner display on the Gordius isn't as jumpy as the Kemper bubble, which means that I can tune to a pitch without being concerned that I am a few cents off.

    Thanks a lot, @Uno4Kemper , for updating the firmware and adding the addendum to the manual that makes this possible.

  • I wanted my setup to be dead simple to setup and maintain, lightweight, and robust enough to travel with. I'm using a Mastermind GT 22 with 2 mission engineering SP-1s on a Pedaltrain Novo 32.

    - Flawless craftsmanship
    - Easy to program directly
    - Works readily with a Kemper right out of the box
    - Can control anything midi (I've had it control 5 things simultaneously with one button press and it was easy to do)
    - Software for advanced programming is stellar
    - LEDs can be read under any lighting condition I've come across
    - Built like a tank but still lightweight
    - Multiple pages and modes
    - Powered by 7 pin so with wireless in the rack only 1 cable to run.
    - Programmable state buttons and the layout is whatever you want it to be
    - Tuner function that toggles the Kempers tuner with a readout on the floor

    - Expensive. Oh My Goodness you paid what for that?!?!? kind of expensive.


  • $1,900 for a foot controller. It had better also do things that are not legal in most countries that can't be discussed here.....Really, that much?

    Unfortunately yes. I did a ton of research and looked at as many out there (liquid, voodoo, etc) as I could find. Boutique, home-made, one-offs, mass produced (like the FCB and FC 100-300) and couldn't find anything that could really compete, at least with my criteria. I looked at it like this: I've spent thousands on pedals and power supplies and boards. With this I can do what I need to do much like I did with my pedal boards and spend a fraction (a sizable fraction, but a fraction) of the price of my main current analog board and no matter where I travel it's far easier to haul. Large gig, small gig, recording...1 board to rule them all.

    But still...even with all of that...I still look at myself in the mirror and say you paid what for that??!?!?! Seriously?!?!?


  • Unfortunately yes. I did a ton of research and looked at as many out there (liquid, voodoo, etc) as I could find. Boutique, home-made, one-offs, mass produced (like the FCB and FC 100-300) and couldn't find anything that could really compete, at least with my criteria. I looked at it like this: I've spent thousands on pedals and power supplies and boards. With this I can do what I need to do much like I did with my pedal boards and spend a fraction (a sizable fraction, but a fraction) of the price of my main current analog board and no matter where I travel it's far easier to haul. Large gig, small gig, recording...1 board to rule them all.
    But still...even with all of that...I still look at myself in the mirror and say you paid what for that??!?!?! Seriously?!?!?

    I really liked the Mastermind when I saw it. But I really recoiled when I saw that even a 16 button one would cost about three-fourths of the Kemper. Just couldn't swing it within my budget. A lot of professionals use those boards for a reason. But I find it hard to imagine that it should cost almost double the largest Liquid Foot, which has similar capabilities.