Stereo or Mono?

  • Just curious how you guys run your home practice setup. I send Main into a Focusrite Sapphire 40 then a pair of Genelec 1030A studio monitors.
    That's the setup I use to practice or record into Logic Pro (which I haven't done much yet).

    I like to play a lot of blues and classic rock which I think was performed and recorded a lot in mono (I can always hear Keef's guitar in my left speaker).
    When I setup Kemper in stereo it almost sounds too good to be Rock and Roll, so I've been running in mono lately. I also want to put an external looper in line to the Focusrite so I figured mono was the way to go since the looper was mono.

    Just wanted to "pick you brains" and see how others are doing it.

    You know I'm born to lose, and gambling's for fools
    But that's the way I like it baby
    I don't wanna live forever

  • I use mine with 2 DXR10s (powered speakers) in a stereo configuration. I like the bigger sound I get with 2 speakers even when not using stereo effects. I know it's only rock & roll - but I like it with 2 speakers. :thumbup:

    I still use 2 speakers from my interface I just change the Output settings on the Kemper to Mono.
    Since Reverb is very common to use and I use Delay a lot (for mild slapback or doubling effect) are there any parameters for "stereo specific" settings that need to be tweaked for it to sound good Mono Reverb or Delay.

    Isn't Modulation in Delay settings have to do with Stereo?

    You know I'm born to lose, and gambling's for fools
    But that's the way I like it baby
    I don't wanna live forever

  • Glad you asked motochick, as I have a related query . . .

    I run my Kemper into my audio interface (previously MBox 2, but now Focusrite Scarlett 6i6) via S/PDIF and use Pro Tools to either practice or record - with my interface connected to a pair of Genelec monitor speakers.

    I have the S/PDIF output on the Kemper set to 'Master Stereo' and if I have a stereo track set up in Pro Tools then I can practice or record in stereo. My question is: "what is the best set up for playing or recording in mono (full signal) when using S/PDIF?" Is it:

    • Use S/PDIF 'Master Stereo' as the Kemper output, but run this into a mono track in Pro Tools;
    • Use S/PDIF 'Master Stereo' as the Kemper output, run this into a stereo track, but pan both channels to the same position either left or right? or
    • Use a different S/PDIF output setting into a mono or stereo track in Pro Tools? If a stereo track is used, which channel will provide the full mono signal?

    I've read the info in the manual re: the S/PDIF output settings, but still a little unclear, so grateful for any advice.


  • When I setup Kemper in stereo it almost sounds too good to be Rock and Roll, so I've been running in mono lately.

    Great sentence! :P

    In general stereo FX from a guitar suck in the mix, or at least make the mixdown process more difficult and less flexible. There are exceptions of course, where those FX are an essential part of the signature tone of the artist in question. So tracking the amp sound in mono with the minimum of (mono-) FX possible is certainly a good idea. The second channel would better be the guitar in dry (for reamping).

    On the other hand: for noodling around, composing or jamming with backing tracks its real fun to be in stereo and play the biggest guitar sound on this planet. :D

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • Is it something wrong with recording in stereo then pan it out on one side in the mix afterwards? Is this then the same as recording in mono and pan out? If no stereo fx is used ofc.

    Not sure why you would record a stereo track if you already know you are going to mix it in mono. I tend to record in mono and change to stereo if I apply a stereo effect (as mentioned in a previous post).

    Recording in stereo for a mono track is a waste of bandwidth and could possibly introduce some phasing issues when summed to mono. Not likely, but possible. Plus it makes for more confusion during the mixing stage. YMMV

  • Okey thanks! My DAW and kemper is just allways set up to stereo. So im just panning the stereo when my guitar is going on one side, and something else on the other side. Even if its recorded in stereo. But i will dig more into mono setup trough spdif.

  • I record in mono, with the effects block off. If I need stereo I'll take a copy and use panning and delay, reverb, etc in the DAW.

    Live I use stereo. Panned a bit to one side to stay off the vocals usually, but still with some separation to make the stereo effects pop a bit.

  • The only time I run stereo is when I'm noodling on the couch. For recording, it's always mono and dry. I don't gig anymore, but when I did I used little to no effects as well (I quit the bar band scene in the late 90s, so modeling wasn't much of an option back then, and stereo meant hauling a LOT of heavy gear).

  • I just can't get into sounds lIke Pink Floyd, Police, U2, etc in mono live, but I keep most stuff dry and and tightly contained within the stereo field.

    It would be cool to be able to set the pan of each rig in the Rig menu so that it doesn't have to happen at the board and use 2 channels.