Having a bad KPA day...

  • Hi guys, I haven't posted for a while due to lots of life changing stuff that's kept me busier than i would have liked.

    I'll get straight to the point - Lately I feel like I'm having a harder time 'hearing' the KPA in the 'correct' way. I'm still fairly new to it and it took me a while to get used to hearing the mic'd cab sound that the profiles produce. Over time it got better but then recently I've really struggled to find any profiles that sound 'right' in a mix (to my ears). I know full well that some of the profiles on here are deemed to be incredible, but at the moment I just can't hear it. They all just sound a bit harsh and unnatural (even in a mix) and I feel like I need to re-train my ears. Does anyone else ever feel like they suffer with this?

    Also, I'm never 100% certain how best to obtain the optimum sound from the KPA for simple home recording. At present I'm simply running an XLR out of the main out put into the front of a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2. Would that be deemed the 'best way' of running the KPA into my computer?

    Apologies for the rambling, just feeling a little overwhelmed today.

    Cheers guys <3

  • I'm a newbie to the Kemper - but will also be using that interface. SPDIF is the purest way but that should be fine.

    I can't speak on the other issues - but if you're recording like that, make sure you've got all the levels right so you're not getting clipping, and the ADC has the best information possible. The loudest peaks of your playing should just avoid turning the input sensor on the interface red.

  • Also, I'm never 100% certain how best to obtain the optimum sound from the KPA for simple home recording. At present I'm simply running an XLR out of the main out put into the front of a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2. Would that be deemed the 'best way' of running the KPA into my computer?

    I think there is no "best way". You could use SPDIF to avoid an additional DA conversion, but keep in mind the Profiler has to be master at 44.1KHz for this configuration.
    I am not a pro nor semi-pro :rolleyes: I have tried both SPDIF and analog and i didn't hear any significant differences.

    Nevertheless watch your input and output led's like @rockbadger stated. If your signal is still to hot in your interface you can lower the used output. My main output is still at -17dB

    If your overall sound seems to be a bit harsh try the output eq for overall changes.

  • I run into the same interface. Try going out from XLR straight into some studio monitors or from the kemper xlr out to the 2i2 then out of the software into some good monitors like KRK's or something like that. Try SinMix profiles (http://www.sinmix.pl/) they are sick!!! If you arent cutting in the mix add the rythem EQ into the X spot and try either the green scream or another eq out front using some tips from here. http://foobazaar.com/wiki/index.php…e_Tone_Tweaking Turn the mids up and the bass down! Adding the EQ in the loop and in front made a huge difference. Also turn the definition down if its 10 to like 9.1. I use an xotic EP booster in the front of the kemper all the time like I did with my tube amps and that helps even more.

  • I run into the same interface. Try going out from XLR straight into some studio monitors or from the kemper xlr out to the 2i2 then out of the software into some good monitors like KRK's or something like that. Try SinMix profiles (http://www.sinmix.pl/) they are sick!!! If you arent cutting in the mix add the rythem EQ into the X spot and try either the green scream or another eq out front using some tips from here. http://foobazaar.com/wiki/index.php…e_Tone_Tweaking Turn the mids up and the bass down! Adding the EQ in the loop and in front made a huge difference. Also turn the definition down if its 10 to like 9.1. I use an xotic EP booster in the front of the kemper all the time like I did with my tube amps and that helps even more.

    Thanks, I'd never thought of trying to go straight into a monitor for dialing tones - that's a thought! I'm actually using KRK's (G6 Rokits, i believe) but i find they always seem slightly weird in the midrange. Anyhoo, thanks for all the help. I shall persevere! Think I'm just having a bad day.

  • the studio monitors obviously play a huge part in the way the Profiler sounds.
    I can't comment on the KRKs since I have no recent experience with them, but they do seem to be a bit on the budget side of things, considering the other parts involved (Profiler, guitar).
    My personal experience after hearing and playing the Profiler in many different studios/setups is that the better the monitoring system - the better the Profiler sounds.

  • I have absolutely no doubt about that haha! They were on the budget side of things but they've served me well. I just think my ears are a bit out of practice at the moment.

    I'm striving for an Architects sort of guitar sound at the moment. I know it was recorded using a Diezel Herbert and so I've tried loads of profiles but just can't get anything as tight and cutting as that. I know part of it is the bass but even so, I'm struggling to control the harshness and the boom - even with pretty extreme filtering.

    Thanks again!

  • Always go from biggest impact to smallest when adjusting stuff :) What I mean by that is: XLR to your interface is PLENTY fine.

    I think it may be a "getting used to" thing, and trying stuff out with different profiles. And a Diezel Herbert profile might not be the profile that in the end gets you closets to your result.

    Since you know what you strive for, you have a reference - that's good, that should PARTLY remedy any sub-par monitoring.

  • I use a pair of KRK Rockit 6s with a KRK 10s sub, and find that - at least when I have the volume up to a decent level of, say 85dBs or more - the results compare very favorably to my Atomic CLR . No, they're not the ultimate in studio monitors, but they seem to be reasonably flat in the critical mids section and I don't find myself tweaking rigs for monitors vs CLR.

    On the other hand, setting changes at very low volume late night playing through the monitors don't translate well, but I think that has more to do with the FM effect than a problem with the monitors themselves. I guess I'm saying the monitors aren't the problem. It did take me a couple of weeks to hone in on rigs that suit me (M Britt, Top Jimi, Dill, and others), but that was just a learning curve thing for me.

  • Ciao,

    I'd start with the basic controls: are input and output levels optimized? Is Noise Gate properly set? Remember, if you lock the Input it will keep its value across the rigs.
    Again, is Pure Cabinet properly set? Do you have any section\item locked?

    HTH :)