Two effect buttons switching the same slot

  • Hi there,

    i hope this wasn't already asked for (did not find anything about it on this forum).

    I recently got my kemper remote (yeah! :D:D ).
    Thus far, I'm really happy with it. But i noticed one thing does not work: Assigning one effect slot to more than one effect switch of the remote.

    What i mean is this:
    I assigned my delay to switch III and a boost in my X-Slot to switch IIII.

    Then i tried to assign my delay to switch IIII as well. This way i would be able to switch on the delay by itself or switch it on along with the boost with one switch.
    But, when i assigned the delay to switch IIII the assignment of switch III got lost. Apparently one effect slot can only be assigned to one effect switch of the remote.

    I don't really see a logical problem when making this possible. If i would hit switch III, only the delay is on. This would mean that the second lower LED of switch IIII would also light up, because this switch is also assigned to the delay slot.
    And if the delay is off and i hit switch IIII, both delay and boost are switched on. Now, of course, both lower LEDs of switch IIII, as well as the lower LED of switch III would light up. Then i could have the possibility to either switch off boost AND Delay with switch IIII OR siwtch off only the Delay by hitting switch III and letting the boost stay activated.

    I hope that explains what i was trying to achieve ^^

    Would you also think that this would be useful?


  • I don't really see a logical problem when making this possible. If i would hit switch III, only the delay is on. This would mean that the second lower LED of switch IIII would also light up, because this switch is also assigned to the delay slot.
    And if the delay is off and i hit switch IIII, both delay and boost are switched on. Now, of course, both lower LEDs of switch IIII, as well as the lower LED of switch III would light up. Then i could have the possibility to either switch off boost AND Delay with switch IIII OR siwtch off only the Delay by hitting switch III and letting the boost stay activated.

    This could get messed up. If your delay was off and boost was on, hitting switch IV would activate the delay and disable the boost.
    I suggest hitting the switches III and IV at once to achieve what you want.

  • This could get messed up. If your delay was off and boost was on, hitting switch IV would activate the delay and disable the boost.
    I suggest hitting the switches III and IV at once to achieve what you want.

    I'm aware of that. You would have to "reset" the delay before using switch IIII to activate both.
    I still think that it could be useful in some cases.

  • I miss this feature as well, and have had situations where it would be really useful.

    IMO the users should be set free to determine how complicated they want their performance to be!
    This is one of those cases where the implications of each choice are clear and perfectly manageable, so +1 for this.

  • It doesn't have to be so complicated, especially if you look at things from the perspective of midi.

    If I want to achieve the behaviour requested by the OP, I would simply programme a footswitch to send a "on" message to whatever FX I want to turn on. Then if I hit another button, a CC "off" message would be sent to whatever stomps were activated on the previous button. But simultaneously, I would send a "on" message from whatever footswitch I hit so that the desired FX combo is activated.

    It sounds like a very tedious process that could cause lag. But I can report with basic midi commands, I am able to achieve this behaviour with my dinky little floorboard.

    Don't see why this behaviour should be hard to achieve with the Remote. I can think of plenty of situations where I would want to deactivate one effect, but leave the other working.

    Kemper Amplifier's rationale, however, seems to be based on the premise that it is as easy to switch to another profile.

  • It is of course just as easy to switch to another profile/slot, and I suspect that the coding to make assigning Stomps as easy as it is means that the mainstream midi on/off way of doing things isn't feasible. Maybe it's either one way or the other.

  • Eng. Kemper has stated that the reason they don't implement this is "to avoid conflicts" in assignments and toggling. The reason seems hence logistic, not technical. My position would be "let the user manage the potential conflicts if they want\need".

  • It is of course just as easy to switch to another profile/slot, and I suspect that the coding to make assigning Stomps as easy as it is means that the mainstream midi on/off way of doing things isn't feasible. Maybe it's either one way or the other.

    It's possible with a midi floorboard, so methinks the Remote should have this functionality, if only as an option. Still, the ease of changing presets and now the morph capability seem to have turned things on their head somewhat.

  • I also agree to this (and I was one of those, who asked for it when the remote was released).
    At that time, I had a Meeting with HELLG on this Feature (our rehearsal-room is in Recklinghausen, and we discussed this with a pretty bunch of beers 'til late in the night).
    By assigning one Slot with more than one Switch, it would be possible to create at least 4 "Effect-Scenes" for each Performance-Slot (i.e. Sounds). Which -for me- would save a pretty bunch of Performances.

    he explained, that the 125 Performance-Slots are supposed to cover all of a user's effect-combination-Needs, and therefore would be no Intention to Change it.

    (Maybe too less beers, to convince him)
    I still would highly appreciate this function