Updating 4.0 Presets - How?

  • Hi there,
    I have updated the Kemper Profiler OS to 4.0.6. Worked fine because of the step by step instructions. Then I realized that there are new 4.0 presets available that I like to import as well. The instructions say:

    "Complete Import: Upgrade to 4.0 and just push "Factory Rigs" in System Settings. All Rigs and Presets currently not residing in the Browse Pool of your Profiler will be imported automatically and in one run."

    What does "push Factory Rigs in System Settings" mean? Step by step instructions would be nice to have.
    Thank you!

  • I am not in front of my Kemper, but as far as I remember:

    Press the key "system" on the left of the Kemper. Step through the pages until you find a key "factory rigs". It will show up on the top of Kemper's display.

    In general: When you plug in the USB stick, there will show up a soft key "external storage". It is on top of the display, the second from right. Press this. The soft keys will again change to reflect, what you can do now, i.e. import, thats how you could import any presets downloaded.

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • I am not in front of my Kemper, but as far as I remember:

    Press the key "system" on the left of the Kemper. Step through the pages until you find a key "factory rigs". It will show up on the top of Kemper's display.

    In general: When you plug in the USB…

    Hi SpinnerDeluxe,

    many thanks for your quick reply. That helped a lot. Just one additional question:

    I downloaded the Factory Content 4.0 having 12 directories (Amplifier, Cabinet .... Stomps). My USB stick shows the directories Backups, OS Update and Shared. Where on the USB stick do I need to copy the 12 directories of the Factory Content?

    Thank you

  • Did you try RigManager software? From there you can import on your Laptop or MacBook from any directory. You can then try them out by pressing RETURN. They get sent to the Kemper temporarily. If you like them save them on the Kemper.

    If you really want all factory rigs you could just use the button mentioned above withe the FactoryRig directory in the shared folder of the USB stick.

    Good luck.

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • Aren't the factory Rigs built into the FW anyway and therefore technically "hidden" (not available) unless restored through the System menu? AFAICR, you can just load them with one button push from said menu.

    Michael, if I'm right, it'll be another one of those soft buttons, and it'll be called "Restore Factory Rigs", "Factory Rigs" or something like that. If I'm wrong, I'm sorry mate; I haven't done this in a while as I keep my Kemper empty now, with just one "default" Rig in it.

    As has been said, Rig Manager rocks and makes most tasks, except in this case of moving hundreds of Rigs to the Kemper, uber-simple. Once you've got the factories into your Kemper 'though, you might want to drag them, in Rig Manager, to a folder you create (call it "Factory Rigs v4" or something like that). You can then erase them all using the "delete all except favourites" function on the Kemper (again, I'm not sure exactly where all the buttons are, but they're logically placed and if you know what you're looking for, as you would in this case and even, dare I say it, with your original request, it shouldn't bee too difficult to find them; there is, after all, only a very-finite number of places they could be). Once this is done, you can browse to your heart's content in Rig Manager and the currently-selected Rig in the app will fill the temporary buffer on the Kemper, overriding it every time another Rig is selected. Any time you want to keep one on the Kemper itself, just store it on the Kemper manually. That'd be the "Store" button(!).

    Also, you might want to make sure the "autoload" feature is activated in RM's preferences; I'm not sure what it's called, but as there're only a few checkboxes it'll be obvious which one it is, so that once you've double-clicked a Rig in the app, you can use the up / down arrows on your keyboard to scroll through the lists without your having to touch the mouse to double-click again. Clicking on another Rig will switch the auto thing off and normal behaviour will resume. Double-clicking a Rig will turn it back on and you'll be able to use the arrow keys again.

    Hope this helps mate. Let's see how you go.

  • First of all thank you SpinnerDeluxe and Monkey_Man for your help!

    Finally I got it resolved. For those who run into the same issue, the problem started after upgrading to OS 4.0.6. when I realized, that the profiler still contains still the "old" presets (e.g. Reverb Presets). The downloadable factory content 4.0 contains a lot more of these presets. E.g. it shows Plate, Hangar, Spring reverb presets and a lot more.

    To load them into the profiler I did the following steps:
    - Download 4.0 factory content
    - Extract the zip file (12 directories) into the "OS Update" directory of your USB stick
    - Put the stick into the profiler and push system button
    - Push Factory Rigs soft button on the first page of the system menu.
    - Follow instructions.

    Edited once, last by mroessmann (August 4, 2016 at 9:34 AM).

  • Push Factory Rigs soft button on the first page of the system menu

    That's the one!

    So glad we could be of service, Michael.

    Also, I can't help but notice that you're already starting to navigate the beastie with more confidence. Bravo mate!