Hey Guys! New KPA User in Texas! But.....

  • Welcome!! I also recommend a factory reset, backup to usb first then just copy all your KPA rigs over to Rig Manager in a new folder which will also make you feel secure. After a factory reset, open RM and click on Rig Exchange, sort by gain and start previewing and skip right past ones that don't sound good right away. You find ones that are close enough that you can start tweaking a bit from that point. Good luck, the tone you seek is definitely in there.

  • Got a new powered KPA about a month ago - sounds like a dream in headphones. Also sounds really good through my existing oversized "Port City 112" with a Jensen Jet Tornado in it (with "Cabinet" setting off). I have read so many raving reviews about using an FRFR cab with it - so I ordered one - a Matrix Q12-passive, and it sounds so thin and treble-y - I must be doing something wrong - or is there really that much of a drastic difference from a traditional cab to a FRFR cab that you need to EQ the hell out of it to get it out of the "bright/thin" zone (I did turn the "Cabinet" setting bak on with the FRFR speaker). Anyone else have this experience?

  • Got a new powered KPA about a month ago - sounds like a dream in headphones. Also sounds really good through my existing oversized "Port City 112" with a Jensen Jet Tornado in it (with "Cabinet" setting off). I have read so many raving reviews about using an FRFR cab with it - so I ordered one - a Matrix Q12-passive, and it sounds so thin and treble-y - I must be doing something wrong - or is there really that much of a drastic difference from a traditional cab to a FRFR cab that you need to EQ the hell out of it to get it out of the "bright/thin" zone (I did turn the "Cabinet" setting bak on with the FRFR speaker). Anyone else have this experience?

    Welcome, JS. What you're describing certainly sounds as though the cab is off. I assume that you've tried a variety of rigs? I don't have a Matrix Q12, but my Yamaha DXR10 certainly isn't thin and trebly. I did have an issue with it where it sounded lousy using the XLR input of the DXR, which I figured is due to the preamp in the DXR. When I switched to the 1/4" TR input it came alive.

    Edit: I just realized that you're using a powered KPA, so I guess I have no useful input!

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Welcome JS! I hear your frustration between solid state and tube power amps and using them with either FRFR (powered and unpowered) with all of their controls or traditional cabs. The combinations seem to be endless; and with the wide range of profiles, some sound better with different combinations. It has been a little difficult to get clarity to some questions because the users do not state EXACTLY which combinations I just mentioned they are using. Unfortunately for your situation, I do not see any reason why your Powered KPA sounds short of amazing! Did you happen to double check the Clean/Dist Sense? Are the profiles you are using at unity gain to start?

    I'm looking at the new "Mission Engineering Gemini 2 Powered Stereo FRFR Cabinet (what a mouthful)". See what I mean? Between Zappledand and Ingolf, I have seen them recommend the Yamaha Powered DXR10's and 12's. .

  • Yeah I think you're right. It's going to be about tweaking it to fit what I'm running it through - and find the sweet spot (profile) for each - and I can't really expect one of my favorite profiles that sound good to me through my traditional cab - to instantly sound the same or better through the FRFR cab. The FRFR cab must just be significantly much "brighter" by design, than I am used to. I also gotta remember to let my ears do the deciding, not the brand or the model numbers. Thx much for the instant feedback.

  • Oh ho ho ho, this thing is coming alive now! I have it back through the Mesa 290 now with the cab sims off and it smokes!!!!!!! That Marshall JMP68 rig from Peter W is the shizzle!!! Very nicely done!

    Hey man, welcome. Just curious what made it come alive? Was there tweaking of individual profiles involved, or was it more a matter of finding the right ones? The reason I ask is my situation is very similar and I'm having a tough time finding realistic sounds. Plasticky is definitely the word here. Glad to see your making progress. Nice work. :thumbup:

  • Hey man, welcome. Just curious what made it come alive? Was there tweaking of individual profiles involved, or was it more a matter of finding the right ones? The reason I ask is my situation is very similar and I'm having a tough time finding realistic sounds. Plasticky is definitely the word here. Glad to see your making progress. Nice work. :thumbup:

    Yes, plasticky is exactly the word I used when I returned the Line 6 Helix. Just after that, I got my unpowered Kemper and was getting similar tones and covering them up with the onboard effects. Unacceptable!! I am glad you replied as I have been wanting to post this for a while....I knew it was going to be a long one, so I sure hope this helps you and others.

    Anyway, I have learned quite a bit since then: The "Tutorial for first use by Gianfranco Di Mare" (look it up on the forum), hours of study on this forum, the manual and the web. I can tell you that the tones ARE THERE inside the Kemper, it is just that there are so many variables internally and externally that contribute to it including your ear. While this can be cumbersome, at least you have the options to get where you want to be. My first word of advice is to read the manual, believe me, light bulbs will be going off. Then go back and read it again. Most of the answers I see in this forum come with great intentions but are not necessarily complete, so you have to be sure to ask the exact question you are looking for to get the exact answer. Let me explain...

    I have spent countless hours between combinations of SS Amps, passive FRFR speakers, tube power amps, traditional guitar cabs, cab sims off/on, and so on. The trick is to find the TYPE OF PROFILE that sounds best with the other gear you are using, what you are willing to compromise and what you are not.

    Over the years, I can tell you I have owned 99% of the most advanced processers ever developed for guitar (Yes, I'm keeping my Mesa Stereo 295, GSP 2101 and G-System LOL). I'm a rack guy period, but my point is for me personally, I WILL NOT compromise on my "amp in the room" sound since that is what I have been used to for the past 25 years. However if I can have my cake and eat it too, that goes without saying.

    Now, profiles. Your best bet is to sit with the rig exchange, sort the profiles by TYPE such as direct, merged, preamp, etc. (or search for links within the forum for them) that you require based on the amps and speakers you have and start there. One time I was looking through the rig exchange and came across a "preamp profile" of a 68' Plexi. At the time, I was hooked to the Kemper monitor out into one side of my Mesa 295. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Yes, sir it was a 68" Plexi with all of the spank, clarity and balls. Talk about Christmas.

    I know the Kemper is intended to be plugged into an powered or passive FRFR or FoH (via main outs) or traditional guitar cab (cab sims off), and I know the whole debacle of "doubling power amps" is redundant. But you know what, I don't give a rats ass. My setup sounds good to me and my listeners, and that my friend is what matters.

    My rig now is as simple as this: PRS Custom Floyd > KPA Unpowered Toaster (monitor out cab sims off) > Fryette Power Station v2 > variety of mesa boogies traditional guitar cabs w/ V30's.
    I'm at a 30lb rig instead of 120lbs. As far as profiles go, I try as many as I can get a hold of; and what sounds great stays, what does not gets tossed. This also leaves the stereo main outs for the FoH.

    The only flaw I see is that you cannot monitor with this product in stereo with this configuration (but you can with a SS / FRFR solution. That's a whole other thread, hahahaha.

    Keep searching, the tones in your head are also in that little green box right in front of you. Enjoy!!!!!
